Session of 1999
By Committee on Health and Human Services
8 AN ACT concerning mental health service providers; relating to the fees
9 established by the behavioral sciences regulatory board; amending
10 K.S.A. 65-5805, 65-6313, 65-6602, 65-6603, 74-5310a, 74-5316, 74-
11 5319, 74-5339 and 74-5349 and K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-5804, 65-5806,
12 65-5811, 65-6404, 65-6405, 65-6406, 65-6407, 74-5310, 74-5311, 74-
13 5363, 74-5365, 74-5366 and 74-5367 and repealing the existing sec-
14 tions; also repealing K.S.A. 74-5312 and 74-5313 and K.S.A. 1998
15 Supp. 65-5808, 65-6314 and 65-6411.
17 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
18 New Section 1. (a) The behavioral sciences regulatory board shall
19 establish by rules and regulations the following fees for the licensure of
20 professional counselors pursuant to K.S.A. 65-5801 et seq., and amend-
21 ments thereto, for the licensure of social workers pursuant to K.S.A. 65-
22 6301 et seq., and amendments thereto, for the licensure of marriage and
23 family therapists pursuant to K.S.A. 65-6401 et seq., and amendments
24 thereto, for the registration of alcohol and other drug abuse counselors
25 pursuant to K.S.A. 65-6601 et seq., and amendments thereto, for the
26 licensure of psychologists pursuant to K.S.A. 74-5301 et seq., and amend-
27 ments thereto, and for the licensure of master level psychologists pur-
28 suant to K.S.A. 74-5361 et seq., and amendments thereto:
29 (1) For application for licensure or registration, not to exceed $200;
30 (2) for original licensure or registration, not to exceed $200;
31 (3) for examination, not to exceed $450. If an applicant fails an ex-
32 amination, such applicant may be admitted to subsequent examinations
33 upon payment of an additional fee prescribed by the board of not more
34 than $450;
35 (4) for renewal of a license or registration, not to exceed $200;
36 (5) for reinstatement of a license or registration, not to exceed $175;
37 (6) for replacement or duplicate of a license or registration, not to
38 exceed $20;
39 (7) for temporary permit or license, not to exceed $100;
40 (8) for application for endorsement in a specialty, not more than
41 $175;
42 (9) for biennial renewal for endorsement in a specialty, not to exceed
43 $175;
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1 (10) for late renewal penalty, an amount not to exceed the fee for
2 renewal of a license;
3 (11) for exchange of a license in lieu of registration, not to exceed
4 $150; and
5 (12) for application for approval as board-approved continuing edu-
6 cation sponsors shall be as follows:
7 (A) Initial application fee for one year provisionally approved provid-
8 ers, not to exceed $125;
9 (B) three-year renewal fees for approved providers, not to exceed
10 $350; and
11 (C) application fees for single program providers, not to exceed $50
12 for each separately offered continuing education activity for which prior
13 approval is sought.
14 (b) The board may require that fees paid for any examination for
15 licensure or registration be paid directly to the examination service by the
16 person taking the examination. If the board is unable to contract with an
17 examination service, the board may establish an examination fee or charge
18 the examination fee and an additional amount that would allow for the
19 collection of the fee that is required to be deposited in the state general
20 fund pursuant to K.S.A. 74-7506, and amendments thereto.
21 (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, all
22 fees established by the board for licensure or registration, whether fixed
23 by statute or rules and regulations, which are in effect on June 30, 1999,
24 shall remain in full force and effect until otherwise established by rules
25 and regulations of the board.
26 (d) Fees paid to the board are not refundable.
27 (e) This section shall be part of an supplemental to article 75 of chap-
28 ter 74 of the Kansas Statute Annotated.
29 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-5804 is hereby amended to read as
30 follows: 65-5804. (a) Applications for licensure as a professional counselor
31 shall be made to the board on a form and in the manner prescribed by
32 the board. Each application shall be accompanied by the fee fixed under
33 K.S.A. 65-5808 section 1, and amendments thereto.
34 (b) Each applicant for licensure as a professional counselor shall fur-
35 nish evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant:
36 (1) Is at least 21 years of age;
37 (2) has completed 60 graduate semester hours including a graduate
38 degree in counseling from a college or university approved by the board
39 and which includes 45 graduate semester hours distributed among each
40 of the following areas:
41 (A) Counseling theory and practice;
42 (B) the helping relationship;
43 (C) group dynamics, processing and counseling;
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1 (D) human growth and development;
2 (E) life-style and career development;
3 (F) appraisal of individuals;
4 (G) social and cultural foundations;
5 (H) research and evaluation;
6 (I) professional orientation;
7 (J) supervised practicum and internship;
8 (3) (A) has over a minimum period of two years with a minimum of
9 4,000 supervised hours of professional experience as a professional coun-
10 selor inclusive of at least 1,000 supervised hours of actual client contact
11 acceptable to the board;
12 (B) has received a minimum of 200 hours of supervision including (i)
13 100 hours of administrative supervision regarding general professional
14 function, and (ii) 100 hours of clinical supervision regarding delivery of
15 direct client contact services with no more than 50 hours conducted as
16 group supervision and no less than 50 hours conducted as individual su-
17 pervision and no less than four hours of clinical supervision contact
18 monthly, (iii) one-half of this requirement may be waived for persons
19 with a doctor's degree in professional counseling or a related field ac-
20 ceptable to the board;
21 (4) has passed an examination required by the board; and
22 (5) has satisfied the board that the applicant is a person who merits
23 the public trust.
24 (c) The board shall adopt rules and regulations establishing the cri-
25 teria which a college or university shall satisfy in order to be approved by
26 the board. The board may send a questionnaire developed by the board
27 to any college or university for which the board does not have sufficient
28 information to determine whether the school meets the requirements for
29 approval and rules and regulations adopted under this section. The ques-
30 tionnaire providing the necessary information shall be completed and
31 returned to the board in order for the college or university to be consid-
32 ered for approval. The board may contract with investigative agencies,
33 commissions or consultants to assist the board in obtaining information
34 about colleges and universities. In entering such contracts the authority
35 to approve college and universities shall remain solely with the board.
36 (d) A person who intends to pursue the postgraduate supervised
37 training experience shall apply to the board for a temporary permit to
38 practice as a licensed professional counselor by (1) paying an application
39 fee of no more than $150 as established in section 1, and amendments
40 thereto, (2) providing evidence of graduating from a masters or doctoral
41 program in professional counseling acceptable to the board, (3) submit-
42 ting letters from three professionals attesting to the applicant's integrity,
43 competence, and worthiness to merit the public's trust, one of whom has
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1 provided direct clinical supervision of the applicant's graduate program
2 clinical training and (4) completing a postgraduate supervised training
3 plan on forms supplied by the board describing services to be provided,
4 place of employment, persons responsible for administrative oversight
5 and clinical supervision, and statement acknowledging behavioral sciences
6 regulatory board postgraduate training requirements.
7 (e) (1) A temporary permit may be issued by the board after the
8 application has been reviewed and approved by the board and the appli-
9 cant has paid the appropriate fee set by the board pursuant to section 1,
10 and amendments thereto, for issuance of new licenses.
11 (2) A temporary permit issued by the board shall expire at such time
12 as final action on the application is completed or two years after the date
13 of issuance of the permit. A temporary permit may be renewed for one
14 additional two-year period if the board finds that satisfactory progress
15 toward the supervised experience requirement is being met.
16 (f) A person practicing professional counseling with a temporary per-
17 mit may not use the title "licensed professional counselor" or the initials
18 "LPC" independently. The word "licensed" may be used only when fol-
19 lowed by the words "by temporary permit" such as licensed professional
20 counselor by temporary permit, or professional counselor licensed by
21 temporary permit.
22 Sec. 3. K.S.A. 65-5805 is hereby amended to read as follows: 65-
23 5805. An application for examination as a professional counselor shall be
24 made to the board on a form provided by the board. The application shall
25 be accompanied by the examination fee fixed under K.S.A. 65-5808 sec-
26 tion 1, and amendments thereto. If an applicant fails to pass the exami-
27 nation, the applicant may reapply and shall be allowed to take a subse-
28 quent examination. An applicant who has failed two successive
29 examinations may not reapply for two years from the date of the last
30 examination.
31 Sec. 4. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-5806 is hereby amended to read as
32 follows: 65-5806. (a) An applicant who meets the requirements for licen-
33 sure pursuant to this the professional counselors licensure act, has paid
34 the license fee provided for by K.S.A. 65-5808 section 1, and amendments
35 thereto and has otherwise complied with the provisions of this such act
36 shall be licensed by the board.
37 (b) Licenses issued pursuant to this the professional counselors licen-
38 sure act shall expire 24 months from the date of issuance unless revoked
39 prior to that time. A license may be renewed upon application and pay-
40 ment of the fee provided for by K.S.A. 65-5808 section 1, and amend-
41 ments thereto. The application for renewal shall be accompanied by ev-
42 idence satisfactory to the board that the applicant has completed during
43 the previous 24 months the continuing education required by rules and
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1 regulations of the board.
2 (c) A person whose license has been suspended or revoked may make
3 written application to the board requesting reinstatement of the license
4 upon termination of the period of suspension or revocation in a manner
5 prescribed by the board, which application shall be accompanied by the
6 fee provided for by K.S.A. 65-5808 section 1, and amendments thereto.
7 Sec. 5. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-5811 is hereby amended to read as
8 follows: 65-5811. (a) Prior to July 1, 1998, the board, upon receipt of a
9 proper application and payment of fees, shall issue a license or a license
10 by temporary permit shall be issued to an applicant without examination
11 if the board is satisfied that the applicant meets the requirements of
12 paragraphs (1) to (3), inclusive, of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 65-5804 and
13 amendments thereto or if the board is satisfied that the applicant has
14 completed a master's or doctoral degree in a related field to be defined
15 by rules and regulations of the board. In addition, the applicant has prac-
16 ticed professional counseling continuously for five years immediately
17 prior to application for licensure under this the professional counselors
18 licensure act and is otherwise qualified to be licensed as a professional
19 counselor.
20 (b) A person registered as a professional counselor on the day im-
21 mediately preceding January 1, 1997, shall be deemed to be a licensed
22 professional counselor under this the professional counselors licensure act.
23 Such person shall not be required to file an original application for licen-
24 sure under this such act, but shall apply to the board for a license in lieu
25 of registration and payment of the fee set by the board, pursuant to sec-
26 tion 1, and amendments thereto, for renewal of license. Any application
27 for registration filed but which has not been granted prior to January 1,
28 1997, shall be processed as an application for licensure pursuant to this
29 such act.
30 Sec. 6. K.S.A. 65-6313 is hereby amended to read as follows: 65-
31 6313. (a) All licenses issued shall be effective upon the date issued and
32 shall expire at the end of 24 months from the date of issuance.
33 (b) Except as otherwise provided in K.S.A. 65-6311 and amendments
34 thereto, a license may be renewed by the payment of the renewal fee set
35 forth in K.S.A. 65-6314 section 1 and amendments thereto and the exe-
36 cution and submission of a signed statement, on a form to be provided
37 by the board, attesting that the applicant's license has been neither re-
38 voked nor currently suspended and that applicant has met the require-
39 ments for continuing education established by the board.
40 (c) The application for renewal shall be made on or before the date
41 of the expiration of the license or on or before the date of the termination
42 of the period of suspension.
43 (d) If the application for renewal, including payment of the required
HB 2032
1 renewal fee, is not made on or before the date of the expiration of the
2 license, the license is void, and no license shall be reinstated except upon
3 payment of the required renewal fee established under K.S.A. 65-6314
4 section 1 and amendments thereto, plus a penalty equal to the renewal
5 fee, and proof satisfactory to the board of the completion of 60 hours of
6 continuing education within two years prior to application for reinstate-
7 ment. Upon receipt of such payment and proof, the board shall reinstate
8 the license. A license shall be reinstated under this subsection, upon re-
9 ceipt of such payment and proof, at any time after the expiration of such
10 license.
11 (e) In case of a lost or destroyed license, and upon satisfactory proof
12 of the loss or destruction thereof, the board may issue a duplicate license
13 and shall charge a fee as set forth in K.S.A. 65-6314 section 1 and amend-
14 ments thereto for such duplicate license.
15 Sec. 7. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-6404 is hereby amended to read as
16 follows: 65-6404. (a) An applicant for licensure as a marriage and family
17 therapist shall furnish evidence that the applicant:
18 (1) Has attained the age of 21;
19 (2) (A) has over a minimum period of two years with a minimum of
20 4,000 supervised hours of professional experience as a marriage and fam-
21 ily therapist inclusive of at least 1,000 supervised hours of actual client
22 contact acceptable to the board; (B) has received a minimum of 200 hours
23 of supervision including (i) 100 hours of administrative supervision re-
24 garding general professional functioning, (ii) 100 hours of clinical super-
25 vision regarding delivery of direct client contact services with no more
26 than 50 hours conducted as group supervision and no less than 50 hours
27 conducted as individual supervision and no less than four hours of clinical
28 supervision contact monthly, (iii) one-half of this requirement may be
29 waived for persons with a doctor's degree in marriage and family therapy
30 or a related field acceptable to the board;
31 (3) (A) has completed a master's or doctoral degree from a marriage
32 and family therapy program, in an educational institution with standards
33 consistent with those of the state universities of Kansas, approved by the
34 board; or (B) has completed a master's or doctoral degree from an edu-
35 cational institution in a related field for which the course work is consid-
36 ered by the board to be equivalent to that provided in clause (3)(A) of
37 this paragraph and consists of a minimum of nine semester hours in hu-
38 man development, nine semester hours in theories of marriage and family
39 functioning, nine semester hours of marital and family assessment and
40 therapy, three semester hours in professional studies and three semester
41 hours in research; or (C) completed a master's or doctoral degree from
42 an educational institution in a related field with additional work from an
43 educational program in marriage and family therapy approved by the
HB 2032
1 board and such degree program and additional work includes the course
2 work requirements provided in clause (3)(B) of this paragraph;
3 (4) has passed an examination approved by the board; and
4 (5) has satisfied the board that the applicant is a person who merits
5 the public trust.
6 (b) Each applicant shall pay an application fee and examination fee
7 established by the board under K.S.A. 65-6411 section 1 and amendments
8 thereto.
9 Sec. 8. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-6405 is hereby amended to read as
10 follows: 65-6405. (a) Prior to July 1, 1998, the board, upon receipt of a
11 proper application and payment of fees, shall issue a license or a license
12 by temporary permit to an applicant without examination if the board is
13 satisfied that the applicant meets the requirements of paragraphs (1) to
14 (3), inclusive, of subsection (a) of K.S.A. 65-6404 and amendments
15 thereto or if the board is satisfied that the applicant has completed a
16 master's or doctoral degree in a related field. In addition, the applicant
17 has practiced marriage and family therapy continuously for five years im-
18 mediately prior to application for licensure under this the marriage and
19 family therapists licensure act and is otherwise qualified to be licensed as
20 a marriage and family therapist. A person registered as a marriage and
21 family therapist on December 30, 1996, shall be deemed to be a licensed
22 marriage and family therapist under this such act. Such person shall not
23 be required to file an original application for licensure under this such
24 act, but shall apply to the board for a license in lieu of registration upon
25 payment of the fee required by the board for renewal of license. Any
26 application for registration filed but which has not been granted prior to
27 January 1, 1997, shall be processed as an application for licensure under
28 requirements defined for credentialing at the time of application pursuant
29 to this such act.
30 (b) A person who intends to pursue the postgraduate supervised
31 training experience shall apply to the board for a temporary permit to
32 practice as a licensed marriage and family therapist by (1) paying an ap-
33 plication fee of no more than $150, as established in section 1, and amend-
34 ments thereto, (2) providing evidence of graduating from a master's or
35 doctoral program in marriage and family therapy acceptable to the board,
36 (3) submitting letters from three professionals attesting to the applicant's
37 integrity, competence, and worthiness to merit the public's trust, one of
38 whom has provided direct clinical supervision of the applicant's graduate
39 program clinical training, and (4) completing a postgraduate supervised
40 training plan on forms supplied by the board describing services to be
41 provided, place of employment, persons responsible for administrative
42 oversight and clinical supervision, and statement acknowledging behav-
43 ioral sciences regulatory board postgraduate training requirements.
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1 (c) (1) A temporary permit may be issued by the board after the
2 application has been reviewed and approved by the board and the appli-
3 cant has paid the appropriate fee set by the board, pursuant to section 1,
4 and amendments thereto, for issuance of new licenses.
5 (2) A temporary permit issued by the board shall expire at such time
6 as final action on the application is completed or two years after the date
7 of issuance of the permit. A temporary permit may be renewed for one
8 additional two-year period if the board finds that satisfactory progress
9 toward the supervised experience requirement is being met.
10 (d) A person practicing marriage and family therapy with a temporary
11 permit may not use the title "licensed marriage and family therapist" or
12 the initials "LMFT" independently. The word "licensed" may be used
13 only when followed by the words "by temporary permit" such as licensed
14 marriage and family therapist by temporary permit, or marriage and fam-
15 ily therapist, licensed by temporary permit.
16 Sec. 9. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-6406 is hereby amended to read as
17 follows: 65-6406. The board shall issue a license to an individual who is
18 currently registered, certified or licensed to practice marriage and family
19 therapy in another jurisdiction if the board determines that the standards
20 for registration, certification or licensure to practice marriage and family
21 therapy in the other jurisdiction are at least equivalent to or exceed the
22 requirements of the marriage and family therapists licensure act and rules
23 and regulations of the board. An applicant for a license under this section
24 shall pay an application fee established by the board under K.S.A. 65-
25 6411 section 1, and amendments thereto.
26 Sec. 10. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-6407 is hereby amended to read as
27 follows: 65-6407. (a) An applicant who meets the requirements for licen-
28 sure pursuant to this the marriage and family therapists licensure act, has
29 paid the license fee provided for by K.S.A. 65-6411 section 1, and amend-
30 ments thereto and has otherwise complied with the provisions of this such
31 act shall be licensed by the board.
32 (b) Licenses issued pursuant to this such act shall expire 24 months
33 from the date of issuance unless revoked prior to that time. A license may
34 be renewed upon application and payment of the fee provided for by
35 K.S.A. 65-6411 section 1, and amendments thereto. The application for
36 renewal shall be accompanied by evidence satisfactory to the board that
37 the applicant has completed during the previous 24 months the contin-
38 uing education required by rules and regulations of the board.
39 (c) A person whose license has been suspended or revoked may make
40 written application to the board requesting reinstatement of the license
41 upon termination of the period of suspension or revocation in a manner
42 prescribed by the board, which application shall be accompanied by the
43 fee provided for by K.S.A. 65-6411 section 1, and amendments thereto.
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1 Sec. 11. K.S.A. 65-6602 is hereby amended to read as follows: 65-
2 6602. (a) On and after January 1, 1993, no person shall represent that
3 such person is a registered alcohol and other drug abuse counselor unless
4 such person is registered under this the alcohol and other drug abuse
5 counselor registration act as an alcohol and other drug abuse counselor.
6 A violation of this subsection is a class C misdemeanor.
7 (b) The board shall adopt by rules and regulations a system for reg-
8 istration of alcohol and other drug abuse counselors. Such rules and reg-
9 ulations shall include qualifications for registration which promote safe
10 and adequate treatment, evaluation and prevention of alcohol and other
11 drug abuse. Such rules and regulations shall require the following:
12 (1) A bachelors degree, a masters degree or a doctors degree in a
13 social-services or health-related field which includes 18 academic credit
14 hours of coursework in the following care work functions of an alcohol
15 and other drug abuse counselor as follows: Three credit hours screening
16 and intake; three credit hours orientation and assessment; three credit
17 hours treatment planning and counseling; three credit hours case man-
18 agement and crisis intervention; three credit hours client education and
19 referral; and three credit hours reports and recordkeeping and consul-
20 tation with other professionals; and
21 (2) experience of not less than 500 hours of practicum and 2,500
22 hours of supervised work experience, at least 1,000 hours of which are
23 postgraduate hours, under the supervision of a registered alcohol and
24 other drug abuse counselor, or an individual qualified for registration as
25 an alcohol or other drug abuse counselor under this the alcohol and other
26 drug abuse counselor registration act, within three years immediately pre-
27 ceding first registration under this such act.
28 (c) The board shall require each person seeking registration as an
29 alcohol and other drug abuse counselor to successfully complete an ex-
30 amination prescribed by the board. The board shall fix by rules and reg-
31 ulations a fee for such examination in an amount sufficient to pay for the
32 costs and administration thereof. Each applicant shall pay an examination
33 fee established by the board under section 1, and amendments thereto.
34 Any person desiring to take the examination shall first submit satisfactory
35 proof that the person has the qualifications required pursuant to subsec-
36 tion (b) or (d).
37 (d) A person who does not have the qualifications prescribed pur-
38 suant to subsection (b) may qualify for examination and, upon passage of
39 the examination, registration pursuant to this such act if the person sub-
40 mits satisfactory proof that, on December 31, 1992, the person:
41 (1) Is practicing as an alcohol and other drug abuse counselor in this
42 state, has an offer of employment as an alcohol and other drug abuse
43 counselor in this state or is an alcohol and other drug abuse counselor
HB 2032
1 living in this state; and
2 (2) has 1,000 hours of experience as an alcohol and other drug abuse
3 counselor within the immediately preceding 12-month period or has
4 3,000 hours of experience in alcohol and other drug abuse counseling
5 within the immediately preceding 60-month period.
6 (e) A person may qualify for registration if such person submits sat-
7 isfactory proof that the person was practicing as an alcohol and other drug
8 abuse counselor in another state and is qualified in accordance with stan-
9 dards which the board determines are comparable to those provided pur-
10 suant to this such act.
11 (f) Nothing in the alcohol and other drug abuse counselor registration
12 act shall be construed to authorize a person registered under the act to
13 diagnose or treat mental illness or mental disease.
14 Sec. 12. K.S.A. 65-6603 is hereby amended to read as follows: 65-
15 6603. (a) Registration under this the alcohol and other drug abuse coun-
16 selor registration act shall be for a period of two years. A registration may
17 be renewed upon application and payment of the renewal fee. A person
18 whose registration has been suspended or revoked may make written
19 application to the board requesting reinstatement of the registration upon
20 termination of the period of suspension or revocation in a manner pre-
21 scribed by the board, which application shall be accompanied by the re-
22 instatement fee established by the board pursuant to section 1, and
23 amendments thereto. The application for renewal of a registration shall
24 be accompanied by evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant
25 has completed during the previous two-year period the continuing edu-
26 cation required by rules and regulations of the board.
27 (b) The board shall fix by rules and regulations subject to the limita-
28 tions established in section 1, and amendments thereto, fees for applica-
29 tions for registration, renewal of registration and reinstatement of regis-
30 tration under this such act. Such fees shall be fixed in amounts to cover
31 the costs of administering the provisions of this act, but not to exceed
32 $100. The board shall remit all moneys received from fees collected under
33 this such act to the state treasurer at least monthly. Upon receipt of each
34 such remittance the state treasurer shall deposit the entire amount
35 thereof in the state treasury and credit such amount as provided under
36 K.S.A. 74-7506 and amendments thereto.
37 (c) The application for renewal shall be made at least 30 days before
38 the date of the expiration of the registration. If the application for re-
39 newal, including payment of the required renewal fee, is not made on or
40 before the date of the expiration of the registration, the registration is
41 void, and no registration shall be reinstated except upon payment of the
42 required renewal fee, plus a penalty equal to the renewal fee. Upon re-
43 ceipt of such payment and proof, the board shall reinstate the registration,
HB 2032
1 except that no registration shall be reinstated if such payment and proof
2 is received more than one year after the date of expiration of the
3 registration.
4 (d) A duplicate registration shall be issued by the board upon receipt
5 of a $20 fee, as established in section 1, and amendments thereto.
6 Sec. 13. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 74-5310 is hereby amended to read as
7 follows: 74-5310. (a) The board shall issue a license as a psychologist to
8 any person who pays an application fee prescribed by the board, not in
9 excess of $150 and an original license fee not in excess of $200, which
10 shall not be refunded established in section 1, and amendments thereto,
11 who either satisfies the board as to such person's training and experience
12 after a thorough review of such person's credentials or who passes a sat-
13 isfactory examination in psychology. Any person paying the fee must also
14 submit evidence verified by oath and satisfactory to the board that such
15 person: (1) Is at least 21 years of age; (2) is of good moral character; (3)
16 has received the doctor's degree based on a program of studies in content
17 primarily psychological from an educational institution having a graduate
18 program with standards consistent with those of the state universities of
19 Kansas, or the substantial equivalent of such program in both subject
20 matter and extent of training; and (4) has had at least two years of su-
21 pervised experience, a significant portion of which shall have been spent
22 in rendering psychological services satisfying the board's approved stan-
23 dards for the psychological service concerned.
24 (b) The board shall adopt rules and regulations establishing the cri-
25 teria which an educational institution shall satisfy in meeting the require-
26 ments established under item (3) of subsection (a). The board may send
27 a questionnaire developed by the board to any educational institution for
28 which the board does not have sufficient information to determine
29 whether the educational institution meets the requirements of item (3)
30 of subsection (a) and rules and regulations adopted under this section.
31 The questionnaire providing the necessary information shall be com-
32 pleted and returned to the board in order for the educational institution
33 to be considered for approval. The board may contract with investigative
34 agencies, commissions or consultants to assist the board in obtaining in-
35 formation about educational institutions. In entering such contracts the
36 authority to approve educational institutions shall remain solely with the
37 board.
38 Sec. 14. K.S.A. 74-5310a is hereby amended to read as follows: 74-
39 5310a. In case of a lost or destroyed license of a psychologist, and upon
40 satisfactory proof of the loss or destruction thereof, the behavioral sci-
41 ences regulatory board may issue a duplicate, charging a fee not in excess
42 of $20 as established in section 1, and amendments thereto, for such du-
43 plicate license.
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1 Sec. 15. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 74-5311 is hereby amended to read as
2 follows: 74-5311. Examinations for applicants under this the licensure of
3 psychologists act shall be held by the board from time to time but not
4 less than once each year. The board shall adopt rules and regulations
5 governing the subject, scope, and form of the examinations or shall con-
6 tract with a national testing service to provide an examination approved
7 by the board. The board shall prescribe an initial examination fee not to
8 exceed $350 as established in section 1, and amendments thereto. If an
9 applicant fails the first examination, such applicant may be admitted to
10 any subsequent examination upon payment of an additional fee pre-
11 scribed by the board not to exceed $350. The examination fees prescribed
12 by the board under this section shall be fixed by rules and regulations of
13 the board pursuant to section 1, and amendments thereto.
14 Sec. 16. K.S.A. 74-5316 is hereby amended to read as follows: 74-
15 5316. The board may grant a license without examination, valid for a
16 period not to exceed 90 days in one calendar year, to a nonresident psy-
17 chologist who could be licensed in this state and who is temporarily em-
18 ployed to come into the state to render psychological services, the fee for
19 which shall be $15 is established in section 1, and amendments thereto.
20 Sec. 17. K.S.A. 74-5319 is hereby amended to read as follows: 74-
21 5319. Upon receipt of such application blank, a licensee shall fill out, sign
22 and forward the application to the board, together with a renewal fee
23 fixed by rules and regulations of the board of not to exceed $200 pursuant
24 to section 1, and amendments thereto. Upon receipt of such application
25 and fee, the board shall issue a renewal license for the period commencing
26 on the date on which the license is issued and expiring on June 30 of the
27 next even-numbered year. Initial licenses shall thus be for the current
28 biennium of registration.
29 Sec. 18. K.S.A. 74-5339 is hereby amended to read as follows: 74-
30 5339. After one year from the date of a revocation of a license, an appli-
31 cation for reinstatement may be made to the board, and it may order such
32 reinstatement. The board shall prescribe by rules and regulations a re-
33 instatement fee of not to exceed $200 as established in section 1, and
34 amendments thereto.
35 Sec. 19. K.S.A. 74-5349 is hereby amended to read as follows: 74-
36 5349. (a) In accordance with the provisions of this section, the board may
37 establish specialties within the practice of psychology and provide for the
38 endorsement of licensed psychologists in such specialties. The board shall
39 adopt rules and regulations applicable to the endorsement of specialties
40 which:
41 (1) Establish categories of specialties within the practice of psychol-
42 ogy which are consistent with specialties recognized by the profession of
43 psychology;
HB 2032
1 (2) establish education, training and qualifications necessary for en-
2 dorsement for each category of specialty established by the board at a
3 level adequate to assure the competent performance by licensed psy-
4 chologists of the specialty such person is authorized to perform; and
5 (3) define each category of specialty established under this section
6 and establish limitations and restrictions on each category, as appropriate.
7 The definition of each category of specialty established under this para-
8 graph (a)(3) shall be consistent with the education, training and qualifi-
9 cations required to obtain an endorsement in that category of specialty
10 and shall be consistent with the protection of the public health and safety.
11 (b) The board may fix by rule and regulation an application fee for
12 endorsement in a specialty and shall fix a biennial renewal fee for en-
13 dorsement in a specialty. The application fee and biennial renewal fee
14 shall not exceed $150. Any such fee shall be established in section 1, and
15 amendments thereto, and shall be in addition to other fees collected by
16 the board under the licensure of psychologists act of the state of Kansas.
17 (c) A licensed psychologist holding an endorsement from the board
18 in a specialty within the practice of psychology may represent to the public
19 that such person is endorsed in such specialty. It shall be unlawful for
20 any person not endorsed in a specialty within the practice of psychology
21 to intentionally represent to the public that such person is endorsed in
22 such specialty.
23 (d) This section shall be part of and supplemental to the licensure of
24 psychologists act of the state of Kansas.
25 Sec. 20. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 74-5363 is hereby amended to read as
26 follows: 74-5363. (a) Any person who desires to be licensed under this
27 act K.S.A. 74-5361 et seq., and amendments thereto, shall apply to the
28 board in writing, on forms prepared and furnished by the board. Each
29 application shall contain appropriate documentation of the particular
30 qualifications required by the board and shall be accompanied by the
31 required fee.
32 (b) The board shall license as a licensed masters level psychologist
33 any applicant for licensure who pays the fee prescribed by the board
34 under K.S.A. 74-5365 section 1, and amendments thereto, which shall not
35 be refunded, who has satisfied the board as to such applicant's training
36 and who complies with the provisions of this subsection (b). An applicant
37 for licensure also shall submit evidence verified under oath and satisfac-
38 tory to the board that such applicant:
39 (1) Is at least 21 years of age;
40 (2) has satisfied the board that the applicant is a person who merits
41 public trust;
42 (3) has received at least a master's degree in clinical psychology based
43 on a program of studies in psychology from an educational institution
HB 2032
1 having a graduate program in psychology consistent with state universities
2 of Kansas; or has received at least a master's degree in psychology and
3 during such master's or post-master's coursework completed a minimum
4 of 12 semester hours or its equivalent in psychological foundation courses
5 such as, but not limited to, philosophy of psychology, psychology of per-
6 ception, learning theory, history of psychology, motivation, and statistics
7 and 24 semester hours or its equivalent in professional core courses such
8 as, but not limited to, two courses in psychological testing, psychopa-
9 thology, two courses in psychotherapy, personality theories, developmen-
10 tal psychology, research methods, social psychology; or has passed com-
11 prehensive examinations or equivalent final examinations in a doctoral
12 program in psychology and during such graduate program completed a
13 minimum of 12 semester hours or its equivalent in psychological foun-
14 dation courses such as, but not limited to, philosophy of psychology, psy-
15 chology of perception, learning theory, history of psychology, motivation,
16 and statistics and 24 semester hours or its equivalent in professional core
17 courses such as, but not limited to, two courses in psychological testing,
18 psychopathology, two courses in psychotherapy, personality theories, de-
19 velopmental psychology, research methods, social psychology;
20 (4) has completed 750 clock hours of academically supervised prac-
21 ticum in the master's degree program or 1,500 clock hours of postgrad-
22 uate supervised work experience;
23 (5) (A) has completed 2,000 clock hours of postgraduate work ex-
24 perience under the supervision of a licensed psychologist or a currently
25 licensed master's level psychologist with three years' experience if such
26 applicant commenced such postgraduate work experience prior to July 1,
27 1998, or (B) if such applicant commenced such postgraduate work ex-
28 perience on or after July 1, 1998, has completed 4,000 clock hours of
29 postgraduate work experience under the supervision of a licensed psy-
30 chologist or a currently licensed master's level psychologist with three
31 years' experience;
32 (6) for applicants on and after January 1, 1997, has passed an exam-
33 ination approved by the board with a minimum score set by the board by
34 rules and regulations at 10 percentage points below the score set by the
35 board for licensed psychologists.
36 (c) The board shall adopt rules and regulations establishing the cri-
37 teria which an educational institution shall satisfy in meeting the require-
38 ments established under item (3) of subsection (b). The board may send
39 a questionnaire developed by the board to any educational institution for
40 which the board does not have sufficient information to determine
41 whether the educational institution meets the requirements of item (3)
42 of subsection (b) and rules and regulations adopted under this section.
43 The questionnaire providing the necessary information shall be com-
HB 2032
1 pleted and returned to the board in order for the educational institution
2 to be considered for approval. The board may contract with investigative
3 agencies, commissions or consultants to assist the board in obtaining in-
4 formation about educational institutions. In entering such contracts the
5 authority to approve educational institutions shall remain solely with the
6 board.
7 Sec. 21. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 74-5365 is hereby amended to read as
8 follows: 74-5365. (a) The application, issuance of a new license and re-
9 newal fee for licensure under this act K.S.A. 74-5361 et seq., and amend-
10 ments thereto, shall be fixed by the board by rules and regulations in an
11 amount not to exceed $200 pursuant to section 1, and amendments
12 thereto.
13 (b) Fees paid to the board are not refundable.
14 (c) The application for renewal shall be accompanied by evidence
15 satisfactory to the board that the applicant has completed, during the
16 previous 24 months, the continuing education required by rules and reg-
17 ulations of the board.
18 Sec. 22. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 74-5366 is hereby amended to read as
19 follows: 74-5366. (a) All licenses shall be effective upon the date issued
20 and shall expire at the end of 24 months from the date of issuance.
21 (b) A license may be renewed by the payment of the renewal fee and
22 the execution and submission of a signed statement, on a form provided
23 by the board, attesting that the applicant's license has been neither re-
24 voked nor currently suspended and that the applicant has met the require-
25 ments for continuing education set forth in this act K.S.A. 74-5361 et seq.,
26 and amendments thereto.
27 (c) The application for renewal shall be made at least 30 days before
28 the date of the expiration of the license.
29 (d) If the application for renewal, including payment of the required
30 renewal fee, is not made on or before the date of the expiration of the
31 license, the license is void, and no license shall be reinstated except upon
32 payment of the required renewal fee, plus a penalty equal to the renewal
33 fee, and proof satisfactory to the board of compliance with the continuing
34 education requirements. Upon receipt of such payment and proof, the
35 board shall reinstate the license, except that no license shall be reinstated
36 if such payment and proof is received more than one year after the date
37 of expiration of the license.
38 (e) A duplicate license shall be issued by the board upon receipt of
39 a $20 fee established in section 1, and amendments thereto.
40 (f) A person registered as a masters level psychologist on December
41 30, 1996, shall be deemed to be a licensed masters level psychologist
42 under this act K.S.A. 74-5361 et seq., and amendments thereto. Such
43 person shall not be required to file an original application for licensure
HB 2032
1 under this act K.S.A. 74-5361 et seq., and amendments thereto, but shall
2 apply to the board for a license in lieu of registration upon payment of
3 the fee set by the board for renewal of license. Any application for reg-
4 istration filed but which has not been granted prior to January 1, 1997,
5 shall be processed as an application for licensure pursuant to this act
6 K.S.A. 74-5361 et seq., and amendments thereto. For exchange of a license
7 in lieu of registration pursuant to this subsection, a fee not to exceed
8 $100.
9 (g) The board shall collect a fee not to exceed $100 as established in
10 section 1, and amendments thereto, for exchange of a license in lieu of a
11 registration pursuant to subsection (f).
12 Sec. 23. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 74-5367 is hereby amended to read as
13 follows: 74-5367. (a) The board may issue a temporary permit to practice
14 as a licensed masters level psychologist to any person who pays a fee
15 prescribed by the board under this section 1, and amendments thereto,
16 which shall not be refunded, and who: (1) Meets all the requirements for
17 licensure under this act K.S.A. 74-5361 et seq., and amendments thereto
18 as a licensed masters level psychologist, but whose application for licen-
19 sure is pending; or (2) meets all the requirements for licensure under this
20 act K.S.A. 74-5361 et seq., and amendments thereto, as a licensed masters
21 level psychologist except the requirement of postgraduate supervised
22 work experience or current employment, or both.
23 (b) A temporary permit issued by the board shall expire at such time
24 as final action on the application is completed, but all such temporary
25 permits shall expire two years after the date of issuance of the permit. A
26 temporary permit issued by the board may be renewed for one additional
27 twenty-four-month period if the board finds that satisfactory progress
28 toward the supervised experience requirement is being met.
29 (c) The board shall fix by rules and regulations fees for application
30 and renewal of each type of temporary permit under this section. The
31 application and renewal fee shall not exceed $100 except that the fee for
32 application for and renewal of the two-year temporary permit under
33 clause (1) of subsection (a) shall not exceed $200.
34 (d) The application for a temporary permit may be denied or a tem-
35 porary permit which has been issued may be suspended or revoked on
36 the same grounds as provided for suspension or revocation of a license
37 under K.S.A. 74-5369 and amendments thereto.
38 Sec. 24. K.S.A. 65-5805, 65-6313, 65-6602, 65-6603, 74-5310a, 74-
39 5312, 74-5313, 74-5316, 74-5319, 74-5339 and 74-5349 and K.S.A. 1998
40 Supp. 65-5804, 65-5806, 65-5808, 65-5811, 65-6314, 65-6404, 65-6405,
41 65-6406, 65-6407, 65-6411, 74-5310, 74-5311, 74-5363, 74-5365, 74-5366
42 and 74-5367 are hereby repealed.
HB 2032
1 Sec. 25. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
2 publication in the statute book.