Session of 1999
By Legislative Post Audit Committee
9 AN ACT concerning the legislative post audit act; authorizing reimburse-
10 ment of certain travel expenses of legislators attending legislative post
11 audit committee meetings; amending K.S.A. 46-1109 and repealing the
12 existing section.
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
15 Section 1. K.S.A. 46-1109 is hereby amended to read as follows: 46-
16 1109. (a) In addition to other additional audits which the legislative post
17 audit committee may direct, such committee may direct the audit of any
18 state agency or agencies when so requested in writing by the governor or
19 any member or committee of the legislature. Any such written request
20 shall specify the desired object of the audit requested and the reasons
21 therefor. In directing the post auditor to make any such requested ad-
22 ditional audit of a state agency or agencies, the legislative post audit com-
23 mittee may modify the object and direct the details of the audit to be
24 performed.
25 (b) In accordance with this subsection, the legislative post audit com-
26 mittee may reimburse travel mileage expense incurred by a member of
27 the legislature to attend a meeting of the legislative post audit committee
28 for the presentation of the report of a performance audit or other audit
29 work that was requested by such member of the legislature and performed
30 at the direction of the legislative post audit committee. The reimbursement
31 for such travel mileage expense shall be for each mile actually traveled by
32 the usual route in going to and returning from the meeting of the legis-
33 lative post audit committee at the rate fixed under K.S.A. 75-3203a, and
34 amendments thereto, and shall be subject to any restrictions or limitations
35 prescribed by rules adopted by the legislative post audit committee. In
36 the case of a performance audit or other audit work that was requested
37 by any standing, special, select or joint committee of the legislature, the
38 legislative post audit committee may reimburse travel mileage expense
39 incurred by not more than two members of such committee and not more
40 than one member of any political party. No travel mileage expense shall
41 be reimbursed under this subsection for attendance at a legislative post
42 audit committee meeting held during the time that the legislature is in
43 session, unless the legislature has adjourned for a period of more than two
44 days.
45 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 46-1109 is hereby repealed.
46 Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
47 publication in the Kansas register.