Session of 2000
Effective: July 1, 2000
Substitute for HOUSE BILL No. 2169
An Act concerning nursing; amending K.S.A. 65-1133 and
K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 65-1124,
65-1136, 65-1153 and 74-1106 and repealing the existing
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
Section 1. K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
65-1124 is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-1124. No provisions of this law shall be construed as
(a) Gratuitous nursing by friends or
members of the family;
(b) the incidental care of the sick by
domestic servants or persons
primarily employed as housekeepers;
(c) caring for the sick in accordance
with tenets and practices of any
church or religious denomination which teaches reliance upon
means through prayer for healing;
(d) nursing assistance in the case of an
(e) the practice of nursing by students
enrolled in accredited schools
as part of a clinical course offered through a school of
professional or
practical nursing or programs program of
advanced registered profes-
sional nursing approved by the board nor nursing by
graduates of such
schools or courses pending the results of the first
licensure examination
scheduled following such graduation but in no case to
exceed 90 days,
whichever comes first in the United States or
its territories;
(f) the practice of nursing in this state
by legally qualified nurses of
any of the other states as long as the engagement of any such
requires the nurse to accompany and care for a patient temporarily
siding in this state during the period of one such engagement not
exceed six months in length, and as long as such nurses do not
or hold themselves out as nurses licensed to practice in this
(g) the practice by any nurse who is
employed by the United States
government or any bureau, division or agency thereof, while in the
charge of official duties;
(h) auxiliary patient care services
performed in medical care facilities,
adult care homes or elsewhere by persons under the direction of a
licensed to practice medicine and surgery or a person licensed to
dentistry or the supervision of a registered professional nurse or
a licensed
practical nurse;
(i) the administration of medications to
residents of adult care homes
or to patients in hospital-based long-term care units, including
state op-
erated institutions for the mentally retarded, by an unlicensed
person who
has been certified as having satisfactorily completed a training
in medication administration approved by the secretary of health
environment and has completed the program on continuing
adopted by the secretary, or by an unlicensed person while engaged
and as a part of such training program in medication
(j) the practice of mental health
technology by licensed mental health
technicians as authorized under the mental health technicians'
(k) performance in the school setting of
nursing procedures when
delegated by a licensed professional nurse in accordance with the
and regulations of the board;
(l) performance of attendant care
services directed by or on behalf
of an individual in need of in-home care as the terms "attendant
services" and "individual in need of in-home care" are defined
K.S.A. 65-6201 and amendments thereto;
(m) performance of a nursing procedure by
a person when that pro-
cedure is delegated by a licensed nurse, within the reasonable
exercise of
independent nursing judgment and is performed with reasonable skill
safety by that person under the supervision of a registered
nurse or a licensed practical nurse; or
(n) the practice of nursing by an
applicant for Kansas nurse licensure
in the supervised clinical portion of a refresher
(o) the practice of nursing by
graduates of approved schools of pro-
fessional or practical nursing pending the results of the first
examination scheduled following such graduation but in no case
to exceed
120 days, whichever comes first; or
(p) the teaching of the nursing
process in this state by legally qualified
nurses of any of the other states while in consultation with a
Kansas nurse as long as such individuals do not represent or
hold them-
selves out as nurses licensed to practice in this state.
Sec. 2. K.S.A. 65-1133 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 65-
1133. (a) An accredited educational and training program for
registered nurse practitioners is a program conducted in Kansas
has been approved by the board as meeting the standards and the
and regulations of the board. An institution desiring to conduct an
cational and training program for advanced registered nurse
shall apply to the board for accreditation and submit satisfactory
that it is prepared to and will maintain the standards and the
curriculum for advanced registered nurse practitioners as
prescribed by
this act and by the rules and regulations of the board.
Applications shall
be made in writing on forms supplied by the board and shall be
to the board together with the application fee fixed by the board.
accreditation of an educational and training program for advanced
istered nurse practitioners shall expire two years after the
granting of such
accreditation by the board. An institution desiring to continue to
an accredited educational and training program for advanced
nurse practitioners shall apply to the board for the renewal of
tion and submit satisfactory proof that it will maintain the
standards and
the required curriculum for advanced registered nurse practitioners
prescribed by this act and by the rules and regulations of the
Applications for renewal of accreditation shall be made in writing
forms supplied by the board and. Each
program shall be submitted submit
annually to the board together with the
application an annual fee fixed
by the board board's rules and regulations to
maintain the accredited
(b) A program to qualify as an accredited
educational and training
program for advanced registered nurse practitioners must be
in the state of Kansas, and the school conducting the program must
to the board and submit evidence that: (1) It is prepared to carry
out the
curriculum prescribed by rules and regulations of the board; and
(2) it is
prepared to meet such other standards as shall be established by
law and
the rules and regulations of the board.
(c) The board shall prepare and maintain
a list of programs which
qualify as accredited educational and training programs for
advanced reg-
istered nurse practitioners whose graduates, if they have the other
essary qualifications provided in this act, shall be eligible to
apply for
certificates of qualification as advanced registered nurse
practitioners. A
survey of the institution or school applying for accreditation of
an edu-
cational and training program for advanced registered nurse
shall be made by an authorized employee of the board or members
the board, who shall submit a written report of the survey to the
If, in the opinion of the board, the requirements as prescribed by
board in its rules and regulations for accreditation are met, it
shall so
approve and accredit the program. From time to time, as deemed
essary by the board, it shall cause to be made a resurvey of
programs and written reports of such resurveys submitted to the
If the board determines that any accredited program is not
the standards required by this act and by rules and regulations
by the board, notice thereof in writing, specifying the failures of
program, shall be given. A program which fails to correct such
to the satisfaction of the board within a reasonable time shall be
from the list of accredited programs until such time as the program
comply with said standards. All accredited programs shall maintain
curate and current records showing in full the theoretical and
courses given to each student.
Sec. 3. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 65-1136
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-1136. (a) As used in this section:
(1) "Provider" means a person who is
approved by the board to ad-
minister an examination and to offer an intravenous fluid therapy
which has been approved by the board.
(2) "Person" means an individual,
organization, agency, institution or
other legal entity.
(3) "Examination" means an intravenous
fluid therapy competency
examination approved by the board.
(4) "Supervision" means provision of
guidance by a qualified nurse
for the accomplishment of a nursing task or activity with initial
of the task or activity and periodic inspection of the actual act
of accom-
plishing the task or activity.
(b) A licensed practical nurse may
perform a limited scope of intra-
venous fluid therapy under the supervision of a registered
(c) A licensed practical nurse may
perform an expanded scope of
intravenous fluid therapy under the supervision of a registered
sional nurse, if the licensed practical nurse:
(1) Has had one year of clinical
experience and Successfully com-
pletes an intravenous fluid therapy course given by an
approved a pro-
vider and passes an intravenous fluid therapy examination
by an approved a provider;
(2) has had one year of clinical
experience, has performed intravenous
fluid therapy prior to the effective date of this act and has
passed an examination; or
(3) has had one year of clinical
experience, has successfully completed
an intravenous fluid therapy course not given by an approved
and has passed an intravenous fluid therapy examination not
by an approved provider or approved by the board and, upon
to the board for review and approval of such course and
examination, has
had the board determine has
determined that such course and examina-
tion meets or exceeds the standards required under this act for an
proved course and approved examination administered by a
(d) The board may adopt rules and
(1) Which define the limited and expanded
scope of practice of in-
travenous fluid therapy which may be performed by a licensed
nurse under the supervision of a registered professional nurse;
(2) which restricts specific intravenous
fluid therapy practices;
(3) which prescribe standards for an
intravenous fluid therapy course
and examination required of an approved provider;
(4) which govern provider record
(5) which prescribe the procedure to
approve, condition, limit and
withdraw approval as a provider; and
(6) which further implement the
provisions of this section.
(e) An advisory committee of not less
than two board members and
five nonboard members shall be established by the board to advise
assist the board in implementing this section as determined by the
The advisory committee shall meet at least annually. Members of
advisory committee shall receive amounts provided for in subsection
of K.S.A. 75-3223 and amendments thereto for each day of actual
tendance at any meeting of the advisory committee or any
meeting of the advisory committee authorized by the board.
(f) On and after July 1, 1995, no
licensed practical nurse shall perform
intravenous fluid therapy unless qualified to perform intravenous
therapy under this section and rules and regulations adopted by the
(g) Nothing in this section shall be
construed to prohibit the perform-
ance of intravenous fluid therapy by a registered professional
(h) Nothing in this section shall be
construed to prohibit performance
of intravenous fluid therapy by a licensed practical nurse when
by delegation of a person licensed to practice medicine and surgery
(i) This section shall be part of and
supplemental to the Kansas nurse
practice act.
Sec. 4. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 65-1153
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 65-1153. The board may grant a temporary authorization to
tice nurse anesthesia as a registered nurse anesthetist: (a) For a
period of
not more than one year to graduates of a school of nurse anesthesia
credited by the board pending results of the initial examination;
(b) for 180 days for
the needed amount of time to complete the clinical
portion of a refresher course and the temporary
authorization may be
renewed by the board for one additional period of not to
exceed 180 days;
and; or
(c) for a period not to exceed
90 120 days. The 90-day
permit may be renewed for an additional 30 days but not to
exceed a
combined total of 120 days.
Sec. 5. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-1106
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 74-1106. (a) Appointment, term of office. (1) The
governor shall
appoint a board consisting of 11 members of which six shall be
professional nurses, two shall be licensed practical nurses, one
shall be a
licensed mental health technician and two shall be members of the
eral public, which shall constitute a board of nursing, with the
power and authority set forth in this act.
(2) Upon the expiration of the term of
any registered professional
nurse, the Kansas state nurses association shall submit to the
governor a
list of registered professional nurses containing names of not less
three times the number of persons to be appointed, and
shall be made after consideration of such list for terms of four
years and
until a successor is appointed and qualified.
(3) On the effective date of this act,
the Kansas federation of licensed
practical nurses shall submit to the governor a list of licensed
nurses containing names of not less than three times the number of
sons to be appointed, and appointments shall be made after
of such list, with the first appointment being for a term of four
years and
the second appointment being for a term of two years. Upon the
ration of the term of any licensed practical nurse, a successor of
qualifications shall be appointed in the same manner as the
original ap-
pointment for a term of four years and until a successor is
appointed and
(4) Upon the expiration of the term of
any mental health technician,
the Kansas association of human services technologies shall submit
to the
governor a list of persons licensed as mental health technicians
names of not less than three times the number of persons to be
and appointments shall be made after consideration of such list for
of four years and until a successor is appointed and qualified.
(5) Each member of the general public
shall be appointed for a term
of four years and successors shall be appointed for a like
(6) Whenever a vacancy occurs on the
board of nursing, it shall be
filled by appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term in
same manner as the preceding appointment. No person shall serve
than two consecutive terms as a member of the board of nursing
appointment for the remainder of an unexpired term shall constitute
full term of service on such board. With the expiration of terms
for the
registered professional nurse from education and one public
member in
July, 2003, the next appointments for those two positions will
be for only
one year. Thereafter the two positions shall be appointed for
terms of four
(b) Qualifications of members.
Each member of the board shall be a
citizen of the United States and a resident of the state of Kansas.
tered professional nurse members shall possess a license to
practice as a
professional nurse in this state with at least five years'
experience in nurs-
ing as such and shall be actively engaged in professional nursing
in Kansas
at the time of appointment and reappointment. The licensed
nurse members shall be licensed to practice practical nursing in
the state
with at least five years' experience in practical nursing and shall
be actively
engaged in practical nursing in Kansas at the time of appointment
reappointment. The governor shall appoint successors so that the
tered professional nurse membership of the board shall consist of
at least
two members who are engaged in nursing service, at least two
who are engaged in nursing education and at least one member who
engaged in practice as an advanced registered nurse practitioner or
registered nurse anesthetist. The licensed mental health technician
ber shall be licensed to practice as licensed mental health
technician in
the state with at least five years' experience and shall be
actively engaged
in the field of mental health technology in Kansas at the time of
ment and reappointment. The consumer members shall represent
interests of the general public. Each member of the board shall
take and
subscribe the oath prescribed by law for state officers, which oath
be filed with the secretary of state.
(c) Duties and powers. (1) The
board shall meet annually at Topeka
during the month of September and shall elect from its members a
ident, vice-president and secretary, each of whom shall hold their
spective offices for one year. The board shall employ an executive
ministrator, who shall be a registered professional nurse, who
shall not
be a member of the board and who shall be in the unclassified
under the Kansas civil service act, and shall employ such other
who shall be in the classified service under the Kansas civil
service act as
necessary to carry on the work of the board. As necessary, the
board shall
be represented by an attorney appointed by the attorney general as
vided by law, whose compensation shall be determined and paid by
board with the approval of the governor. The board may hold such
meetings during the year as may be deemed necessary to transact
(2) The board may adopt rules and
regulations not inconsistent with
this act necessary to carry into effect the provisions thereof, and
rules and regulations may be published and copies thereof furnished
any person upon application.
(3) The board shall prescribe curricula
and standards for professional
and practical nursing programs and mental health technician
and provide for surveys of such schools and courses at such times
as it
may deem necessary. It shall accredit such schools and approve
as meet the requirements of the appropriate act and rules and
of the board.
(4) The board shall examine, license and
renew licenses of duly qual-
ified applicants and conduct hearings upon charges for limitation,
pension or revocation of a license or accreditation of professional
practical nursing and mental health technician programs and may
deny, suspend or revoke for proper legal cause, licenses or
of professional and practical nursing and mental health technician
grams, as hereinafter provided. Examination for applicants for
shall be given at least twice each year and as many other times as
necessary by the board. The board shall promote improved means
nursing education and standards of nursing care through institutes,
ferences and other means.
(5) The board shall have a seal of which
the executive administrator
shall be the custodian. The president and the secretary shall have
power and authority to administer oaths in transacting business of
board, and the secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of
board and a register of professional and practical nurses and
mental health
technicians licensed and showing the certificates of registration
or licenses
granted or revoked, which register shall be open at all times to
(6) The board may enter into contracts as
may be necessary to carry
out its duties.
(7) The board is hereby authorized to
apply for and to accept grants
and may accept donations, bequests or gifts. The board shall remit
moneys received by it under this paragraph (7) to the state
treasurer at
least monthly. Upon receipt of any such remittance, the state
shall deposit the entire amount thereof in the state treasury, and
deposit shall be credited to the grants and gifts fund which is
created. All expenditures from such fund shall be made in
with appropriation acts upon warrants of the director of accounts
reports issued pursuant to vouchers approved by the president of
board or a person designated by the president.
(8) A majority of the board of nursing
including two professional
nurse members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
(d) Subpoenas. In all
investigations and proceedings, the board shall
have the power to issue subpoenas and compel the attendance of
nesses and the production of all relevant and necessary papers,
records, documentary evidence and materials. Any person failing or
fusing to appear or testify regarding any matter about which such
may be lawfully questioned or to produce any books, papers,
documentary evidence or relevant materials in the matter, after
been required by order of the board or by a subpoena of the board
to do
so, upon application by the board to any district judge in the
state, may
be ordered by such judge to comply therewith. Upon failure to
with the order of the district judge, the court may compel
obedience by
attachment for contempt as in the case of disobedience of a similar
or subpoena issued by the court. A subpoena may be served upon
person named therein anywhere within the state with the same fees
mileage by an officer authorized to serve subpoenas in civil
actions in the
same procedure as is prescribed by the code of civil procedure for
poenas issued out of the district courts of this state.
(e) Compensation and expenses.
Members of the board of nursing
attending meetings of such board, or attending a subcommittee
thereof authorized by such board, shall be paid compensation,
allowances, mileage and other expenses as provided in K.S.A.
and amendments thereto.
Sec. 6. K.S.A.
65-1133 and K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 65-1124, 65-1136, 65-
1153 and 74-1106 are hereby repealed.
Sec. 7. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
publication in the statute book.