Session of 1999
By Committee on Environment
9 AN ACT amending the multipurpose small lakes program act; amending
10 K.S.A. 82a-1603 and repealing the existing section.
12 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
13 Section 1. K.S.A. 82a-1603 is hereby amended to read as follows:
14 82a-1603. When used in this act:
15 (a) "Chief engineer" means the chief engineer of the division of water
16 resources of the state board of agriculture.
17 (b) "Class I funded project" means a proposed new project or ren-
18 ovation of an existing project located within the boundaries of an organ-
19 ized watershed district which is receiving or is eligible to receive financial
20 participation from the state conservation commission for the flood control
21 storage portion of the project.
22 (c) "Class II funded project" means a proposed new project or ren-
23 ovation of an existing project which is receiving or is eligible to receive
24 financial participation from the federal government.
25 (d) "Class III funded project" means a proposed new project or ren-
26 ovation of an existing project located outside the boundaries of an organ-
27 ized watershed district which is not receiving or is not eligible to receive
28 financial participation from the state conservation commission or the fed-
29 eral government except as provided in K.S.A. 82a-1606, and amendments
30 thereto.
31 (e) "Flood control storage" means storage space in reservoirs to hold
32 flood waters.
33 (f) "General plan" means a preliminary engineering report describing
34 the characteristics of the project area, the nature and methods of dealing
35 with the soil and water problems within the project area, and the projects
36 proposed to be undertaken by the sponsor within the project area. Such
37 plan shall include maps, descriptions and other data as may be necessary
38 for the location, identification and establishment of the character of the
39 work to be undertaken; a cost-benefit analysis of alternatives to the pro-
40 ject, including but not limited to, nonstructural flood control options and
41 water conservation and reuse to reduce need for new water supply stor-
42 age; and any other data and information as the chief engineer may require.
43 (g) "Land right" means real property as that term is defined by the
HB 2144
1 laws of the state of Kansas and all rights thereto and interest therein and
2 shall include any road, highway, bridge, street, easement or other right-
3 of-way thereon.
4 (h) "Multipurpose small lake project" means a dam and lake contain-
5 ing at least two of the following: (1) Flood control storage and (2) either;
6 (2) public water supply storage; or (3) recreation features or both.
7 (i) "Public water supply" means a water supply for municipal, indus-
8 trial or domestic use.
9 (j) "Public water supply storage" means storage of water for munic-
10 ipal, industrial or domestic use.
11 (k) "Recreation feature" means water storage and related facilities
12 for activities such as swimming, fishing, boating, camping or other related
13 activities.
14 (l) "Sponsor" means: (1) Any political subdivision of the state which
15 has the power of taxation and the right of eminent domain; (2) any public
16 wholesale water supply district; or (3) any rural water district.
17 (m) "Water user" means any city, rural water district, wholesale water
18 district or any other political subdivision of the state which is in the busi-
19 ness of furnishing municipal or industrial water to the public.
20 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 82a-1603 is hereby repealed.
21 Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
22 publication in the statute book.