Session of 1999


      An  Act concerning dispute resolution; relating to arbitration and mediation; confidentiality
      of proceedings; amending K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 5-512, 23-605 and 60-452a and repealing
      the existing sections; also repealing K.S.A. 23-606.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

      Section  1. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 5-512 is hereby amended to read as
follows: 5-512. (a) All verbal or written information transmitted between
any party to a dispute and a neutral person conducting a proceeding under
the dispute resolution act or the staff of an approved program shall be
confidential communications. No admission, representation or statement
made in the proceeding shall be admissible as evidence or subject to
discovery. A neutral person conducting a proceeding under the dispute
resolution act shall not be subject to process requiring the disclosure of
any matter discussed during the proceedings unless all the parties consent
to a waiver. Any party, including and the neutral person conducting the
proceeding, participating in the proceeding has a privilege in any action
to refuse to disclose, and to prevent a witness from disclosing, any com-
munication made in the course of the proceeding. The privilege may be
claimed by the party or the neutral person or anyone the party or the
neutral person authorized to claim the privilege.

      (b) The confidentiality and privilege requirements of this section shall
not apply to:

      (1) Information that is reasonably necessary to establish a defense for
the neutral person or staff of an approved program conducting the pro-
ceeding in the case of an action against the neutral person or staff of an
approved program that is filed by a party to the proceeding allow inves-
tigation of or action for ethical violations against the neutral person con-
ducting the proceeding or for the defense of the neutral person or staff of
an approved program conducting the proceeding in an action against the
neutral person or staff of an approved program if the action is filed by a
party to the proceeding;

      (2) any information that the neutral person conducting the proceed-
ing is required to report under K.S.A. 38-1522, and amendments thereto;

      (3) any information that is reasonably necessary to stop the commis-
sion of an ongoing crime or fraud or to prevent the commission of a crime
or fraud in the future for which there was an expressed intent to commit
such crime or fraud; or

      (4) any information that the neutral person conducting the proceed-
ing is required to report or communicate under the specific provisions of
any statute or in order to comply with orders of a court.; or

      (5) any report to the court that a party has issued a threat of physical
violence against a party, a party's dependent or family member, the me-
diator or an officer or employee of the court with the apparent intention
of carrying out such threat.

      Sec.  2. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 23-605 is hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 23-605. (a) A mediator appointed under K.S.A. 23-602 and amend-
ments thereto shall treat all verbal or written information transmitted
between any party to a dispute and a mediator conducting the proceeding,
or the staff of an approved program under K.S.A. 5-501 et seq. and
amendments thereto as confidential communications. No admission, rep-
resentation or statement made in the proceeding shall be admissible as
evidence or subject to discovery. A mediator shall not be subject to pro-
cess requiring the disclosure of any matter discussed during the proceed-
ings unless all the parties consent to a waiver. Any party, including and
the neutral person or staff of an approved program conducting the pro-
ceeding, participating in the proceeding has a privilege in any action to
refuse to disclose, and to prevent a witness from disclosing, any com-
munication made in the course of the proceeding. The privilege may be
claimed by the party or the neutral person or anyone the party or the
neutral person authorizes to claim the privilege. A neutral person con-
ducting the proceeding shall not be subject to process requiring the dis-
closure of any matter discussed within the proceedings unless all parties
consent to a waiver.

      (b) The confidentiality and privilege requirements of this section shall
not apply to:

      (1) Information that is reasonably necessary to allow investigation of
or action for ethical violations against the neutral person conducting the
proceeding or for the defense of the neutral person or staff of an approved
program conducting the proceeding in an action against the neutral per-
son or staff of an approved program if the action is filed by a party to the

      (2) any information that the mediator is required to report under
K.S.A. 38-1522 and amendments thereto;

      (3) any information that is reasonably necessary to stop the commis-
sion of an ongoing crime or fraud or to prevent the commission of a crime
or fraud in the future for which there was an expressed intent to commit
such crime or fraud;

      (4) any information that the mediator is required to report or com-
municate under the specific provisions of any statute or in order to comply
with orders of the court; or

      (5) a report to the court of threats of physical violence made by a
party during the proceeding any report to the court that a party has issued
a threat of physical violence against a party, a party's dependent or family
member, the mediator or an officer or employee of the court with the
apparent intention of carrying out such threat.

      Sec.  3. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 60-452a is hereby amended to read as
follows: 60-452a. (a) All verbal or written information transmitted be-
tween any party to a dispute and a neutral person conducting the pro-
ceeding, or the staff of an approved program under K.S.A. 5-501 et seq.
and amendments thereto shall be confidential communications. No ad-
mission, representation or statement made in the proceeding shall be
admissible as evidence or subject to discovery. A neutral person shall not
be subject to process requiring the disclosure of any matter discussed
during the proceedings unless all the parties consent to a waiver. Any
party, including and the neutral person or staff of an approved program
conducting the proceeding, participating in the proceeding has a privilege
in any action to refuse to disclose, and to prevent a witness from disclos-
ing, any communication made in the course of the proceeding. The priv-
ilege may be claimed by the party or the neutral person or anyone the
party or the neutral person authorizes to claim the privilege.

      (b) The confidentiality and privilege requirements of this section shall
not apply to:

      (1) Information that is reasonably necessary to establish a defense for
the neutral person or staff of an approved program conducting the pro-
ceeding in the case of an action against the neutral person or staff of an
approved program that is filed by a party to the mediation allow inves-
tigation of or action for ethical violations against the neutral person con-
ducting the proceeding or for the defense of the neutral person or staff of
an approved program conducting the proceeding in an action against the
neutral person or staff of an approved program if the action is filed by a
party to the proceeding;

      (2) any information that the neutral person is required to report un-
der K.S.A. 38-1522 and amendments thereto;

      (3) any information that is reasonably necessary to stop the commis-
sion of an ongoing crime or fraud or to prevent the commission of a crime
or fraud in the future for which there was an expressed intent to commit
such crime or fraud; or

      (4) any information that the neutral person is required to report or
communicate under the specific provisions of any statute or in order to
comply with orders of the court.; or

      (5) any report to the court that a party has issued a threat of physical
violence against a party, a party's dependent or family member, the me-
diator or an officer or employee of the court with the apparent intention
of carrying out such threat.

      Sec. 4. K.S.A. 23-606 and K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 5-512, 23-605 and 60-
452a are hereby repealed.

      Sec.  5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
publication in the statute book.

I hereby certify that the above BILL originated in the
HOUSE, and passed that body


HOUSE adopted
Conference Committee Report ______________________________

Speaker of the House
Chief Clerk of the House

Passed the SENATE
     as amended ______________________________
SENATE adopted
Conference Committee Report ______________________________

President of the Senate
Secretary of the Senate

APPROVED ______________________________
