Session of 1999


      An  Act concerning certain joint committees of the legislature; amending K.S.A. 46-2301,
      46-2302 and 46-2303 and K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 46-1701 and 46-2101 and repealing the
      existing sections.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

      Section  1. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 46-1701 is hereby amended to read as
follows: 46-1701. (a) There is hereby created the joint committee on state
building construction which shall be within the legislative branch of state
government and which shall be composed of three senators five members
of the senate and three five members of the house of representatives. The
three five senate members shall be the chairperson of the committee on
ways and means of the senate, or a member of the committee on ways
and means of the senate appointed by the chairperson, a senator two
senators appointed by the president and a senator two senators appointed
by the minority leader. The three five representative members shall be
the chairperson of the committee on appropriations of the house of rep-
resentatives, or a member of the committee on appropriations of the
house of representatives appointed by the chairperson, a representative
two representatives appointed by the speaker and a representative two
representatives appointed by the minority leader.

      (b) All members of the joint committee on state building construction
shall serve for terms ending on the first day of the regular legislative
session in odd-numbered years. The joint committee shall organize an-
nually and elect a chairperson and vice-chairperson in accordance with
this subsection. The chairperson and vice-chairperson serving on the ef-
fective date of this act will continue to serve in such capacities through
June 30, 1998. On and after July 1, 1998, and until the first day of the
1999 regular legislative session, the chairperson shall be one of the senate
members of the joint committee elected by the members of the joint
committee and the vice-chairperson shall be one of the representative
members of the joint committee elected by the members of the joint
committee. Thereafter, On and after the first day of the regular legislative
session in odd-numbered years, the chairperson shall be one of the rep-
resentative members of the joint committee elected by the members of
the joint committee and the vice-chairperson shall be one of the senate
members elected by the members of the joint committee and on and
after the first day of the regular legislative session in even-numbered
years, the chairperson shall be one of the senate members of the joint
committee elected by the members of the joint committee and the vice-
chairperson shall be one of the representative members of the joint com-
mittee elected by the members of the joint committee. The chairperson
and vice-chairperson of the joint committee shall serve in such capacities
until the first day of the regular legislative session in the ensuing year.
The vice-chairperson shall exercise all of the powers of the chairperson
in the absence of the chairperson. If a vacancy occurs in the office of
chairperson or vice-chairperson, a member of the joint committee, who
is a member of the same house as the member who vacated the office,
shall be elected by the members of the joint committee to fill such va-

      (c) A quorum of the joint committee on state building construction
shall be four six. All actions of the joint committee shall be taken by a
majority of all of the members of the joint committee.

      (d) The joint committee on state building construction may meet at
any time and at any place within the state on the call of the chairperson.

      (e) The provisions of the acts contained in article 12 of chapter 46 of
the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, applicable to
special committees shall apply to the joint committee on state building
construction to the extent that the same do not conflict with the specific
provisions of this act applicable to the joint committee.

      (f) In accordance with K.S.A. 46-1204 and amendments thereto, the
legislative coordinating council may provide for such professional services
as may be requested by the joint committee on state building construc-

      (g) The joint committee on state building construction may introduce
such legislation as it deems necessary in performing its functions.

      Sec.  2. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 46-2101 is hereby amended to read as
follows: 46-2101. (a) There is hereby established the joint committee on
information technology which shall be within the legislative branch of
state government and which shall be composed of three senators five
members of the senate and three five members of the house of represen-
tatives. One Two of the senate members shall be appointed by the pres-
ident of the senate, one two of the senate members shall be appointed
by the minority leader of the senate and one of the senate members shall
be appointed by the chairperson of the committee on ways and means of
the senate. One Two of the representative members shall be appointed
by the speaker of the house of representatives, one two of the represen-
tative members shall be appointed by the minority leader of the house of
representatives and one of the representative members shall be appointed
by the chairperson of the committee on appropriations of the house of
representatives. The members of the joint committee on information
technology and the chairperson and vice-chairperson serving in such ca-
pacities on the effective date of this act shall continue serving as members
and in such capacities, respectively, subject to the other provisions of this

      (b) All members of the joint committee on information technology
shall serve for terms ending on the first day of the regular legislative
session in odd-numbered years. The joint committee shall organize an-
nually and elect a chairperson and vice-chairperson in accordance with
this subsection. The chairperson and vice-chairperson serving on the ef-
fective date of this act shall continue to serve in such capacities through
June 30, 1998. On and after July 1, 1998, and until the first day of the
1999 regular legislative session, the chairperson shall be one of the senate
members of the joint committee elected by the members of the joint
committee and the vice-chairperson shall be one of the representative
members of the joint committee elected by the members of the joint
committee. Thereafter, On and after the first day of the regular legislative
session in odd-numbered years, the chairperson shall be one of the rep-
resentative members of the joint committee elected by the members of
the joint committee and the vice-chairperson shall be one of the senate
members elected by the members of the joint committee and, after the
first day of the regular legislative session in even-numbered years, the
chairperson shall be one of the senate members of the joint committee
elected by the members of the joint committee and the vice-chairperson
shall be one of the representative members of the joint committee elected
by the members of the joint committee. The chairperson and vice-chair-
person of the joint committee shall serve in such capacities until the first
day of the regular legislative session in the ensuing year. The vice-chair-
person shall exercise all of the powers of the chairperson in the absence
of the chairperson. If a vacancy occurs in the office of chairperson or vice-
chairperson, a member of the joint committee, who is a member of the
same house as the member who vacated the office, shall be elected by
the members of the joint committee to fill such vacancy.

      (c) A quorum of the joint committee on information technology shall
be four six. All actions of the joint committee shall be taken by a majority
of all of the members of the joint committee.

      (d) The joint committee on information technology may meet at any
time and at any place within the state on the call of the chairperson.

      (e) The provisions of the acts contained in article 12 of chapter 46 of
the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, applicable to
special committees shall apply to the joint committee on information
technology to the extent that the same do not conflict with the specific
provisions of this act applicable to the joint committee.

      (f) In accordance with K.S.A. 46-1204 and amendments thereto, the
legislative coordinating council may provide for such professional services
as may be requested by the joint committee on information technology.

      (g) The joint committee on information technology may introduce
such legislation as it deems necessary in performing its functions.

      (h)  (1) On the effective date of this act the joint committee on com-
puters and telecommunications shall be and is hereby officially designated
as the joint committee on information technology.

      (2) On and after the effective date of this act, whenever the joint
committee on computers and telecommunications, or words of like effect,
is referred to or designated by a statute, contract or other document,
created before the effective date of this act, the reference or designation
shall mean and apply to the joint committee on information technology.

      (3) Nothing in this act shall be construed as abolishing or reestablish-
ing the joint committee on computers and telecommunications.

      Sec.  3. K.S.A. 46-2301 is hereby amended to read as follows: 46-
2301. As used in this act:

      (a) "Class III gaming" has the meaning provided by the Indian gam-
ing regulatory act (25 U.S.C. 2701 et seq.).

      (b) "Gaming compact" means a tribal-state compact regarding class
III gaming as provided by section 11 of the Indian gaming regulatory act
(25 U.S.C. 2710).

      (c) "Committee" or "joint committee" means the joint committee on
state-tribal relations.

      Sec.  4. K.S.A. 46-2302 is hereby amended to read as follows: 46-
2302. (a) Any request by a tribe for negotiation of a gaming compact with
the state of Kansas, including a request for renegotiation of an existing
gaming compact, received on or after the effective date of this act shall
be submitted in writing to the governor.

      (b) The governor or the governor's designated representatives are
authorized to negotiate gaming compacts on behalf of the state of Kansas.
At the conclusion of negotiations, the governor shall submit the proposed
compact to the joint committee on gaming compacts for the joint state-
tribal relations for the committee's recommendations as to approval or
modification of the proposed compact.

      (c) If the joint committee recommends modification of a proposed
compact submitted by the governor, the governor or the governor's rep-
resentatives may resume negotiations in accordance with the joint com-
mittee's recommendations and the modified proposed compact shall be
submitted to the joint committee in the same manner as the original
proposed compact. Within 5 days after receiving the joint committee's
recommended modifications, the governor shall notify the joint commit-
tee, in writing, as to whether or not the governor has resumed negotia-
tions. Within 10 days after receipt of notice that the governor has not
resumed negotiations, or if the governor fails to notify the joint committee
that the governor has resumed negotiations, the joint committee shall
vote to recommend approval or rejection of the proposed compact or
shall vote to make no recommendation on the proposed compact.

      (d)  (1) If the legislature is in session when the joint committee on
gaming compacts votes to recommend approval or rejection of a proposed
compact or votes to make no recommendation on a proposed compact,
as authorized by this section, the joint committee shall introduce in each
house of the legislature, within five days after the joint committee's vote,
a resolution approving the proposed compact as submitted by the gov-
ernor. Each resolution shall be accompanied by the report of the joint
committee recommending that the resolution be adopted or not be
adopted or reporting the resolution without recommendation. If, within
10 days after introduction of the resolutions, a majority of the members
of each house votes to adopt the resolution introduced in such house, the
proposed compact shall be considered to have been approved by the
legislature and the governor is authorized to execute the compact on
behalf of the state. Each house of the legislature shall vote on the reso-
lution introduced in such house within 10 days after introduction unless
the other house has already voted against adoption of the resolution in-
troduced in such other house.

      (2) If the legislature is not in session when the joint committee on
gaming compacts votes to recommend approval or rejection of a proposed
compact or votes to make no recommendation on a proposed compact,
as authorized by this section, the joint committee shall notify the legis-
lative coordinating council of the joint committee's action within five days
after such action. If, within 30 days after receiving such notice, the leg-
islative coordinating council votes, by a vote of five members of the coun-
cil, to approve the proposed compact, the compact shall be considered
to have been approved by the legislative coordinating council and the
governor is authorized to execute the compact on behalf of the state.

      (3) Neither the legislature nor the legislative coordinating council has
the authority to amend or otherwise modify any proposed gaming com-

      (e) The attorney general shall be the legal counsel for the governor
or the governor's representatives in negotiating a gaming compact under
this section and for the joint committee on gaming compacts in reviewing
proposed compacts.

      (f) A gaming compact negotiated on behalf of the state under this
section shall contain:

      (1) A provision recognizing the right of each party to the compact to
request that the compact be renegotiated or replaced by a new compact,
including the right of the legislature by concurrent resolution to request
renegotiation or replacement of the compact, and providing the terms
under which either party, including the legislature, may request a rene-
gotiation or the negotiation of a new compact; and

      (2) a provision that, in the event of a request for a renegotiation or a
new compact, the existing compact will remain in effect until renegotiated
or replaced.

      (g) The governor, or the governor's designated representatives, and
the attorney general shall report to the joint committee on gaming com-
pacts, at such times as requested by the joint committee, regarding gam-
ing compacts negotiated and prospective negotiations.

      Sec.  5. K.S.A. 46-2303 is hereby amended to read as follows: 46-
2303. (a) There is hereby established the joint committee on gaming
compacts, which shall consist of three senators and three members of the
house of representatives. Of the senators, two shall be appointed by the
president of the senate and one by the minority leader of the senate. Of
the members of the house of representatives, two shall be appointed by
the speaker of the house of representatives and one by the minority leader
of the house of representatives.

      (a) The joint committee on gaming compacts is hereby reconstituted
as the joint committee on state-tribal relations. The joint committee shall
consist of 12 members as follows: (1) Five members of the senate and five
members of the house of representatives; and (2) the governor or the
governor's designee and the attorney general or the attorney general's
designee who shall be nonvoting members. Of the members appointed
from the senate, three shall be appointed by the president of the senate
and two shall be appointed by the minority leader of the senate. Of the
members appointed from the house of representatives, three shall be ap-
pointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and two by the
minority leader of the house of representatives. Such members shall be
selected only from the membership of the standing committees on federal
and state affairs, judiciary, taxation and assessment and taxation. All leg-
islative members of the joint committee shall serve for terms ending on
the first day of the regular legislative session in odd-numbered years.

      (b) The joint committee on gaming compacts:

      (1) May establish and transmit to the governor proposed guidelines
reflecting the public policies and state interests, as embodied in the con-
stitution, statutes and case law of the state of Kansas, consistent with the
Indian gaming regulatory act (25 U.S.C. 2701 et seq.), that the joint com-
mittee will consider in reviewing proposed compacts;

      (2) may recommend to the governor that any gaming compact pro-
vide for the imposition and collection of state sales and excise taxes on
sales of nongaming goods and services to persons other than tribal mem-
bers and imposition and collection of state income tax on revenues de-
rived from sales of nongaming goods and services;

      (3) may hold public hearings on proposed gaming compacts submit-
ted to the joint committee by the governor; and

      (4) shall, in accordance with K.S.A. 46-2302, recommend modifica-
tion of proposed gaming compacts submitted by the governor and intro-
duce resolutions approving proposed gaming compacts submitted by the
governor and recommend that such resolutions be adopted or be not
adopted, or report such resolutions without recommendation, and notify
the governor, in writing, of the joint committee's action.

      (c) The president of the senate shall designate a senator member to
be chairperson of the joint committee on gaming compacts in even-num-
bered years and the vice-chairperson in odd-numbered years. The
speaker of the house of representatives shall designate a representative
member to be chairperson of the committee in odd-numbered years and
the vice-chairperson in even-numbered years. The vice-chairperson shall
exercise all of the powers of the chairperson in the absence of the chair-

      (b) Each year the members of the joint committee shall elect from its
membership a chairperson and a vice-chairperson. During odd-numbered
years, the chairperson shall be a member from the senate and the vice-
chairperson shall be a member from the house of representatives. During
even-numbered years, the chairperson shall be a member from the house
of representatives and the vice-chairperson shall be a member from the
senate. The vice-chairperson shall exercise all of the powers and duties of
the chairperson in the absence of the chairperson.

      (d) (c) A quorum of the joint committee on gaming compacts shall
be four six. Actions of the joint committee recommending that a resolu-
tion approving a proposed compact be adopted or not be adopted shall
be only on the affirmative vote of four eight or more members of the
joint committee, at least two four of whom shall be senators and at least
two four of whom shall be members of the house of representatives.
Action of the joint committee to report without recommendation a res-
olution approving a compact may be on the affirmative vote of any three
five or more members of the committee. All other actions of the joint
committee may be taken by a majority of those present when there is a

      (e) (d) The joint committee on gaming compacts may meet at any
time and at any place within the state on the call of the chairperson. The
joint committee may appoint subcommittees as deemed appropriate.
Members of the joint committee and subcommittees thereof, shall receive
compensation, travel, subsistence allowance and mileage as provided by
K.S.A. 75-3212, and amendments thereto, when attending meetings of the
joint committee or subcommittee thereof.

      (f) (e) The provisions of the acts contained in article 12 of chapter 46
of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, applicable
to special committees shall apply to the joint committee on gaming com-
pacts to the extent that the same do not conflict with the specific provi-
sions of this act applicable to the joint committee.

      (g) (f) In accordance with K.S.A. 46-1204, and amendments thereto,
the legislative coordinating council may provide for such professional
services as may be requested by the joint committee on gaming compacts.

      (h) The joint committee on gaming compacts may introduce such
legislation as it considers necessary in performing its functions.

      (g) The joint committee:

      (1) May establish and transmit to the governor proposed guidelines
reflecting the public policies and state interests, as embodied in the con-
stitution, statutes and case law of the state of Kansas, consistent with the
Indian gaming regulatory act (25 U.S.C. 2701 et seq.), that the joint com-
mittee will consider in reviewing proposed compacts;

      (2) may recommend to the governor that any gaming compact pro-
vide for the imposition and collection of state sales and excise taxes on
sales of nongaming goods and services to persons other than tribal mem-
bers and imposition and collection of state income tax on revenues derived
from sales of nongaming goods and services;

      (3) may hold public hearings on proposed gaming compacts submit-
ted to the joint committee by the governor;

      (4) shall recommend modification of proposed gaming compacts sub-
mitted by the governor and introduce resolutions approving proposed
gaming compacts submitted by the governor and recommend that such
resolutions be adopted or be not adopted, or report such resolutions with-
out recommendation, and notify the governor, in writing, of the joint
committee's action;

      (5) shall meet, discuss and hold hearings on issues concerning state
and tribal relations; and

      (6) may introduce such legislation as deemed necessary in performing
its functions.

      Sec.  6. K.S.A. 46-2301, 46-2302 and 46-2303 and K.S.A. 1998 Supp.
46-1701 and 46-2101 are hereby repealed.

      Sec.  7. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
publication in the Kansas register.

I hereby certify that the above BILL originated in the
HOUSE, and passed that body


HOUSE concurred in
SENATE amendments ______________________________

Speaker of the House
Chief Clerk of the House

Passed the SENATE
     as amended ______________________________

President of the Senate
Secretary of the Senate

APPROVED ______________________________
