Session of 1999
By Committee on Environment
9 AN ACT concerning transportation of certain high level radioactive waste
10 in this state; imposing certain requirements; providing for preparation
11 of an emergency response plan; providing for designation of certain
12 routes, times and dates for transportation.
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
15 Section 1. This act does not apply to radioactive materials shipped
16 by or for the federal government for the following purposes:
17 (1) Military;
18 (2) national security; or
19 (3) national defense.
20 Sec. 2. As used in this act, "high level radioactive waste" means:
21 (a) Irradiated reactor fuel;
22 (b) liquid wastes that result from reprocessing irradiated reactor fuel
23 or solids into which the liquid wastes have been converted;
24 (c) any radioactive waste that contains alpha emitting transuranic el-
25 ements that is not acceptable for near-surface disposal as defined in 10
26 CFR 61.55, as in effect on the effective date of this act;
27 (d) any other highly radioactive materials that the United States nu-
28 clear regulatory commission or the United States department of energy
29 determines by law to require permanent isolation; or
30 (e) any byproduct material as defined in section 11(e)(2) of the fed-
31 eral atomic energy act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2014), as amended.
32 Sec. 3. Before a person may transport high level radioactive waste in
33 this state, the person must submit both of the following to the adjutant
34 general:
35 (1) A notice that includes: (A) The highway or railway route, date and
36 time of the shipment of high level radioactive waste; and (B) any other
37 information required under 10 CFR 71.5(a) and 10 CFR 73.37(f), as in
38 effect on the effective date of this act.
39 (2) A transportation fee for each vehicle; and railroad car that will be
40 used to transport high level radioactive waste in this state as follows: (A)
41 For each vehicle, $1,000; and (B) for each railroad car, $2,000.
42 (b) The adjutant general shall remit all fees collected under this sec-
43 tion to the state treasurer, who shall deposit the entire amount in the
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1 state treasury and credit it to the nuclear response fund established by
2 section 6.
3 Sec. 4. (a) The adjutant general shall prepare a plan for emergency
4 response to a high level radioactive waste transportation accident in this
5 state, which plan shall include provisions for evacuation and cleanup. In
6 preparing such plan, the adjutant general shall consult with:
7 (1) The secretary of health and environment;
8 (2) the secretary of transportation;
9 (3) the superintendent of the Kansas highway patrol;
10 (4) the state fire marshal; and
11 (5) representatives of the: (A) United States nuclear regulatory com-
12 mission; (B) federal emergency management agency; and (C) United
13 States department of transportation.
14 (b) The adjutant general shall report to the legislature each year on:
15 (1) The status of the plan prepared under subsection (a); and
16 (2) the ability of the state to respond adequately to a high level ra-
17 dioactive waste transportation accident in this state.
18 Sec. 5. (a) Under 49 CFR Part 397, as in effect on the effective date
19 of this act, the adjutant general may require preferred routes, dates or
20 times for transporting high level radioactive waste in this state if the ad-
21 jutant general determines, in accordance with United States department
22 of transportation "Guidelines for Selecting Preferred Highway Routes for
23 Large Quantity Shipments of Radioactive Materials," that alternative
24 routes, dates or times are safer than proposed routes, dates or times.
25 (b) The adjutant general shall:
26 (1) Annually review federally approved highway and railway routes
27 for transporting high level radioactive waste in this state; and
28 (2) select new state designed routes in accordance with 49 CFR Part
29 397, as in effect on the effective date of this act, if safety considerations
30 indicate the alternate routes would be preferable.
31 (c) Before the adjutant general requires alternative routes under sub-
32 section (a) or selects new state designed routes under subsection (b), the
33 adjutant general shall do all of the following:
34 (1) Consult with all of the persons described in subsection (a) of sec-
35 tion 4;
36 (2) conduct at least one public hearing: (A) In each county affected
37 by the proposed alternative route or new state designated route; and (B)
38 in conjunction with the local emergency management agency in the
39 county.
40 (3) Before the date when the alternative route or new state designed
41 route takes effect, notify each of the following of the adjutant general's
42 final decision concerning an alternative route or a new state designed
43 route: (A) The secretary of health and environment; (B) the secretary of
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1 transportation; (C) the superintendent of the Kansas highway patrol; and
2 (D) the local emergency management agency in each affected county.
3 (d) The state does not incur any liability by requiring alternate routes,
4 dates or times to be used as provided by this section.
5 Sec. 6. (a) (1) The nuclear response fund is hereby established in the
6 state treasury. All fees collected pursuant to this act shall be credited in
7 the fund.
8 (2) Moneys in the nuclear response fund shall only be expended for
9 costs of providing appropriate education, training and equipment to local
10 emergency management agency personnel in counties that will be af-
11 fected by the transportation of high level radioactive waste under this act.
12 (3) On or before the 10th of each month following the month in
13 which moneys are first credited to the nuclear response fund, and
14 monthly thereafter on or before the 10th of each month, the director of
15 accounts and reports shall transfer from the state general fund to the
16 nuclear response fund interest earnings based on:
17 (A) The average daily balance of moneys in the nuclear response fund
18 for the preceding month; and
19 (B) the net earnings rate of the pooled money investment portfolio
20 for the preceding month.
21 (4) All expenditures from the nuclear response fund shall be made in
22 accordance with appropriation acts upon warrants of the director of ac-
23 counts and reports issued pursuant to vouchers approved by the adjutant
24 general for the purposes set forth in this section.
25 Sec. 7. This act shall not require the disclosure of defense informa-
26 tion or restricted data as defined in the federal atomic energy act of 1954
27 (42 U.S.C. 2014), as in effect on the effective date of this act.
28 Sec. 8. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
29 publication in the statute book.