Session of 1999
An Act concerning the behavioral sciences
regulatory board; concerning professions reg-
ulated by the board; amending K.S.A. 65-5805,
65-6302, 65-6308, 65-6313, 65-6315, 74-
5302, 74-5318 and 74-5323 and K.S.A. 1998
Supp. 65-5802, 65-5803, 65-5804, 65-5806,
65-5808, 65-5809, 65-5810, 65-5812, 65-6306,
65-6319, 65-6402, 65-6403, 65-6404, 65-
6407, 65-6410, 65-6411, 74-5361, 74-5362,
74-5363, 74-5365, 74-5369, 74-5371 and 74-
5372 and repealing the existing sections.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of
Section 1. K.S.A. 1998 Supp.
65-5802 is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-5802. As used in the professional counselors licensure
(a) "Board" means the behavioral sciences
regulatory board created
by K.S.A. 74-7501 and amendments thereto.
(b) "Practice of professional counseling"
means assisting an individual
or group for a fee, monetary or otherwise, through counseling,
ment, consultation and referral and includes the diagnosis and
of mental disorders as authorized under the professional
counselors licen-
sure act.
(c) "Professional counseling" means to
assist an individual or group
to develop understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses, to
structure concepts and feelings, to define goals and to plan
actions as
these are related to personal, social, educational and career
and adjustment.
(d) "Assessment" means selecting,
administering, scoring and inter-
preting instruments designed to describe an individual's aptitudes,
ties, achievements, interests and personal characteristics.
(e) "Consultation" means the application
of principles, methods and
techniques of the practice of counseling to assist in solving
current or
potential problems of individuals or groups in relation to a third
(f) "Referral" means the evaluation of
information to identify prob-
lems and to determine the advisability of referral to other
(g) "Licensed professional counselor"
means a person who is licensed
under this act and who engages in the
private practice of professional
counseling and is licensed under this act
except that on and after January
1, 2002, such person shall engage in the practice of
professional counseling
only under the direction of a licensed clinical professional
counselor, a
licensed psychologist, a person licensed to practice medicine
and surgery
or a person licensed to provide mental health services as an
practitioner and whose licensure allows for the diagnosis and
of mental disorders.
(h) "Licensed clinical professional
counselor" means a person who
engages in the independent practice of professional counseling
the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders specified in
the edition
of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders of
the Amer-
ican psychiatric association designated by the board by rules
and regu-
lations and who is licensed under this act.
Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-5803
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-5803. (a) On and after January 1,
1997, No person shall engage
in the practice of professional counseling or represent that such
is a licensed professional counselor, licensed counselor or
counselor without having first obtained a license as a professional
selor under the professional counselors licensure act.
(b) On and after the effective date
of this act, no person shall engage
in the practice of professional counseling as a clinical
professional coun-
selor or represent that such person is a licensed clinical
professional coun-
selor without first having obtained a license as a clinical
professional coun-
selor under the professional counselors licensure act.
(c) Violation of this section is a class B
Sec. 3. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-5804
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-5804. (a) Applications for licensure as a professional
shall be made to the board on a form and in the manner prescribed
the board. Each application shall be accompanied by the fee fixed
K.S.A. 65-5808 and amendments thereto.
(b) Each applicant for licensure as a
professional counselor shall fur-
nish evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant:
(1) Is at least 21 years of age;
(2) has completed 60 graduate semester
hours including a graduate
degree in counseling from a college or university approved by the
and which includes 45 graduate semester hours distributed among
of the following areas:
(A) Counseling theory and practice;
(B) the helping relationship;
(C) group dynamics, processing and
(D) human growth and development;
(E) life-style and career
(F) appraisal of individuals;
(G) social and cultural foundations;
(H) research and evaluation;
(I) professional orientation;
(J) supervised practicum and
(3) (A) has over a minimum
period of two years with a minimum of
4,000 supervised hours of professional experience as a
professional coun-
selor inclusive of at least 1,000 supervised hours of
actual client contact
acceptable to the board;
(B) has received a minimum of 200
hours of supervision including (i)
100 hours of administrative supervision regarding general
function, and (ii) 100 hours of clinical supervision
regarding delivery of
direct client contact services with no more than 50 hours
conducted as
group supervision and no less than 50 hours conducted as
individual su-
pervision and no less than four hours of clinical
supervision contact
monthly, (iii) one-half of this requirement may be waived
for persons
with a doctor's degree in professional counseling or a
related field ac-
ceptable to the board;
(4) (3) has
passed an examination required by the board; and
(5) (4) has
satisfied the board that the applicant is a person who merits
the public trust.
(c) (1) Applications for
licensure as a clinical professional counselor
shall be made to the board on a form and in the manner
prescribed by
the board. Each applicant shall furnish evidence satisfactory
to the board
that the applicant:
(A) Is licensed by the board as a
licensed professional counselor or
meets all requirements for licensure as a licensed professional
(B) has completed 15 credit hours as
part of or in addition to the
requirements under subsection (b) supporting diagnosis or
treatment of
mental disorders with use of the American psychiatric
association's di-
agnostic and statistical manual, through identifiable study of
the following
content areas: Psychopathology, diagnostic assessment,
referral and collaboration, treatment approaches and
professional ethics;
(C) has completed a graduate level
supervised clinical practicum of
supervised professional experience including psychotherapy and
ment with individuals, couples, families or groups, integrating
and treatment of mental disorders with use of the American
association's diagnostic and statistical manual, with not less
than 350
hours of direct client contact or additional postgraduate
supervised ex-
perience as determined by the board;
(D) has completed not less than two
years of postgraduate supervised
professional experience in accordance with a clinical
supervision plan ap-
proved by the board of not less than 4,000 hours of supervised
experience including at least 1,500 hours of direct client
contact conduct-
ing psychotherapy and assessments with individuals, couples,
families or
groups and not less than 150 hours of clinical supervision,
including not
less than 50 hours of person-to-person individual supervision,
diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders with use of the
psychiatric association's diagnostic and statistical manual,
except that
one-half of the requirement of this part (D) may be waived for
with a doctor's degree in professional counseling or a related
field ac-
ceptable to the board;
(E) for persons earning a degree
under subsection (b) prior to July 1,
2003, in lieu of the education requirements under parts (B) and
(C) of
this subsection, has completed the education requirements for
as a professional counselor in effect on the day immediately
preceding the
effective date of this act;
(F) for persons who apply for and are
eligible for a temporary permit
to practice as a licensed professional counselor on the day
preceding the effective date of this act, in lieu of the
education and training
requirements under parts (B), (C) and (D) of this subsection,
has com-
pleted the education and training requirements for licensure as
a profes-
sional counselor in effect on the day immediately preceding the
date of this act;
(G) has passed an examination
approved by the board; and
(H) has paid the application fee
fixed under K.S.A. 65-5808 and
amendments thereto.
(2) A person who was licensed or
registered as a professional coun-
selor in Kansas at any time prior to the effective date of this
act, who has
been actively engaged in the practice of professional
counseling as a reg-
istered or licensed professional counselor within five years
prior to the
effective date of this act and whose last license or
registration in Kansas
prior to the effective date of this act was not suspended or
revoked, upon
application to the board, payment of fees and completion of
continuing education requirements, shall be licensed as a
licensed clinical
professional counselor by providing demonstration of competence
to di-
agnose and treat mental disorders through at least two of the
areas acceptable to the board:
(a) Either (i) graduate coursework or
(ii) passing a national, clinical
(b) either (i) three years of
clinical practice in a community mental
health center, its contracted affiliate or a state mental
hospital or (ii) three
years of clinical practice in other settings with demonstrated
in diagnosing or treating mental disorders; or
(c) attestation from one professional
licensed to diagnose and treat
mental disorders in independent practice or licensed to
practice medicine
and surgery that the applicant is competent to diagnose and
treat mental
(3) A licensed clinical professional
counselor may engage in the in-
dependent practice of professional counseling and is authorized
to diag-
nose and treat mental disorders specified in the edition of the
and statistical manual of mental disorders of the American
association designated by the board by rules and regulations.
When a
client has symptoms of a mental disorder, a licensed clinical
counselor shall consult with the client's primary care
physician or psy-
chiatrist to determine if there may be a medical condition or
that may be causing or contributing to the client's symptoms of
a mental
disorder. A client may request in writing that such
consultation be waived
and such request shall be made a part of the client's record. A
clinical professional counselor may continue to evaluate and
treat the
client until such time that the medical consultation is
obtained or waived.
(4) On and after January 1, 2002, a
licensed professional counselor
may diagnose and treat mental disorders specified in the
edition of the
diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders of the
psychiatric association designated by the board by rules and
only under the direction of a licensed clinical professional
counselor, li-
censed psychologist, person licensed to practice medicine and
surgery or
person licensed to provide mental health services as an
independent prac-
titioner and whose licensure allows for the diagnosis and
treatment of
mental disorders. When a client has symptoms of a mental
disorder, a
licensed professional counselor shall consult with the client's
primary care
physician or psychiatrist to determine if there may be a
medical condition
or medication that may be causing or contributing to the
client's symp-
toms of a mental disorder. A client may request in writing that
consultation be waived and such request shall be made a part of
the client's
record. A licensed professional counselor may continue to
evaluate and
treat the client until such time that the medical consultation
is obtained
or waived.
(c) (d) The
board shall adopt rules and regulations establishing the
criteria which a college or university shall satisfy in order to be
by the board. The board may send a questionnaire developed by the
to any college or university for which the board does not have
information to determine whether the school meets the requirements
approval and rules and regulations adopted under this section. The
tionnaire providing the necessary information shall be completed
returned to the board in order for the college or university to be
ered for approval. The board may contract with investigative
commissions or consultants to assist the board in obtaining
about colleges and universities. In entering such contracts the
to approve college and universities shall remain solely with the
(d) (e) A
person who intends to pursue the postgraduate supervised
training experience shall apply to the board for a temporary permit
practice as a licensed professional counselor by (1) paying an
fee of no more than $150, (2) providing evidence of graduating from
masters or doctoral program in professional counseling acceptable
to the
board, (3) submitting letters from three professionals attesting to
the ap-
plicant's integrity, competence, and worthiness to merit the
public's trust,
one of whom has provided direct clinical supervision of the
graduate program clinical training and (4) completing a
postgraduate su-
pervised training plan on forms supplied by the board describing
to be provided, place of employment, persons responsible for
trative oversight and clinical supervision, and statement
behavioral sciences regulatory board postgraduate training
(e) (f)
(1) A temporary permit may be issued by the board after
application has been reviewed and approved by the board and the
cant has paid the appropriate fee set by the board for issuance of
(2) A temporary permit issued by the
board shall expire at such time
as final action on the application is completed or two years after
the date
of issuance of the permit. A temporary permit may be renewed for
additional two-year period if the board finds that satisfactory
toward the supervised experience requirement is being met.
(f) (g) A
person practicing professional counseling with a temporary
permit may not use the title "licensed professional counselor" or
the in-
itials "LPC" independently. The word "licensed" may be used only
followed by the words "by temporary permit" such as licensed
sional counselor by temporary permit, or professional counselor
by temporary permit.
New Sec. 4. A licensee under the
professional counselors licensure
act, at the beginning of a client-therapist relationship, shall
inform the
client of the level of such licensee's training and the title or
titles and
license or licenses of such licensee. As a part of such obligation,
licensee shall disclose whether such licensee has a master's degree
or a
doctoral degree. If such licensee has a doctoral degree, such
licensee shall
disclose whether or not such doctoral degree is a doctor of
degree or some other doctoral degree. If such licensee does not
have a
medical doctor's degree, such licensee shall disclose that the
licensee is
not authorized to practice medicine and surgery and is not
authorized to
prescribe drugs. As a part of such disclosure, such licensee shall
the client that certain mental disorders can have medical or
origins, and that the client should consult with a physician.
tion of such disclosures to a client shall be made in the client's
Sec. 5. K.S.A. 65-5805 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 65-
5805. An application for examination as a professional counselor
or as a
clinical professional counselor shall be made to the board
on a form pro-
vided by the board. The application shall be accompanied by the
nation fee fixed under K.S.A. 65-5808. If an applicant fails to
pass the
examination, the applicant may reapply and shall be allowed to take
subsequent examination. An applicant who has failed two successive
aminations may not reapply for two years from the date of the last
Sec. 6. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-5806
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-5806. (a) An applicant who meets the requirements for
sure pursuant to this act, has paid the license fee provided for by
65-5808 and amendments thereto and has otherwise complied with
provisions of this act shall be licensed by the board.
(b) Licenses issued pursuant to this act
shall expire 24 months from
the date of issuance unless revoked prior to that time. A license
may be
renewed upon application and payment of the fee provided for by
65-5808 and amendments thereto. The application for renewal shall
accompanied by evidence satisfactory to the board that the
applicant has
completed during the previous 24 months the continuing education
quired by rules and regulations of the board. As part of such
education, a licensee shall complete not less than six
continuing education
hours relating to diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders
and not less
than three continuing education hours of professional
(c) A person whose license has been
suspended or revoked may make
written application to the board requesting reinstatement of the
upon termination of the period of suspension or revocation in a
prescribed by the board, which application shall be accompanied by
fee provided for by K.S.A. 65-5808 and amendments thereto.
Sec. 7. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-5808
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-5808. (a) The board shall fix by rules and regulations
the fol-
lowing fees:
(1) For application for licensure, not
more than $100;
(2) for an original license, not more
than $175;
(3) for examination, not more than
(4) for renewal of a license, not more
than $150;
(5) for reinstatement of a license, not
more than $175;
(6) for replacement of a license, not
more than $20;
(7) for application for
endorsement in a specialty licensure as a
ical professional counselor, not more than $175;
(8) for biennial renewal
for endorsement in a specialty licensure as
clinical professional counselor, not more than $175;
(9) for late renewal penalty, an amount
equal to the fee for renewal
of a license; and
(10) for exchange of a license in lieu of
registration pursuant to sub-
section (b) of K.S.A. 65-5811 and amendments thereto, not to
(b) Fees paid to the board are not
Sec. 8. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-5809
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-5809. The board may refuse to issue, suspend, limit,
refuse to
renew or revoke any license or specialty
designation granted under the
professional counselors licensure act for any of the following
(a) Use of drugs or alcohol, or both, to
an extent that impairs the
individual's ability to engage in the practice of professional
(b) the individual has been convicted of
a felony and, after investi-
gation, the board finds that the individual has not been
sufficiently re-
habilitated to merit the public trust;
(c) use of fraud, deception,
misrepresentation or bribery in securing
any license issued pursuant to the provisions of the professional
ors licensure act or in obtaining permission to take any
examination given
or required pursuant to the provisions of the professional
counselors li-
censure act;
(d) obtaining or attempting to obtain any
fee, charge, tuition or other
compensation by fraud, deception or misrepresentation;
(e) incompetence, misconduct, fraud,
misrepresentation or dishon-
esty in the performance of the functions or duties of a
professional coun-
selor or clinical professional counselor;
(f) violation of, or assisting or
enabling any individual to violate, any
provision of the professional counselors licensure act or any rule
regulation adopted under such act;
(g) impersonation of any individual
holding a license or allowing any
individual to use a license or diploma from any school of a person
under the professional counselors licensure act or a diploma from
school of an applicant for licensure under the professional
licensure act;
(h) revocation or suspension of a license
or other authorization to
practice counseling granted by another state, territory, federal
agency or
country upon grounds for which revocation or suspension is
by the professional counselors licensure act;
(i) the individual is mentally ill or
physically disabled to an extent that
impairs the individual's ability to engage in the practice of
(j) assisting or enabling any person to
hold oneself out to the public
or offer to hold oneself out to the public as a licensed
professional coun-
selor or a licensed clinical professional counselor who is
not licensed un-
der the provisions of the professional counselors licensure
(k) the issuance of the license was based
upon a material mistake of
(l) violation of any professional trust
or confidence;
(m) use of any advertisement or
solicitation which is false, misleading
or deceptive to the general public or persons to whom the
or solicitation is primarily directed;
(n) unprofessional conduct as defined by
rules and regulations
adopted by the board; or
(o) the licensee has had a registration,
license or certificate as a pro-
fessional counselor revoked, suspended or limited, or has had other
ciplinary action taken, or an application for a registration,
license or cer-
tificate denied, by the proper regulatory authority of another
territory, District of Columbia, or other country, a certified copy
of the
record of the action of the other jurisdiction being conclusive
Sec. 9. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-5810
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-5810. (a) The confidential relations and
communications be-
tween a licensed professional counselor and such counselor's client
placed on the same basis as provided by law for those between an
and an attorney's client.
(b) The confidential relations and
communications between a licensed
clinical professional counselor and such counselor's client are
placed on
the same basis as provided by law for those between an attorney
and an
attorney's client.
(c) Nothing in this section or in
this act shall be construed to prohibit
any licensed professional counselor or licensed clinical
professional coun-
selor from testifying in court hearings concerning matters of
adult abuse,
adoption, child abuse, child neglect, or other matters
pertaining to the
welfare of children or from seeking collaboration or
consultation with
professional colleagues or administrative superiors, or both,
on behalf of
the client. There is no privilege under this section for
information which
is required to be reported to a public official.
Sec. 10. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-5812
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-5812. Nothing in the professional counselors licensure
shall be construed:
(a) To apply to the activities and
services of qualified members of
other professional groups including, but not limited to, attorneys,
cians, psychologists, masters level psychologists, marriage and
family ther-
apists, registered nurses or social workers, others performing
not for a fee, or others performing counseling consistent with the
laws of
this state, their training and any code of ethics of their
professions, in-
cluding school, industrial, financial, vocational, rehabilitation
or any sim-
ilar type counselor so long as they do not represent themselves by
title or description in the manner prescribed in K.S.A. 65-5803
amendments thereto;
(b) to apply to the activities, services
and use of an official title on the
part of an individual employed as a counselor by any federal,
state, county
or municipal agency or public, any private educational institution,
so long
as such individuals are performing counseling or counseling-related
tivities within the scope of their employment;
(c) to apply to the activities and
services rendered by a nonresident
individual not more than 30 days during any calendar year, such
is duly authorized to perform such activities and services under
the laws
of the state or country of such individual's principal
(d) to apply to the activities and
services of a rabbi, priest, minister
or clergy person of any religious denomination or sect, including a
tian Science practitioner, or any public or private not-for-profit
zation, corporation or association, including but not limited to
camp coun-
selors, crisis center counselors, community hot-line counselors or
hot-line counselors, so long as such activities and services are
within the
scope of the performance of such individual's regular or
specialized min-
isterial duties;
(e) to authorize a person licensed under
this act to diagnose or treat
mental illness or disease except that licensed clinical
professional coun-
selors may diagnose and treat mental disorders in accordance
with this
(f) to prohibit the activities
of persons licensed or otherwise regulated
by the state board of education or otherwise licensed, registered,
or oth-
erwise regulated by the laws of this state and who are performing
consistent with the laws of this state, their training and any code
of ethics
of their profession;
(g) to prohibit the activities of
students or interns enrolled in an ap-
proved academic program while engaged in such academic program;
(h) in any way to restrict any person
from carrying on any of the
aforesaid activities in the free expression or exchange of ideas
the practice of professional counseling, the application of its
the teaching of such subject matter, and the conducting of research
problems relating to human behavior if such person does not
such person or such person's services in any manner prohibited by
(i) to prohibit the activities of persons
performing services pursuant
to a temporary permit issued pursuant to this act;
(j) to apply to the activities
of persons working under the supervision
of a clinical professional counselor;
(k) to prohibit the activities of any
weight control consultants or ad-
visors in recognized, legitimate programs or business
(l) to prevent qualified persons from
doing work within the standards
and ethics of their respective professions and callings provided
they do
not hold themselves out to the public by any title or description
of services
as being engaged in the practice of professional counseling.
Sec. 11. K.S.A. 65-6302 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 65-
6302. As used in this act, unless the context clearly requires
the following words and phrases shall have the meaning ascribed to
in this section:
(a) "Board" means the behavioral sciences
regulatory board created
by K.S.A. 74-7501.
(b) "Social work practice" means the
professional activity of helping
individuals, groups or communities enhance or restore their
capacity for
physical, social and economic functioning and the professional
of social work values, principles and techniques in areas such as
therapy, social service administration, social planning, social
work con-
sultation and social work research to one or more of the following
Helping people obtain tangible services; counseling with
individuals, fam-
ilies and groups; helping communities or groups provide or improve
and health services; and participating in relevant social action.
The prac-
tice of social work requires knowledge of human development and
havior; of social, economic and cultural institutions and forces;
and of the
interaction of all these factors. Social work practice includes the
of practicum courses in social work and includes the diagnosis
and treat-
ment of mental disorders as authorized under K.S.A. 65-6306 and
6319, and amendments thereto.
(c) "Psychotherapy" means the use of
psychological and social meth-
ods within a professional relationship, to assist the person or
persons to
achieve a better psychosocial adaptation to acquire greater human
zation of psychosocial potential and adaptation; to modify internal
external conditions which affect individuals, groups or communities
respect to behavior, emotions and thinking, in respect to their
sonal and inter-personal processes. Forms of psychotherapy include
are not restricted to individual psychotherapy, conjoint marital
family therapy and group psychotherapy.
Sec. 12. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-6306
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-6306. (a) The board shall issue a license as a
social worker to an applicant who:
(1) Has a baccalaureate degree from an
accredited college or univer-
sity, including completion of a social work program recognized and
proved by the board, pursuant to rules and regulations adopted by
(2) has passed an examination approved by
the board for this purpose;
(3) has satisfied the board that the
applicant is a person who merits
the public trust.
(b) The board shall issue a license as a
master social worker to an
applicant who:
(1) Has a master's degree from an
accredited college or university,
including completion of a social work program recognized and
by the board, pursuant to rules and regulations adopted by the
(2) has passed an examination approved by
the board for this purpose;
(3) has satisfied the board that the
applicant is a person who merits
the public trust.
(c) The board shall issue a license in
one of the social work specialties
to an applicant who:
(1) Has a master's or doctor's degree
from an accredited graduate
school of social work, including completion of a social work
program rec-
ognized and approved by the board, pursuant to rules and
adopted by the board;
(2) has had two years of full-time
post-master's or post-doctor's de-
gree experience under the supervision of a licensed social worker
in the
area of the specialty in which such applicant seeks to be
(3) has passed an examination approved by
the board for this purpose;
(4) has satisfied the board that the
applicant is a person who merits
the public trust.
(d) The board shall issue a
license as a specialist clinical social worker
only to an applicant who has met the requirements of
subsection (c) of
this section and has also demonstrated to the board that
the applicant is
competent in diagnosis of mental disorders. The board shall
adopt rules
and regulations to determine competency through curriculum
ments and examination proficiency.
(d) (1) The board shall issue a
license as a specialist clinical social
worker to an applicant who:
(A) Has met the requirements of
subsection (c);
(B) has completed 15 credit hours as
part of or in addition to the
requirements under subsection (c) supporting diagnosis or
treatment of
mental disorders with use of the American psychiatric
association's di-
agnostic and statistical manual, through identifiable study of
the following
content areas: Psychopathology, diagnostic assessment,
referral and collaboration, treatment approaches and
professional ethics;
(C) has completed a graduate level
supervised clinical practicum of
supervised professional experience including psychotherapy and
ment, integrating diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders
with use of
the American psychiatric association's diagnostic and
statistical manual,
with not less than 350 hours of direct client contact or
additional post-
graduate supervised experience as determined by the
(D) has completed as part of or in
addition to the requirements of
subsection (c) not less than two years of postgraduate
supervised profes-
sional experience in accordance with a clinical supervision
plan approved
by the board of not less than 4,000 hours of supervised
professional ex-
perience including at least 1,500 hours of direct client
contact conducting
psychotherapy and assessments with individuals, couples,
families or
groups and not less than 150 hours of clinical supervision,
including not
less than 75 hours of person-to-person individual supervision,
diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders with use of the
psychiatric association's diagnostic and statistical
(E) for persons earning a degree
under subsection (c) prior to July 1,
2003, in lieu of the education and training requirements under
parts (B)
and (C) of this subsection, has completed the education
requirements for
licensure as a specialist clinical social worker in effect on
the day imme-
diately preceding the effective date of this act;
(F) for persons who apply for and are
eligible for a temporary license
to practice as a specialist clinical social worker on the day
preceding the effective date of this act, in lieu of the
education and training
requirements under parts (B), (C) and (D) of this subsection,
has com-
pleted the education and training requirements for licensure as
a specialist
clinical social worker in effect on the day immediately
preceding the ef-
fective date of this act;
(G) has passed an examination
approved by the board; and
(H) has paid the application
(2) A licensed specialist clinical
social worker may engage in the social
work practice and is authorized to diagnose and treat mental
specified in the edition of the diagnostic and statistical
manual of mental
disorders of the American psychiatric association designated by
the board
by rules and regulations. When a client has symptoms of a
mental dis-
order, a licensed specialist clinical social worker shall
consult with the
client's primary care physician or psychiatrist to determine if
there may
be a medical condition or medication that may be causing or
to the client's symptoms of a mental disorder. A client may
request in
writing that such consultation be waived and such request shall
be made
a part of the client's record. A licensed specialist clinical
social worker
may continue to evaluate and treat the client until such time
that the
medical consultation is obtained or waived.
(3) Notwithstanding any other
provision of this subsection, a licensed
master social worker who has provided to the board an
acceptable clinical
supervision plan for licensure as a specialist clinical social
worker prior
to the effective date of this act shall be licensed as a
specialist clinical
social worker under this act upon completion of the
requirements in effect
for licensure as a specialist clinical social worker at the
time the acceptable
training plan is submitted to the board.
(4) A person licensed as a specialist
clinical social worker on the day
immediately preceding the effective date of this act shall be
deemed to be
a licensed specialist clinical social worker under this act.
Such person shall
not be required to file an original application for licensure
as a specialist
clinical social worker under this act.
(e) The board shall adopt rules and
regulations establishing the cri-
teria which a social work program of a college or university shall
to be recognized and approved by the board under this section. The
may send a questionnaire developed by the board to any college or
versity conducting a social work program for which the board does
have sufficient information to determine whether the program should
recognized and approved by the board and whether the program
the rules and regulations adopted under this section. The
providing the necessary information shall be completed and returned
the board in order for the program to be considered for recognition
approval. The board may contract with investigative agencies,
sions or consultants to assist the board in obtaining information
about a
social work program of a college or university. In entering such
the authority to recognize and approve a social work program of a
or university shall remain solely with the board.
Sec. 13. K.S.A. 65-6308 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 65-
6308. (a) No person may engage in the private, independent
clinical prac-
tice of social work unless such person:
(1) Is licensed under this act as a
specialist clinical social worker or
specialist social worker; and
(2) has had two years' supervised
experience approved by the board,
pursuant to rules and regulations adopted by the board, as a
social worker in the specialty to be offered in private practice
(b) Any violation of this section shall
constitute a class B misde-
Sec. 14. K.S.A. 65-6313 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 65-
6313. (a) All licenses issued shall be effective upon the date
issued and
shall expire at the end of 24 months from the date of issuance.
(b) Except as otherwise provided in
K.S.A. 65-6311 and amendments
thereto, a license may be renewed by the payment of the renewal fee
forth in K.S.A. 65-6314 and amendments thereto and the execution
submission of a signed statement, on a form to be provided by the
attesting that the applicant's license has been neither revoked nor
rently suspended and that applicant has met the requirements for
tinuing education established by the board including not less
than three
continuing education hours of professional ethics. An
applicant for re-
newal of a license as a master social worker or a specialist
clinical social
worker, as part of such continuing education, shall complete
not less than
six continuing education hours relating to diagnosis and
treatment of men-
tal disorders.
(c) The application for renewal shall be
made on or before the date
of the expiration of the license or on or before the date of the
of the period of suspension.
(d) If the application for renewal,
including payment of the required
renewal fee, is not made on or before the date of the expiration of
license, the license is void, and no license shall be reinstated
except upon
payment of the required renewal fee established under K.S.A.
and amendments thereto, plus a penalty equal to the renewal fee,
proof satisfactory to the board of the completion of 60 hours of
education within two years prior to application for reinstatement.
receipt of such payment and proof, the board shall reinstate the
A license shall be reinstated under this subsection, upon receipt
of such
payment and proof, at any time after the expiration of such
(e) In case of a lost or destroyed
license, and upon satisfactory proof
of the loss or destruction thereof, the board may issue a duplicate
and shall charge a fee as set forth in K.S.A. 65-6314 and
thereto for such duplicate license.
Sec. 15. K.S.A. 65-6315 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 65-
6315. (a) No licensed social work associate,
or licensed baccalaureate
social worker, licensed master social worker, person
licensed in a social
work specialty, secretary, stenographer or clerk
of a licensed social work
associate or licensed baccalaureate social worker or
anyone who partici-
pates in delivery of social work services or anyone working under
vision of a licensed social worker may disclose any information
such per-
son may have acquired from persons consulting such person in
person's professional capacity or be compelled to disclose such
tion except:
(1) With the written consent of the
client, or in the case of death or
disability, of the personal representative of the client, other
person au-
thorized to sue or the beneficiary of an insurance policy on the
life, health or physical condition;
(2) that no information shall be
treated as privileged and there shall
be no privilege created by this act as to any information
acquired by a
licensed social work associate, licensed baccalaureate
social worker, li-
censed master social worker, person licensed in a social
work specialty,
secretary, stenographer or clerk of a licensed social
worker or anyone who
participates in delivery of social work services or anyone
working under
the supervision of a licensed social worker when such
information pertains
to criminal acts or violations of any law;
(3) when the person is a
child under the age of 18 years and the
information acquired by the licensed social worker indicated that
the child
was the victim or subject of a crime, the licensed social worker
may be
required to testify fully in relation thereto upon any examination,
trial or
other proceeding in which the commission of such a crime is a
subject of
(4) (3) when
the person waives the privilege by bringing charges
against the licensed social worker but only to the extent that such
mation is relevant under the circumstances.
(b) The confidential relations and
communications between a licensed
master social worker's or a licensed specialist clinical social
worker's client
are placed on the same basis as provided by law for those
between an
attorney and an attorney's client.
(b) (c) Nothing
in this section or in this act shall be construed to
prohibit any licensed social worker from testifying in court
hearings con-
cerning matters of adult abuse, adoption, child abuse,
child neglect, or
other matters pertaining to the welfare of children or from seeking
laboration or consultation with professional colleagues or
superiors, or both, on behalf of the client. There is no
privilege under this
section for information which is required to be reported to a
public offi-
Sec. 16. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-6319
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-6319. (a) The following licensed
social workers may diagnose
and treat mental disorders classified in the
diagnostic manuals commonly
used as a part of accepted social work practice:
(1) specified in the edition
of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders of
the Amer-
ican psychiatric association designated by the board by rules
and regu-
lations: (a) A licensed specialist clinical social worker,
and (2) (b) a li-
censed master social worker who performs diagnoses of
mental disorders
within the course of employment by a licensed community
mental health
center, a state facility authorized to provide
psychotherapeutic services
or a not-for-profit entity approved under subsection (c) of
section 501 of
the internal revenue code when such licensed master social
worker is
under the direction of (i) a person licensed to practice
medicine and
surgery, (ii) a licensed psychologist, or (iii) a licensed
specialist clinical
social worker.
(b) Nothing in this section shall
be construed to authorize a licensed
social worker who under subsection (a) may diagnose mental
classified in the diagnostic manuals commonly used as a
part of accepted
social work practice to provide direction for licensed
masters level psy-
chologists under K.S.A. 74-5362 and amendments
(c) This section shall be part of
and supplemental to the provisions
of article 63 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes
Annotated and acts
amendatory of the provisions thereof and supplemental
thereto engages
in the practice of social work only under the direction of a
licensed spe-
cialist clinical social worker, a licensed psychologist, a
person licensed to
practice medicine and surgery or a person licensed to provide
health services as an independent practitioner and whose
licensure allows
for the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.
When a client has
symptoms of a mental disorder, a licensed master social worker
shall con-
sult with the client's primary care physician or psychiatrist
to determine
if there may be a medical condition or medication that may be
causing or
contributing to the client's symptoms of a mental disorder. A
client may
request in writing that such consultation be waived and such
request shall
be made a part of the client's record. A licensed master social
worker may
continue to evaluate and treat the client until such time that
the medical
consultation is obtained or waived.
New Sec. 17. A licensee, under the
provisions of article 63 of chapter
65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, at the beginning of a
relationship, shall inform the client of the level of such
licensee's training
and the title or titles and license or licenses of such licensee.
As a part of
such obligation, such licensee shall disclose whether such licensee
has a
master's degree or a doctoral degree. If such licensee has a
doctoral de-
gree, such licensee shall disclose whether or not such doctoral
degree is
a doctor of medicine degree or some other doctoral degree. If such
censee does not have a medical doctor's degree, such licensee shall
close that the licensee is not authorized to practice medicine and
and is not authorized to prescribe drugs. As a part of such
such licensee shall advise the client that certain mental disorders
can have
medical or biological origins, and that the client should consult
with a
physician. Documentation of such disclosures to a client shall be
made in
the client's record.
Sec. 18. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-6402
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-6402. As used in the marriage and family therapists
(a) "Board" means the behavioral sciences
regulatory board created
under K.S.A. 74-7501 and amendments thereto.
(b) "Marriage and family therapy" means
the assessment and treat-
ment of cognitive, affective or behavioral problems within the
context of
marital and family systems and includes the diagnosis and
treatment of
mental disorders as authorized under the marriage and family
licensure act.
(c) "Licensed marriage and family
therapist" means a person who
engages in the practice of marriage and family therapy and
who is licensed
under this act except that on and after January 1, 2002, such
person shall
engage in the practice of marriage and family therapy only
under the
direction of a licensed clinical marriage and family therapist,
a licensed
psychologist, a person licensed to practice medicine and
surgery or a
person licensed to provide mental health services as an
independent prac-
titioner and whose licensure allows for the diagnosis and
treatment of
mental disorders.
(d) "Licensed clinical marriage and
family therapist" means a person
who engages in the independent practice of marriage and family
including the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders
specified in the
edition of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental
disorders of the
American psychiatric association designated by the board by
rules and
regulations and is licensed under this act.
Sec. 19. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-6403
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-6403. (a) On and after January 1,
1997, No person shall engage
in the practice of marriage and family therapy or represent that
person is a licensed marriage and family therapist or a marriage
and family
therapist without having first obtained a license as a marriage and
therapist under the marriage and family therapist licensure
(b) On and after the effective date
of this act, no person shall engage
in the practice of marriage and family therapy as a clinical
marriage and
family therapist or represent that such person is a licensed
clinical mar-
riage and family therapist or is a clinical marriage and family
without having first obtained a license as a clinical marriage
and family
therapist under the marriage and family therapist licensure
(c) Violation of this section is a class B
Sec. 20. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-6404
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-6404. (a) An applicant for licensure as a marriage and
therapist shall furnish evidence that the applicant:
(1) Has attained the age of 21;
(2) (A) has over a minimum
period of two years with a minimum of
4,000 supervised hours of professional experience as a
marriage and fam-
ily therapist inclusive of at least 1,000 supervised hours
of actual client
contact acceptable to the board; (B) has received a minimum
of 200 hours
of supervision including (i) 100 hours of administrative
supervision re-
garding general professional functioning, (ii) 100 hours of
clinical super-
vision regarding delivery of direct client contact services
with no more
than 50 hours conducted as group supervision and no less
than 50 hours
conducted as individual supervision and no less than four
hours of clinical
supervision contact monthly, (iii) one-half of this
requirement may be
waived for persons with a doctor's degree in marriage and
family therapy
or a related field acceptable to the
(3) (A) has
completed a master's or doctoral degree from a marriage
and family therapy program, in an educational institution with
consistent with those of the state universities of Kansas, approved
by the
board; or (B) has completed a master's or doctoral degree from an
cational institution in a related field for which the course work
is consid-
ered by the board to be equivalent to that provided in clause
(3) (2)(A)
of this paragraph and consists of a minimum of nine semester hours
human development, nine semester hours in theories of marriage
family functioning, nine semester hours of marital and family
and therapy, three semester hours in professional studies and three
mester hours in research; or (C) completed a master's or doctoral
from an educational institution in a related field with additional
work from
an educational program in marriage and family therapy approved by
board and such degree program and additional work includes the
work requirements provided in clause (3)
(2)(B) of this paragraph;
(4) (3) has
passed an examination approved by the board;
(5) (4) has
satisfied the board that the applicant is a person who merits
the public trust.; and
(b) (5) Each
applicant shall pay an has paid the
application fee and
examination fee established by the board under K.S.A. 65-6411
amendments thereto.
(b) (1) Applications for
licensure as a clinical marriage and family
therapist shall be made to the board on a form and in the
manner pre-
scribed by the board. Each applicant shall furnish evidence
to the board that the applicant:
(A) Is licensed by the board as a
licensed marriage and family ther-
apist or meets all requirements for licensure as a marriage and
(B) has completed 15 credit hours as
part of or in addition to the
requirements under subsection (a) supporting diagnosis or
treatment of
mental disorders with use of the American psychiatric
association's di-
agnostic and statistical manual, through identifiable study of
the following
content areas: Psychopathology, diagnostic assessment,
referral and collaboration, treatment approaches and
professional ethics;
(C) has completed a graduate level
supervised clinical practicum of
supervised professional experience including psychotherapy and
ment with individuals, couples, families or groups, integrating
and treatment of mental disorders with use of the American
association's diagnostic and statistical manual, with not less
than 350
hours of direct client contact or additional postgraduate
supervised ex-
perience as determined by the board;
(D) has completed not less than two
years of postgraduate supervised
professional experience in accordance with a clinical
supervision plan ap-
proved by the board of not less than 4,000 hours of supervised
experience including at least 1,500 hours of direct client
contract con-
ducting psychotherapy and assessments with individuals,
couples, families
or groups and not less than 150 hours of clinical supervision,
not less than 50 hours of person-to-person individual
supervision, inte-
grating diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders with use of
the Amer-
ican psychiatric association's diagnostic and statistical
manual, except
that one-half of the requirement of this part (D) may be waived
for persons
with a doctor's degree in marriage and family therapy or a
related field
acceptable to the board;
(E) for persons earning a degree
under subsection (a) prior to July 1,
2003, in lieu of the education and training requirements under
parts (B)
and (C) of this subsection, has completed the education
requirements for
licensure as a marriage and family therapist in effect on the
day imme-
diately preceding the effective date of this act;
(F) for persons who apply for and are
eligible for a temporary permit
to practice as a licensed marriage and family therapist on the
day im-
mediately preceding the effective date of this act, in lieu of
the education
and training requirements under parts (B), (C) and (D) of this
has completed the education and training requirements for
licensure as a
marriage and family therapist in effect on the day immediately
the effective date of this act;
(G) has passed an examination
approved by the board; and
(H) has paid the application fee
fixed under K.S.A. 65-6411 and
amendments thereto.
(2) A person who was licensed or
registered as a marriage and family
therapist in Kansas at any time prior to the effective date of
this act, who
has been actively engaged in the practice of marriage and
family therapy
as a registered or licensed marriage and family therapist
within five years
prior to the effective date of this act and whose last license
or registration
in Kansas prior to the effective date of this act was not
suspended or
revoked, upon application to the board, payment of fees and
of applicable continuing education requirements, shall be
licensed as a
licensed clinical marriage and family therapist by providing
tion of competence to diagnose and treat mental disorders
through at least
two of the following areas acceptable to the
(a) Either (i) graduate coursework or
(ii) passing a national, clinical
(b) either (i) three years of
clinical practice in a community mental
health center, its contracted affiliate or a state mental
hospital or (ii) three
years of clinical practice in other settings with demonstrated
in diagnosing or treating mental disorders; or
(c) attestation from one professional
licensed to diagnose and treat
mental disorders in independent practice or licensed to
practice medicine
and surgery that the applicant is competent to diagnose and
treat mental
(3) A licensed clinical marriage and
family therapist may engage in
the independent practice of marriage and family therapy and is
ized to diagnose and treat mental disorders specified in the
edition of the
diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders of the
psychiatric association designated by the board by rules and
When a client has symptoms of a mental disorder, a licensed
clinical mar-
riage and family therapist shall consult with the client's
primary care
physician or psychiatrist to determine if there may be a
medical condition
or medication that may be causing or contributing to the
client's symp-
toms of a mental disorder. A client may request in writing that
consultation be waived and such request shall be made a part of
the client's
record. A licensed clinical marriage and family therapist may
continue to
evaluate and treat the client until such time that the medical
is obtained or waived.
(4) On and after January 1, 2002, a
licensed marriage and family
therapist may diagnose and treat mental disorders specified in
the edition
of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
specified in
the edition of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental
disorders of
the American psychiatric association designated by the board by
and regulations only under the direction of a licensed clinical
and family therapist, licensed psychologist, person licensed to
medicine and surgery or person licensed to provide mental
health services
as an independent practitioner and whose licensure allows for
the diag-
nosis and treatment of mental disorders. When a client has
symptoms of
a mental disorder, a licensed marriage and family therapist
shall consult
with the client's primary care physician or psychiatrist to
determine if
there may be a medical condition or medication that may be
causing or
contributing to the client's symptoms of a mental disorder. A
client may
request in writing that such consultation be waived and such
request shall
be made a part of the client's record. A licensed marriage and
therapist may continue to evaluate and treat the client until
such time
that the medical consultation is obtained or waived.
New Sec. 21. A licensee under the
marriage and family therapists
licensure act, at the beginning of a client-therapist relationship,
shall in-
form the client of the level of such licensee's training and the
title or titles
and license or licenses of such licensee. As a part of such
obligation, such
licensee shall disclose whether such licensee has a master's degree
or a
doctoral degree. If such licensee has a doctoral degree, such
licensee shall
disclose whether or not such doctoral degree is a doctor of
degree or some other doctoral degree. If such licensee does not
have a
medical doctor's degree, such licensee shall disclose that the
licensee is
not authorized to practice medicine and surgery and is not
authorized to
prescribe drugs. As a part of such disclosure, such licensee shall
the client that certain mental disorders can have medical or
origins, and that the client should consult with a physician.
tion of such disclosures to a client shall be made in the client's
Sec. 22. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-6407
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-6407. (a) An applicant who meets the requirements for
sure pursuant to this act, has paid the license fee provided for by
65-6411 and amendments thereto and has otherwise complied with
provisions of this act shall be licensed by the board.
(b) Licenses issued pursuant to this act
shall expire 24 months from
the date of issuance unless revoked prior to that time. A license
may be
renewed upon application and payment of the fee provided for by
65-6411 and amendments thereto. The application for renewal shall
accompanied by evidence satisfactory to the board that the
applicant has
completed during the previous 24 months the continuing education
quired by rules and regulations of the board. As part of such
education, the applicant shall complete not less than six
continuing edu-
cation hours relating to diagnosis and treatment of mental
disorders and
not less than three continuing education hours of professional
(c) A person whose license has been
suspended or revoked may make
written application to the board requesting reinstatement of the
upon termination of the period of suspension or revocation in a
prescribed by the board, which application shall be accompanied by
fee provided for by K.S.A. 65-6411 and amendments thereto.
Sec. 23. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-6410
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-6410. (a) A person licensed under the marriage
and family
therapists licensure act and employees and professional associates
of the
person shall not be required to disclose any information that the
employee or associate may have acquired in rendering marriage and
ily therapy services, unless:
(1) Disclosure is required by other state laws;
(b) (2) failure
to disclose the information presents a clear and present
danger to the health or safety of an individual;
(c) (3) the
person, employee or associate is a party defendant to a
civil, criminal or disciplinary action arising from the therapy, in
case a waiver of the privilege accorded by this section is limited
to that
(d) (4) the
patient client is a defendant in a
criminal proceeding and
the use of the privilege would violate the defendant's right to a
sory process or the right to present testimony and witnesses in
that per-
son's behalf; and or
(e) (5) a
patient client agrees to a waiver of the
privilege accorded by
this section, and in circumstances where more than one person in a
is receiving therapy, each such family member agrees to the waiver.
sent a waiver from each family member, a marriage and family
shall not disclose information received by
from a family member.
(b) Nothing in this section or in
this act shall be construed to prohibit
any person licensed under the marriage and family therapist
licensure act
from testifying in court hearings concerning matters of adult
abuse, adop-
tion, child abuse, child neglect, or other matters pertaining
to the welfare
of children or from seeking collaboration or consultation with
colleagues or administrative superiors, or both, on behalf of a
client. There
is no privilege under this section for information which is
required to be
reported to a public official.
Sec. 24. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-6411
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-6411. (a) The board shall fix by rules and regulations
and shall
collect the following fees:
(1) For application for licensure, not to
exceed $150;
(2) for original licensure, not to exceed
(3) for examination, not to exceed
(4) for renewal of a license, not to
exceed $175;
(5) for application for licensure as
a clinical marriage and family ther-
apist, not to exceed $175;
(6) for renewal for licensure as a
clinical marriage and family ther-
apist, not to exceed $175;
(5) (7) for
reinstatement of a license, not to exceed $175;
(6) (8) for
replacement of a license, not to exceed $20; and
(7) (9) for
late charges, not to exceed $5 for each 30 days of delay
beyond the date the renewal application was to be made.
(b) Fees paid to the board are not
Sec. 25. K.S.A. 74-5302 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 74-
5302. For the purpose of this act the following definitions shall
apply: (a)
"Practice of psychology" means the application of established
of learning, motivation, perception, thinking and emotional
to problems of behavior adjustment, group relations and behavior
ification, by persons trained in psychology. The application of
such prin-
ciples includes, but is not restricted to, counseling and the use
of psy-
chological remedial measures with persons, in groups or
having adjustment or emotional problems in the areas of work,
school and personal relationships; measuring and testing
personality, in-
telligence, aptitudes, public opinion, attitudes and skills; the
teaching of
such subject matter; and the conducting of research on problems
to human behavior, except that in all cases involving the care of
the sick
and ill as defined by the laws of this state, the primary
devolves upon those licensed under the Kansas healing arts act.
The prac-
tice of psychology includes the diagnosis and treatment of
mental disor-
ders specified in the edition of the diagnostic and statistical
manual of
mental disorders of the American psychiatric association
designated by
the board by rules and regulations. If a licensed psychologist
cannot make
an independent diagnosis of a mental disorder, such
psychologist shall
consult with the client's primary care physician or
psychiatrist to deter-
mine if there may be a medical condition or medication that may
causing or contributing to the client's symptoms of a mental
disorder. A
client may request in writing that such consultation be waived
and such
request shall be made a part of the client's record. A licensed
may continue to evaluate and treat the client until such time
that the
medical consultation is obtained or waived.
(b) "Represents oneself to be a
psychologist" means that a person
engages in the practice of psychology for a fee, monetary or
or holds oneself out to the public by any title or description of
incorporating the word "psychologic," "psychological,"
"psychologist" or
"psychology" and under such title or description offers to render
or ren-
ders services to individuals, corporations or the public for a fee,
or otherwise.
(c) "Board" means the behavioral sciences
regulatory board created
by K.S.A. 74-7501 and amendments thereto.
(d) "License" means a license as a
psychologist issued by the board.
(e) "Licensed psychologist" means a
person licensed by the board
under the provisions of this act.
New Sec. 26. A licensee under the
licensure of psychologists act of
the state of Kansas, at the beginning of a client-therapist
shall inform the client of the level of such licensee's training
and the title
or titles and license or licenses of such licensee. As a part of
such obli-
gation, such licensee shall disclose whether such licensee has a
degree or a doctoral degree. If such licensee has a doctoral
degree, such
licensee shall disclose whether or not such doctoral degree is a
doctor of
medicine degree or some other doctoral degree. If such licensee
does not
have a medical doctor's degree, such licensee shall disclose that
the li-
censee is not authorized to practice medicine and surgery and is
authorized to prescribe drugs. As a part of such disclosure, such
shall advise the client that certain mental disorders can have
medical or
biological origins, and that the client should consult with a
Documentation of such disclosures to a client shall be made in the
Sec. 27. K.S.A. 74-5318 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 74-
5318. On or before the first day of April of alternate years, the
board shall
mail to every psychologist licensed in Kansas, an
application blank for
renewal, which shall contain space for insertion of information as
for the application blank under K.S.A. 74-5317 and amendments
addressing the same in accordance with to
the post office address given
at the last previous renewal. In addition, the application for
renewal shall
be accompanied by evidence satisfactory to the board that the
has completed, during the previous 24 months, the continuing
required by rules and regulations of the board. As part of such
education, a licensed psychologist shall complete not less than
six contin-
uing education hours relating to diagnosis and treatment of
mental dis-
orders and not less than three continuing education hours of
Sec. 28. K.S.A. 74-5323 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 74-
5323. (a) The confidential relations and communications between a
censed psychologist and the psychologist's client are placed on the
basis as provided by law for those between an attorney and the
client. Except as provided in subsection (b), nothing in
this act shall be
construed to require such privileged communications to be
(b) Nothing in this section or in
this act shall be construed to prohibit
any licensed psychologist from testifying in court hearings
matters of adult abuse, adoption, child abuse, child neglect,
or other mat-
ters pertaining to the welfare of children or from seeking
collaboration or
consultation with professional colleagues or administrative
superiors, or
both, on behalf of a client. There is no privilege under this
section for
information which is required to be reported to a public
Sec. 29. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 74-5361
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 74-5361. As used in this act:
(a) "Practice of psychology" shall have
the meaning ascribed thereto
in K.S.A. 74-5302 and amendments thereto.
(b) "Board" means the behavioral sciences
regulatory board created
by K.S.A. 74-7501 and amendments thereto.
(c) "Licensed masters level psychologist"
means a person licensed by
the board under the provisions of this act.
(d) "Licensed clinical
psychotherapist" means a person licensed by
the board under this act who engages in the independent
practice of mas-
ters level psychology including the diagnosis and treatment of
mental dis-
orders specified in the edition of the diagnostic and
statistical manual of
mental disorders of the American psychiatric association
designated by
the board by rules and regulations.
(e) "Masters level psychology" means the practice of
pursuant to the restrictions set out in K.S.A. 74-5362 and
thereto and includes the diagnosis and treatment of mental
disorders as
authorized under K.S.A. 74-5361 et seq.
Sec. 30. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 74-5362
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 74-5362. (a) Any person who is licensed under the
provisions of
this act as a licensed masters level psychologist shall have the
right to
practice psychology only insofar as such practice is part
of the duties of
such person's paid position and is performed solely on behalf of
the em-
ployer, so long as such practice is under the direction of a
licensed clinical
psychotherapist, a licensed psychologist, a person
licensed to practice
medicine and surgery or a person licensed to provide mental health
ices as an independent practitioner and whose licensure allows for
diagnosis and treatment of psychological
mental disorders. When a client
has symptoms of a mental disorder, a licensed masters level
shall consult with the client's primary care physician or
psychiatrist to
determine if there may be a medical condition or medication
that may be
causing or contributing to the client's symptoms of a mental
disorder. A
client may request in writing that such consultation be waived
and such
request shall be made a part of the client's record. A licensed
masters level
psychologist may continue to evaluate and treat the client
until such time
that the medical consultation is obtained or waived.
(b) A licensed masters level
psychologist may use the title licensed
masters level psychologist and the abbreviation LMLP but may not
the title licensed psychologist or psychologist. A licensed
clinical psycho-
therapist may use the title licensed clinical psychotherapist
and the ab-
breviation LCP but may not use the title licensed psychologist
or psy-
New Sec. 31. A licensee under
K.S.A. 74-5361 et seq. and amend-
ments thereto, at the beginning of a client-therapist relationship,
inform the client of the level of such licensee's training and the
title or
titles and license or licenses of such licensee. As a part of such
such licensee shall disclose whether such licensee has a masters
or a doctoral degree. If such licensee has a doctoral degree, such
shall disclose whether or not such doctoral degree is a doctor of
degree or some other doctoral degree. If such licensee does not
have a
medical doctor's degree, such licensee shall disclose that the
licensee is
not authorized to practice medicine and surgery and is not
authorized to
prescribe drugs. As a part of such disclosure, such licensee shall
the client that certain mental disorders can have medical or
origins, and that the client should consult with a physician.
tion of such disclosures to a client shall be made in the client's
Sec. 32. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 74-5363
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 74-5363. (a) Any person who desires to be licensed under
act shall apply to the board in writing, on forms prepared and
by the board. Each application shall contain appropriate
of the particular qualifications required by the board and shall be
panied by the required fee.
(b) The board shall license as a licensed
masters level psychologist
any applicant for licensure who pays the fee prescribed by the
under K.S.A. 74-5365 and amendments thereto, which shall not be
funded, who has satisfied the board as to such applicant's training
who complies with the provisions of this subsection (b). An
applicant for
licensure also shall submit evidence verified under oath and
to the board that such applicant:
(1) Is at least 21 years of age;
(2) has satisfied the board that the
applicant is a person who merits
public trust;
(3) has received at least 60 graduate
hours including a master's de-
gree in clinical psychology based on a program of
studies in psychology
from an educational institution having a graduate program in
consistent with state universities of Kansas; or until July 1,
2003, has
received at least a master's degree in psychology and during such
or post-master's coursework completed a minimum of 12 semester
or its equivalent in psychological foundation courses such as, but
limited to, philosophy of psychology, psychology of perception,
theory, history of psychology, motivation, and statistics and 24
hours or its equivalent in professional core courses such as, but
not limited
to, two courses in psychological testing, psychopathology, two
courses in
psychotherapy, personality theories, developmental psychology,
methods, social psychology; or has passed comprehensive
or equivalent final examinations in a doctoral program in
psychology and
during such graduate program completed a minimum of 12 semester
hours or its equivalent in psychological foundation courses such
as, but
not limited to, philosophy of psychology, psychology of perception,
ing theory, history of psychology, motivation, and statistics and
24 se-
mester hours or its equivalent in professional core courses such
as, but
not limited to, two courses in psychological testing,
psychopathology, two
courses in psychotherapy, personality theories, developmental
ogy, research methods, social psychology;
(4) has completed 750 clock hours of
academically supervised prac-
ticum in the master's degree program or 1,500 clock hours
of postgrad-
uate supervised work experience;
(5) (A) has completed 2,000
clock hours of postgraduate work ex-
perience under the supervision of a licensed psychologist
or a currently
licensed master's level psychologist with three years'
experience if such
applicant commenced such postgraduate work experience prior
to July 1,
1998, or (B) if such applicant commenced such postgraduate
work ex-
perience on or after July 1, 1998, has completed 4,000
clock hours of
postgraduate work experience under the supervision of a
licensed psy-
chologist or a currently licensed master's level
psychologist with three
years' experience;
(6) for applicants on and after
January 1, 1997, has passed an exam-
ination approved by the board with a minimum score set by the board
rules and regulations at 10 percentage points below the score set
by the
board for licensed psychologists.
(c) (1) Applications for
licensure as a clinical psychotherapist shall
be made to the board on a form and in the manner prescribed by
board. Each applicant shall furnish evidence satisfactory to
the board that
the applicant:
(A) Is licensed by the board as a
licensed masters level psychologist
or meets all requirements for licensure as a masters level
(B) has completed 15 credit hours as
part of or in addition to the
requirements under subsection (b) supporting diagnosis or
treatment of
mental disorders with use of the American psychiatric
association's di-
agnostic and statistical manual, through identifiable study of
the following
content areas: Psychopathology, diagnostic assessment,
referral and collaboration, treatment approaches and
professional ethics;
(C) has completed a graduate level
supervised clinical practicum of
supervised professional experience including psychotherapy and
ment with individuals, couples, families or groups, integrating
and treatment of mental disorders with use of the American
association's diagnostic and statistical manual, with not less
than 350
hours of direct client contact or additional postgraduate
supervised ex-
perience as determined by the board;
(D) has completed not less than two
years of postgraduate supervised
professional experience in accordance with a clinical
supervision plan ap-
proved by the board of not less than 4,000 hours of supervised
experience including at least 1,500 hours of direct client
contact conduct-
ing psychotherapy and assessments with individuals, couples,
families or
groups and not less than 150 hours of clinical supervision,
including not
less than 50 hours of person-to-person individual supervision,
diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders with use of the
psychiatric association's diagnostic and statistical
(E) for persons earning a degree
under subsection (b) prior to July 1,
2003, in lieu of the education requirements under parts (B) and
(C) of
this subsection, has completed the education requirements for
as a licensed masters level psychologist in effect on the day
preceding the effective date of this act;
(F) for persons who apply for and are
eligible for a temporary permit
to practice as a licensed masters level psychologist on the day
preceding the effective date of this act, in lieu of the
education and training
requirements under parts (B), (C) and (D) of this subsection,
has com-
pleted the education and training requirements for licensure as
a masters
level psychologist in effect on the day immediately preceding
the effective
date of this act;
(G) has passed an examination
approved by the board with the same
minimum passing score as that set by the board for licensed
(H) has paid the application
(2) A person who was licensed or
registered as a masters level psy-
chologist in Kansas at any time prior to the effective date of
this act, who
has been actively engaged in the practice of masters level
psychology as
a registered or licensed masters level psychologist within five
years prior
to the effective date of this act and whose last license or
registration in
Kansas prior to the effective date of this act was not
suspended or revoked,
upon application to the board, payment of fees and completion
of appli-
cable continuing education requirements, shall be licensed as a
clinical psychotherapist by providing demonstration of
competence to di-
agnose and treat mental disorders through at least two of the
areas acceptable to the board:
(a) Either (i) graduate coursework or
(ii) passing a national, clinical
(b) either (i) three years of
clinical practice in a community mental
health center, its contracted affiliate or a state mental
hospital or (ii) three
years of clinical practice in other settings with demonstrated
in diagnosing or treating mental disorders; or
(c) attestation from one professional
licensed to diagnose and treat
mental disorders in independent practice or licensed to
practice medicine
and surgery that the applicant is competent to diagnose and
treat mental
(3) A licensed clinical
psychotherapist may engage in the independent
practice of masters level psychology and is authorized to
diagnose and
treat mental disorders specified in the edition of the
diagnostic and sta-
tistical manual of mental disorders of the American psychiatric
designated by the board by rules and regulations. When a client
has symp-
toms of a mental disorder, a licensed clinical psychotherapist
shall consult
with the client's primary care physician or psychiatrist to
determine if
there may be a medical condition or medication that may be
causing or
contributing to the client's symptoms of a mental disorder. A
client may
request in writing that such consultation be waived and such
request shall
be made a part of the client's record. A licensed clinical
may continue to evaluate and treat the client until such time
that the
medical consultation is obtained or waived.
(c) (d) The
board shall adopt rules and regulations establishing the
criteria which an educational institution shall satisfy in meeting
requirements established under item (3) of subsection (b). The
board may
send a questionnaire developed by the board to any educational
tion for which the board does not have sufficient information to
mine whether the educational institution meets the requirements of
(3) of subsection (b) and rules and regulations adopted under this
The questionnaire providing the necessary information shall be
pleted and returned to the board in order for the educational
to be considered for approval. The board may contract with
agencies, commissions or consultants to assist the board in
obtaining in-
formation about educational institutions. In entering such
contracts the
authority to approve educational institutions shall remain solely
with the
Sec. 33. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 74-5365
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 74-5365. (a) The application, issuance of a new license
and re-
newal fee for licensure under this act shall be fixed by the board
by rules
and regulations in an amount not to exceed $200.
(b) Fees paid to the board are not
(c) The application for renewal shall be
accompanied by evidence
satisfactory to the board that the applicant has completed, during
previous 24 months, the continuing education required by rules and
ulations of the board. As part of such continuing education, a
masters level psychologist and a licensed clinical
psychotherapist shall
complete not less than six continuing education hours relating
to diagnosis
and treatment of mental disorders and not less than three
education hours of professional ethics.
Sec. 34. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 74-5369
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 74-5369. An application for licensure under K.S.A. 74-5361
74-5371, inclusive, and amendments thereto, may be denied or a
granted under this act may be suspended, limited, revoked or not
newed by the board upon proof that the applicant or
licensed masters
level psychologist licensee:
(a) Has been convicted of a felony
involving moral turpitude;
(b) has been found guilty of fraud or
deceit in connection with the
rendering of professional services or in establishing such person's
fications under this act;
(c) has aided or abetted a person not
licensed as a psychologist, li-
censed under this act or an uncertified assistant, to hold oneself
out as a
psychologist in this state;
(d) has been guilty of unprofessional
conduct as defined by rules and
regulations of the board;
(e) has been guilty of neglect or
wrongful duties in the performance
of duties; or
(f) has had a registration, license or
certificate as a masters level psy-
chologist revoked, suspended or limited, or has had other
action taken, or an application for a registration, license or
denied, by the proper regulatory authority of another state,
territory, Dis-
trict of Columbia or another country, a certified copy of the
record of the
action of the other jurisdiction being conclusive evidence
Administrative proceedings under K.S.A.
74-5361 to 74-5371, inclu-
sive, and amendments thereto shall be conducted in accordance with
Kansas administrative procedure act. Judicial review and civil
ment of agency actions under K.S.A. 74-5361 to 74-5371, inclusive,
amendments thereto shall be in accordance with the act for judicial
and civil enforcement of agency actions.
Sec. 35. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 74-5371
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 74-5371. (a) No person shall engage in the
practice of masters
level psychology or represent oneself as a licensed masters level
ogist or use the abbreviation LMLP or use any word, letter, signs,
or devices to indicate that such person using the same is a
licensed masters
level psychologist unless such person holds a valid license as a
masters level psychologist.
(b) No person shall engage in the
independent practice of masters
level psychology or represent oneself as a licensed clinical
or use the abbreviation LCP or use any word, letter, signs,
figures or
devices to indicate that such person using the same is a
licensed clinical
psychotherapist unless such person holds a valid license as a
clinical psychotherapist.
(b) (c) A
violation of this section is a class C misdemeanor.
Sec. 36. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 74-5372
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 74-5372. (a) The confidential relations and
communications be-
tween a licensed masters level psychologist and such psychologist's
are placed on the same basis as provided by law for those between
attorney and an attorney's client.
(b) The confidential relations and
communications between a licensed
clinical psychotherapist and such psychotherapist's client are
placed on
the same basis as provided by law for those between an attorney
and an
attorney's client.
(c) Nothing in this section or in
this act shall be construed to prohibit
any licensed masters level psychologist or licensed clinical
from testifying in court hearings concerning matters of adult
abuse, adop-
tion, child abuse, child neglect, or other matters pertaining
to the welfare
of children or from seeking collaboration or consultation with
colleagues or administrative superiors, or both, on behalf of
the client.
There is no privilege under this section for information which
is required
to be reported to a public official.
Sec. 37. K.S.A. 65-5805, 65-6302,
65-6308, 65-6313, 65-6315, 74-
5302, 74-5318 and 74-5323 and K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-5802, 65-5803,
5804, 65-5806, 65-5808, 65-5809, 65-5810, 65-5812, 65-6306,
65-6402, 65-6403, 65-6404, 65-6407, 65-6410, 65-6411, 74-5361,
5362, 74-5363, 74-5365, 74-5369, 74-5371 and 74-5372 are hereby
Sec. 38. This act shall take effect
and be in force from and after July
1, 2000, and its publication in the statute book.
I hereby certify that the above BILL originated in the
HOUSE, and passed that body
HOUSE adopted
Conference Committee Report ______________________________
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__________________________________ |
Passed the SENATE
as amended ______________________________SENATE
Conference Committee Report ______________________________
APPROVED ______________________________
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