As Further Amended by House Committee
As Amended by House Committee
Session of 1999
By Representative Huff
concerning motor vehicle insurance; relating to proof of cov-
12 erage; amending K.S.A.
8-173 and K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 40-3104 and
13 40-3118 and repealing
the existing sections.
15 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
16 Section
1. K.S.A. 8-173 is hereby amended to read as follows:
17 (a) An application for registration of a
vehicle as provided in article 1 of
18 chapter 8 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated
and amendments thereto,
19 shall not be accepted unless the person
making such application shall
20 exhibit:
21 (1) A receipt
showing that such person has paid all personal property
22 taxes levied against such person for the
preceding year, including taxes
23 upon such vehicle, except that if such
application is made before June 21
24 such receipt need show payment of only
one-half the preceding year's
25 tax; or
26 (2) evidence that
such vehicle was assessed for taxation purposes by
27 a state agency, or was assessed as stock in
trade of a merchant or manu-
28 facturer or was exempt from taxation under
the laws of this state.
29 (b) An
application for registration of a vehicle as provided in
30 1 of chapter 8 of the Kansas Statutes
Annotated shall not be accepted if
31 the records of the county treasurer show
that the applicant is delinquent
32 and owes personal property taxes levied
against the applicant for any
33 preceding year.
34 (c) An
application for registration or renewal of registration of
35 a motor vehicle shall not be accepted
until the applicant signs an
36 affidavit a
certification, provided by the director of motor vehicles,
37 certifying that the applicant has and
will maintain, during the pe-
38 riod of registration, the required
insurance, self insurance or other
39 financial security required pursuant to
K.S.A. 40-3104 and amend-
40 ments thereto.
(c) (d) An application for
registration or renewal of registration of a
42 vehicle shall not be accepted if the
applicant is unable to provide proof of
HB 2066--Fur. Am. by H
1 the insurance, self insurance or
other financial security required by article
2 31 of chapter 40 of the Kansas
Statutes Annotated. Proof of insurance
3 shall be verified by examination
of the insurance card issued by an in-
4 surance company, a certificate of
self insurance issued by the commis-
5 sioner, a binder of
insurance, a certificate of insurance, a motor
6 carrier identification
number, issued by the state
corporation com-
7 mission, proof of insurance for
vehicles covered under a fleet pol-
8 icy,
or a policy of insurance required by K.S.A. 40-3104, and
9 thereto and for vehicles
used as part of a drivers education pro-
10 gram, a dealership contract and a copy
of a motor vehicle liability
11 insurance policy issued to a school
district or accredited nonpublic
12 school. Examination of a
photocopy of any of these documents shall suf-
13 fice for verification of mail
registration or renewals.
14 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1998
Supp. 40-3104 is hereby amended to read
15 as follows: 40-3104. (a) Every owner
shall provide motor vehicle
16 liability insurance coverage in
accordance with the provisions of
17 this act for every motor vehicle owned
by such person, unless such
18 motor vehicle: (1) Is included under an
approved self-insurance
19 plan as provided in subsection (f); (2)
is used as a driver training
20 motor vehicle, as defined in K.S.A.
72-5015, and amendments
21 thereto, in an approved driver training
course by a school district
22 or an accredited nonpublic school under
an agreement with a mo-
23 tor vehicle dealer, and such motor
vehicle liability insurance cov-
24 erage is provided by the school district
or accredited nonpublic
25 school; (3) is included under a
qualified plan of self-insurance ap-
26 proved by an agency of the state in
which such motor vehicle is
27 registered and the form prescribed in
subsection (b) of K.S.A. 40-
28 3106, and amendments thereto, has been
filed; or (4) is expressly
29 exempted from the provisions of this
30 (b) An owner
of an uninsured motor vehicle shall not permit
31 the operation thereof upon a highway or
upon property open to
32 use by the public, unless such motor
vehicle is expressly exempted
33 from the provisions of this act.
34 (c) No person
shall knowingly drive an uninsured motor vehi-
35 cle upon a highway or upon property open
to use by the public,
36 unless such motor vehicle is expressly
exempted from the provi-
37 sions of this act.
38 (d) Any person
operating a motor vehicle upon a highway or
39 upon property open to use by the public
shall display, upon de-
40 mand, evidence of financial security to
a law enforcement officer.
41 The law enforcement officer shall issue
a citation to any person
42 who fails to display evidence of
financial security upon such de-
43 mand. The law enforcement officer shall
attach a copy of the in-
HB 2066--Fur. Am. by H
1 surance verification form
prescribed by the secretary of revenue
2 to the copy of the citation
forwarded to the court.
3 No citation
shall be issued to any person for failure to provide
4 proof of financial security when
evidence of financial security
5 meeting the standards of
subsection (e) is displayed upon demand
6 of a law enforcement officer.
Whenever the authenticity of such
7 evidence is questionable, the law
enforcement officer may initiate
8 the preparation of the insurance
verification form prescribed by
9 the secretary of revenue by
recording information from the evi-
10 dence of financial security displayed.
The officer shall immediately
11 forward the form to the department of
revenue, and the depart-
12 ment shall proceed with verification in
the manner prescribed in
13 the following paragraph. Upon return of
a form indicating that
14 insurance was not in force on the date
indicated on the form, the
15 department shall immediately forward a
copy of the form to the
16 law enforcement officer initiating
preparation of the form.
17 (e) Unless the
insurance company subsequently submits an in-
18 surance verification form indicating
that insurance was not in
19 force, no person charged with violating
subsections (b), (c) or (d)
20 shall be convicted if such person
produces in court, within 10 days
21 of the date of arrest or of issuance of
the citation, evidence of
22 financial security for the motor vehicle
operated, which was valid
23 at the time of arrest or of issuance of
the citation. For the purpose
24 of this subsection, evidence of
financial security shall be provided
25 by a policy of motor vehicle liability
insurance, an identification
26 card or certificate of insurance issued
to the policyholder by the
27 insurer which provides the name of the
insurer, the policy number
28 and the effective and expiration dates
of the policy, or a certificate
29 of self-insurance signed by the
commissioner of insurance. Upon
30 the production in court of evidence of
financial security, the court
31 shall record the information displayed
thereon on the insurance
32 verification form prescribed by the
secretary of revenue, imme-
33 diately forward such form to the
department of revenue, and stay
34 any further proceedings on the matter
pending a request from the
35 prosecuting attorney that the matter be
set for trial. Upon receipt
36 of such form the department shall mail
the form to the named
37 insurance company for verification that
insurance was in force on
38 the date indicated on the form. It shall
be the duty of insurance
39 companies to notify the department
within 30 calendar days of the
40 receipt of such forms of any insurance
that was not in force on the
41 date specified. Upon return of any form
to the department indi-
42 cating that insurance was not in force
on such date, the department
43 shall immediately forward a copy of such
form to the office of the
HB 2066--Fur. Am. by H
1 prosecuting attorney or the city
clerk of the municipality in which
2 such prosecution is pending when
the prosecuting attorney is not
3 ascertainable. Receipt of any
completed form indicating that in-
4 surance was not in effect on the
date specified shall be prima facie
5 evidence of failure to provide
proof of financial security and vio-
6 lation of this section. A request
that the matter be set for trial shall
7 be made immediately following the
receipt by the prosecuting at-
8 torney of a copy of the form from
the department of revenue in-
9 dicating that insurance was not in
force. Any charge of violating
10 subsection (b), (c) or (d) shall be
dismissed if no request for a trial
11 setting has been made within 60 days of
the date evidence of fi-
12 nancial security was produced in
13 (f) Any person
in whose name more than 25 motor vehicles are
14 registered in Kansas may qualify as a
self-insurer by obtaining a
15 certificate of self-insurance from the
commissioner of insurance.
16 The certificate of self-insurance issued
by the commissioner shall
17 cover such owned vehicles and those
vehicles, registered in Kan-
18 sas, leased to such person if the lease
agreement requires that
19 motor vehicle liability insurance on the
vehicles be provided by
20 the lessee. Upon application of any such
person, the commissioner
21 of insurance may issue a certificate of
self-insurance, if the com-
22 missioner is satisfied that such person
is possessed and will con-
23 tinue to be possessed of ability to pay
any liability imposed by law
24 against such person arising out of the
ownership, operation, main-
25 tenance or use of any motor vehicle
described in this subsection.
26 A self-insurer shall provide liability
coverage subject to the pro-
27 visions of subsection (e) of K.S.A.
40-3107, and amendments
28 thereto, arising out of the ownership,
operation, maintenance or
29 use of a self-insured motor vehicle in
those instances where the
30 lessee or the rental driver, if not the
lessee, does not have a motor
31 vehicle liability insurance policy or
insurance coverage pursuant
32 to a motor vehicle liability insurance
policy or certificate of insur-
33 ance or such insurance policy for such
leased or rented vehicle.
34 Such liability coverage shall be
provided to any person operating
35 a self-insured motor vehicle with the
expressed or implied consent
36 of the self-insurer.
37 Upon notice and a
hearing in accordance with the provisions of
38 the Kansas administrative procedure act,
the commissioner of in-
39 surance may cancel a certificate of
self-insurance upon reasonable
40 grounds. Failure to provide liability
coverage or personal injury
41 protection benefits required by K.S.A.
40-3107 and 40-3109, and
42 amendments thereto, or pay any liability
imposed by law arising
43 out of the ownership, operation,
maintenance or use of a motor
HB 2066--Fur. Am. by H
1 vehicle registered in such
self-insurer's name, or to otherwise com-
2 ply with the requirements of this
subsection shall constitute rea-
3 sonable grounds for the
cancellation of a certificate of self-insur-
4 ance. Reasonable grounds shall not
exist unless such objectionable
5 activity occurs with such
frequency as to indicate a general busi-
6 ness practice.
7 Self-insureds
shall investigate claims in a reasonably prompt
8 manner, handle such claims in a
reasonable manner based on
9 available information and
effectuate prompt, fair and equitable
10 settlement of claims in which liability
has become reasonably clear.
11 As used in this
subsection, "liability imposed by law" means the
12 stated limits of liability as provided
under subsection (e) of K.S.A.
13 40-3107, and amendments thereto.
14 Nothing in this
subsection shall preclude a self-insurer from pur-
15 suing all rights of subrogation against
another person or persons.
16 (g)
(1) Any person violating any provision of this section
17 be guilty of a class
misdemeanor and shall be subject to a
18 fine of not less than
$200 $500 $300 nor more
than $1,000 $2,500
19 $1,000 or confinement in the county jail
for a term of not more
20 than six months
one year six months, or both such fine
21 confinement.
22 (2) Any person
convicted of violating any provision of this sec-
23 tion within three years of any such
prior conviction shall be guilty
24 of a class A
misdemeanor severity level 7, nonperson
felony class A mis-
25 demeanor and shall be subject to a fine
of not less than $800 nor
26 more than $2,500.
27 (h) In
addition to any other penalties provided by this act for
28 failure to have or maintain financial
security in effect, the director,
29 upon receipt of a report required by
K.S.A. 8-1607 or 8-1611, and
30 amendments thereto, or a denial of such
insurance by the insur-
31 ance company listed on the form
prescribed by the secretary of
32 revenue pursuant to subsection (d) of
this section, shall, upon no-
33 tice and hearing as provided by K.S.A.
40-3118, and amendments
34 thereto:
(1) Suspend:
36 (A) The
license of each driver in any manner involved in the
37 accident;
38 (B) the
license of the owner of each motor vehicle involved in
39 such accident, unless the vehicle was
stolen at the time of the ac-
40 cident, proof of which must be
established by the owner of the
41 motor vehicle. Theft by a member of the
vehicle owner's imme-
42 diate family under the age of 18 years
shall not constitute a stolen
43 vehicle for the purposes of this
HB 2066--Fur. Am. by H
1 (C) if
the driver is a nonresident, the privilege of operating a
2 motor vehicle within this state;
3 (D) if
such owner is a nonresident, the privilege of such owner
4 to operate or permit the operation
within this state of any motor
5 vehicle owned by such owner;
(2) revoke the registration of all vehicles owned by the
7 of each motor vehicle involved in
such accident.
8 (i) The
suspension or revocation requirements in subsection
9 (h) shall not apply:
10 (1) To the
driver or owner if the owner had in effect at the time
11 of the accident an automobile liability
policy as required by K.S.A.
12 40-3107, and amendments thereto, with
respect to the vehicle in-
13 volved in the accident;
14 (2) to the
driver, if not the owner of the vehicle involved in the
15 accident, if there was in effect at the
time of the accident an au-
16 tomobile liability policy with respect
to such driver's driving of
17 vehicles not owned by such
18 (3) to any
self-insurer as defined by subsection (u) of K.S.A. 40-
19 3103, and amendments thereto;
20 (4) to the
driver or owner of any vehicle involved in the acci-
21 dent which was exempt from the
provisions of this act pursuant to
22 K.S.A. 40-3105, and amendments
23 (5) to the
owner of a vehicle described in subsection (a)(2).
24 (j) For the
purposes of provisions (1) and (2) of subsection (i)
25 of this section, the director may
require verification by an owner's
26 or driver's insurance company or agent
thereof that there was in
27 effect at the time of the accident an
automobile liability policy as
28 required in this act.
29 Any suspension or
revocation effected hereunder shall remain
30 in effect until satisfactory proof of
financial security has been filed
31 with the director as required by
subsection (d) of K.S.A. 40-3118,
32 and amendments thereto, and such person
has been released from
33 liability or is a party to an action to
determine liability pursuant to
34 which the court temporarily stays such
suspension pending final
35 disposition of such action, has entered
into an agreement for the
36 payment of damages, or has been finally
adjudicated not to be
37 liable in respect to such accident and
evidence of any such fact has
38 been filed with the director and has
paid the reinstatement fee
39 herein prescribed. Such reinstatement
fee shall be $25 $250
40 except that if the registration of a
motor vehicle of any owner is
41 revoked within one year following a
prior revocation of the reg-
42 istration of a motor vehicle of such
owner under the provisions of
43 this act such fee shall be
$75 $750 $300.
HB 2066--Fur. Am. by H
1 (k) The
provisions of this section shall not apply to motor carriers of
2 property or passengers regulated by
the corporation commission of the
3 state of Kansas.
4 (l) The
provisions of subsection (d) shall not apply to vehicle
5 as defined in K.S.A. 8-2401, and
amendments thereto, for vehicles being
6 offered for sale by such dealers.
7 Sec.
2. 3. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 40-3118 is
hereby amended to read as
8 follows: 40-3118. (a) No motor
vehicle shall be registered or reregistered
9 in this state unless the owner, at
the time of registration, has in effect a
10 policy of motor vehicle liability insurance
covering such motor vehicle, as
11 provided in this act, or is a self-insurer
thereof, or the motor vehicle is
12 used as a driver training motor vehicle, as
defined in K.S.A. 72-5015, and
13 amendments thereto, in an approved driver
training course by a school
14 district or an accredited nonpublic school
under an agreement with a
15 motor vehicle dealer, and such policy of
motor vehicle liability insurance
16 is provided by the school district or
accredited nonpublic school. As used
17 in this section, the term "financial
security" means such policy or self-
18 insurance. The director shall require that
the owner certify and provide
19 verification of financial security,
in the manner prescribed by K.S.A.
20 8-173, and amendments thereto, that
the owner has such financial secu-
21 rity, and the owner of each motor vehicle
registered in this state shall
22 maintain financial security continuously
throughout the period of regis-
23 tration. In addition, when an owner
certifies that such financial security
24 is a motor vehicle liability insurance
policy meeting the requirements of
25 this act, the director may require that the
owner or owner's insurance
26 company produce records to prove the fact
that such insurance was in
27 effect at the time the vehicle was
registered and has been maintained
28 continuously from that date. Failure to
produce such records shall be
29 prima facie evidence that no financial
security exists with regard to the
30 vehicle concerned. It shall be the duty of
insurance companies, upon the
31 request of the director, to notify the
director within 30 calendar days of
32 the date of the receipt of such request by
the director of any insurance
33 that was not in effect on the date of
registration and maintained contin-
34 uously from that date.
35 (b) Except as
otherwise provided in K.S.A. 40-276, 40-276a and 40-
36 277, and amendments thereto, and except for
termination of insurance
37 resulting from nonpayment of premium or
upon the request for cancel-
38 lation by the insured, no motor vehicle
liability insurance policy, or any
39 renewal thereof, shall be terminated by
cancellation or failure to renew
40 by the insurer until at least 30 days after
mailing a notice of termination,
41 by certified or registered mail or United
States post office certificate of
42 mailing, to the named insured at the latest
address filed with the insurer
43 by or on behalf of the insured. Time of the
effective date and hour of
HB 2066--Fur. Am. by H
1 termination stated in the notice
shall become the end of the policy period.
2 Every such notice of termination sent
to the insured for any cause what-
3 soever shall include on the face of
the notice a statement that financial
4 security for every motor vehicle
covered by the policy is required to be
5 maintained continuously throughout
the registration period, that the op-
6 eration of any such motor vehicle
without maintaining continuous finan-
7 cial security therefor is a class B
misdemeanor and shall be subject to
8 a fine of not less than $300 and
not more than $1,000 and that the
9 registration for any such motor
vehicle for which continuous financial
10 security is not provided is subject to
suspension and the driver's license
11 of the owner thereof is subject to
12 (c) The director
of vehicles shall verify a sufficient number of insur-
13 ance certifications each calendar year as
the director deems necessary to
14 insure compliance with the provisions of
this act. The owner or owner's
15 insurance company shall verify the accuracy
of any owner's certification
16 upon request, as provided in subsection
17 (d) In addition
to any other requirements of this act, the director shall
18 require a person to acquire insurance and
for such person's insurance
19 company to maintain on file with the
division evidence of such insurance
20 for a period of one year when a person has
been convicted in this or
21 another state of any of the violations
enumerated in K.S.A. 8-285, and
22 amendments thereto.
23 The director shall
also require any driver whose driving privileges have
24 been suspended pursuant to this section to
maintain such evidence of
25 insurance as required above.
26 The company of the
insured shall immediately mail notice to the di-
27 rector whenever any policy required by this
subsection to be on file with
28 the division is terminated by the insured
or the insurer for any reason.
29 The receipt by the director of such
termination shall be prima facie evi-
30 dence that no financial security exists
with regard to the person
31 concerned.
32 No cancellation notice
shall be sent to the director if the insured adds
33 or deletes a vehicle, adds or deletes a
driver, renews a policy or is issued
34 a new policy by the same company. No
cancellation notice shall be sent
35 to the director prior to the date the
policy is terminated if the company
36 allows a grace period for payment until
such grace period has expired and
37 the policy is actually terminated.
38 For the purposes of
this act, the term "conviction" includes pleading
39 guilty or nolo contendere, being
convicted or being found guilty of any
40 violation enumerated in this subsection
without regard to whether sen-
41 tence was suspended or probation granted. A
forfeiture of bail, bond or
42 collateral deposited to secure a
defendant's appearance in court, which
43 forfeiture has not been vacated, shall be
equivalent to a conviction.
HB 2066--Fur. Am. by H
1 The requirements
of this subsection shall apply whether or not such
2 person owns a motor vehicle.
(e) Whenever the director shall receive prima facie evidence,
as pre-
4 scribed by this section, that
continuous financial security covering any
5 motor vehicle registered in this
state is not in effect, the director shall
6 notify the owner by registered or
certified mail or United States post
7 office certificate of mailing that,
at the end of 30 days after the notice is
8 mailed, the registration for such
motor vehicle and the driving privileges
9 of the owner of the vehicle shall be
suspended or revoked, pursuant to
10 such rules and regulations as the secretary
of revenue shall adopt, unless
11 within 10 days after the notice is mailed:
(1) Such owner shall demonstrate
12 proof of continuous financial security
covering such vehicle to the satis-
13 faction of the director; or (2) such owner
shall mail a written request
14 which is postmarked within 10 days after
the notice is mailed requesting
15 a hearing with the director. Upon receipt
of a timely request for a hearing,
16 the director shall afford such person an
opportunity for hearing within
17 the time and in the manner provided in
K.S.A. 8-255 and amendments
18 thereto. If, within the ten-day period or
at the hearing, such owner is
19 unable to demonstrate proof of continuous
financial security covering the
20 motor vehicle in question, the director
shall revoke the registration of
21 such motor vehicle and suspend the driving
privileges of the owner of
22 the vehicle.
23 (f) Whenever the
registration of a motor vehicle or the driving priv-
24 ileges of the owner of the vehicle are
suspended or revoked for failure of
25 the owner to maintain continuous financial
security, such suspension or
26 revocation shall remain in effect until
satisfactory proof of insurance has
27 been filed with the director as required by
subsection (d) and a reinstate-
28 ment fee in the amount herein prescribed is
paid to the division of ve-
29 hicles. Such reinstatement fee shall be in
the amount of $25 $100 except
30 that if the registration of a motor vehicle
of any owner is revoked within
31 one year following a prior revocation of
the registration of a motor vehicle
32 of such owner under the provisions of this
act such fee shall be in the
33 amount of $75 $300.
The division of vehicles shall, at least monthly,
34 deposit such fees with the state treasurer,
who shall credit such moneys
35 to the state highway fund.
36 (g) In no case
shall any motor vehicle, the registration of which has
37 been revoked for failure to have continuous
financial security, be rere-
38 gistered in the name of the owner thereof,
the owner's spouse, parent or
39 child or any member of the same household,
until the owner complies
40 with subsection (f). In the event the
registration plate has expired, no new
41 plate shall be issued until the motor
vehicle owner complies with the
42 reinstatement requirements as required by
this act.
43 (h) Evidence that
an owner of a motor vehicle, registered or required
HB 2066--Fur. Am. by H
1 to be registered in this state, has
operated or permitted such motor ve-
2 hicle to be operated in this state
without having in force and effect the
3 financial security required by this
act for such vehicle, together with proof
4 of records of the division of
vehicles indicating that the owner did not
5 have such financial security, shall
be prima facie evidence that the owner
6 did at the time and place alleged,
operate or permit such motor vehicle
7 to be operated without having in full
force and effect financial security
8 required by the provisions of this
9 (i) Any
owner of a motor vehicle registered or required to be regis-
10 tered in this state who shall make a false
certification concerning financial
11 security for the operation of such motor
vehicle as required by this act,
12 shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
Any person, firm or corporation
13 giving false information to the director
concerning another's financial se-
14 curity for the operation of a motor vehicle
registered or required to be
15 registered in this state, knowing or having
reason to believe that such
16 information is false, shall be guilty of a
class A misdemeanor.
17 (j) The director
shall administer and enforce the provisions of this act
18 relating to the registration of motor
vehicles, and the secretary of revenue
19 shall adopt such rules and regulations as
may be necessary for its
20 administration.
21 (k) Whenever any
person has made application for insurance cover-
22 age and such applicant has submitted
payment or partial payment with
23 such application, the insurance company, if
payment accompanied the
24 application and if insurance coverage is
denied, shall refund the unearned
25 portion of the payment to the applicant or
agent with the notice of denial
26 of coverage. If payment did not accompany
the application to the insur-
27 ance company but was made to the agent, the
agent shall refund the
28 unearned portion of the payment to the
applicant upon receipt of the
29 company's notice of denial.
30 (l) For the
purpose of this act, "declination of insurance coverage"
31 means a final denial, in whole or in part,
by an insurance company or
32 agent of requested insurance
33 Sec. 3.
4. K.S.A. 8-173 and K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 40-3104
and 40-3118
34 are hereby repealed.
35 Sec. 4.
5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and
36 January 1, 2000, and its publication
in the statute book.