Session of 2000
Effective: Kansas Register


An  Act concerning certain authorities and departments; prescribing certain powers, duties
      and functions for the secretary of administration; authorizing certain procedures with
      respect to property of state agencies relating to certain surplus real estate and change
      orders or changes in plans for capital improvements of state agencies; concerning mem-
      bership of the capitol area plaza authority; amending K.S.A. 75-1264, 75-2237, 75-3351,
      75-3352 and 76-833 and repealing the existing sections.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

      New Section  1. (a) When used in this section, "surplus real estate"
means real estate which is no longer needed by the state agency which
owns such real estate.

      (b) The secretary of administration shall develop criteria for the iden-
tification of surplus real estate. In accordance with such criteria, the sec-
retary shall assist state agencies in the identification of surplus real estate.

      The secretary of administration shall develop guidelines for the sale
of surplus real estate. In accordance with such guidelines and upon the
written consent of the head of the state agency which owns such surplus
real estate, the secretary may offer such property for sale by one of the
following means: (1) Public auction; (2) by listing the surplus property
with a licensed real estate broker or salesperson; or (3) by sealed bid.
Subject to the approval of the state finance council as required by sub-
section (c), the secretary of administration may sell surplus real estate
and any improvements thereon on behalf of the state agency which owns
such property.

      (c) Prior to the sale of any surplus real estate under subsection (b),
the state finance council shall approve the sale, which is hereby charac-
terized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines
prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711, and amendments thereto.
The matter may be submitted to the state finance council for approval at
any time, including periods of time during which the legislature is in

      (d) Prior to offering any real estate for sale, such property shall be
appraised pursuant to K.S.A. 75-3043a, and amendments thereto. The
costs of such appraisal may be paid from the proceeds of the sale.

      (e) Conveyance of title in surplus real estate offered for sale by the
secretary of administration shall be executed on behalf of the state agency
by the secretary of administration. The deed for the conveyance may be
by warranty deed or by quitclaim deed as determined to be in the best
interests of the state by the secretary of administration in consultation
with the head of the state agency which owns the surplus real estate.

      (f) Any proceeds from the sale of surplus real estate and any im-
provements thereon, after deduction of the expenses of such sale and the
cost of the appraisal of the surplus real estate, shall be deposited in the
state treasury and credited to the state general fund unless otherwise
authorized by law.

      The amount of expenses and the cost of appraisal for each sale of
surplus real estate pursuant to this section shall be transferred and cred-
ited to the property contingency fund created under K.S.A. 75-3652, and
amendments thereto, and may be expended for any operations of the
department administration.

      (g) Any sale of property by the secretary of transportation pursuant
to K.S.A. 68-413, and amendments thereto, shall not be subject to the
provisions of this section.

      Sec.  2. K.S.A. 75-1264 is hereby amended to read as follows: 75-
1264. (a) The secretary of administration shall issue monthly reports of
progress and advise, consult with and cooperate with the joint committee
on state building construction.

      (b) Change orders or changes in plans involving cost increases of less
than $25,000 $75,000 and any change order or change in plans involving
a cost reduction, other than a change in the proposed use of any new or
remodeled building, may be authorized or approved by the secretary of
administration without prior consultation with the joint committee on
state building construction. The secretary of administration shall report
to the joint committee on state building construction all action relating
to such change orders or changes in plans.

      (c) No change order or change in plans involving any cost increases
of $25,000 or more of $75,000 or more and no change in the proposed
use of any new or remodeled building shall be authorized or approved
by the secretary of administration without having first advised and con-
sulted with the joint committee on state building construction.

      (d)  (1) If the secretary of administration determines that it is in the
best interest of the state to authorize or approve a change order, a change
in plans or a change in the proposed use of any new or remodeled building
that the secretary is required by this section to first advise and consult
with the joint committee on state building construction prior to issuing
such approval and if no meeting of the joint committee is scheduled to
take place within the next 10 business days, then the secretary may use
the procedure authorized by this subsection in lieu of advising and con-
sulting with the joint committee at a meeting. In any such case, the sec-
retary of administration shall mail a summary description of the proposed
change order, change in plans or change in the proposed use of any new
or remodeled building to each member of the joint committee on state
building construction and to the director of the legislative research de-
partment. Each such summary description shall include a notice speci-
fying the date it was mailed.

      (2) After receiving any such summary description, each member shall
review the information about the proposed change order, change in plans
or change in proposed use and may request a presentation and review of
the proposed change order, change in plans or change in proposed use at
a meeting of the joint committee. If two or more members of the joint
committee contact the director of the legislative research department
within seven business days of the date specified in the summary descrip-
tion and request such presentation and review, then the director of the
legislative research department shall notify the secretary of administration
and the chairperson of the joint committee that a meeting has been re-
quested for such presentation and review. Upon receiving such notifica-
tion, the chairperson shall call a meeting of the joint committee as soon
as practicable for the purpose of such presentation and review and shall
furnish the secretary of administration with notice of the time, date and
place of the meeting. In any such case, the secretary of administration
shall not authorize or approve such proposed change order, change in
plans or change in proposed use without having first advised and con-
sulted with the joint committee at a meeting.

      (3) If less than two members of the joint committee contact the di-
rector of the legislative research department within seven business days
of the date the summary description was mailed and request a presenta-
tion and review of any such proposed change order, change in plans or
change in use at a meeting of the joint committee, then the secretary of
administration shall be deemed to have advised and consulted with the
joint committee about such proposed change order, change in plans or
change in proposed use and may authorize or approve such proposed
change order, change in plans or change in proposed use.

      Sec.  3. K.S.A. 75-3351 is hereby amended to read as follows: 75-
3351. The secretary of social and rehabilitation services administration
is hereby authorized to sell and convey on behalf of the state of Kansas
in the manner hereinafter provided the following described land situated
in the county of Mitchell, State of Kansas:

      A tract of land commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northeast
Quarter of Section Four (4), Township Seven (7) South, Range Seven (7)
West of the 6th P.M.; thence Westerly on the section line approximately
927 feet; thence Southerly 548.3 feet; thence Westerly to the U.S. High-
way 24 Right-of-Way line; thence along said Right-of-Way line south-
easterly to the South line of the Northeast one-fourth (NE 1/4) of the
Northeast one-fourth (NE 1/4) of the above cited section; thence Easterly
along such line to the Southeast corner of the Northeast one-fourth (NE
1/4) of the Northeast one-fourth (NE 1/4) of above cited section; thence
Northerly along the section line to the point of beginning.

      Sec.  4. K.S.A. 75-3352 is hereby amended to read as follows: 75-
3352. (a) Before any property shall be is sold under the provisions of
this act, the real estate described in K.S.A. 75-3351 and amendments
thereto shall be appraised by three (3) disinterested appraisers acquainted
with land values in the county in which such land is located and appointed
as provided in K.S.A. 75-3043a. Such appraisement and amendments
thereto. The appraisal shall be in writing and filed with the secretary, and
the cost of the appraisement appraisal shall be paid from the proceeds
of the sale.

      (b) Upon the filing of such appraisement appraisal the secretary of
social and rehabilitation services administration shall advertise for sealed
bids on proceed to sell the real estate described in K.S.A. 75-3351 for not
less than three consecutive weeks by publications in a newspaper of gen-
eral circulation in Mitchell county, Kansas, and authorized by law to pub-
lish legal notices and amendments thereto in accordance with this section.
Such sale shall be made to the highest responsible bidder whose bid is
submitted within thirty (30) days after the last publication of such notice,
except that said secretary may reject any and all bids, and in case all bids
are rejected, bids may be called for again as in first instance. Each bid
shall be accompanied by a certified check in the amount of five percent
(5%) of such bid which sum shall be forfeited in case of default by any
bidder whose bid is accepted. In no event shall such real estate be sold
for less than the appraisement thereof. Upon acceptance of any such bid,
a deed conveying such real estate shall be executed by the secretary, and
duly acknowledged by him or her before an officer authorized by law to
take acknowledgments. Said deed shall contain a recital of all proceedings
in compliance with this act, and said recital shall be prima facie evidence
that said proceedings were had in the manner and form recited. Such
deed shall be approved as to form by the attorney general. When such
real estate shall be so sold, The secretary of administration shall develop
and adopt procedures for the sale of the real estate described in K.S.A.
75-3351 and amendments thereto. The procedures adopted for such sale
may prescribe competitive bidding procedures, public auction, public re-
quests for proposals and negotiation with interested parties or such other
process as may be deemed by the secretary of administration to be in the
best interests of the state in consultation with the commissioner of juvenile
justice. The procedures may include provisions for bid bonds or such other
sureties as may be required thereunder.

      (c) Conveyance of title in such real estate offered for sale by the
secretary of administration in accordance with this section shall be exe-
cuted on behalf of the state of Kansas by the secretary of administration.
The deed for the conveyance may be by warranty deed or by quitclaim
deed as determined to be in the best interests of the state by the secretary
of administration in consultation with the commissioner of juvenile justice.

      (d) The proceeds thereof of the sale of such real estate under this
section, after deduction of the expenses of such sale and the cost of the
appraisement appraisal of the real estate, shall be paid into deposited in
the state treasury and credited to the state general fund. The amount
deducted for the expenses of such sale and the cost of the appraisal shall
be credited to the property contingency fund of the department of ad-

      Sec.  5. K.S.A. 75-2237 is hereby amended to read as follows: 75-
2237. There is hereby created the capitol area plaza authority, a body
politic and corporate, hereinafter referred to as the authority. The au-
thority is hereby constituted a public instrumentality, and the exercise by
the authority of the powers conferred on it by this act shall be deemed
and held to be the performance of an essential state governmental func-
tion. The authority shall be the successor in every way to all of the rights,
powers, duties and obligations of the capitol area planning commission.

      The authority shall have 11 13 members who shall be as follows:

      (a) One member shall be a member of the house of representatives
appointed by the speaker.

      (b) One member shall be a senator appointed by the president of
the senate.

      (c) One member shall be a member of the house of representatives
appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives.

      (d) One member shall be a senator appointed by the minority leader
of the senate.

      (c) (e) One member shall be the secretary of administration.

      (d) (f) One member shall be a person representative of the city gov-
ernment of Topeka appointed by the mayor thereof.

      (e) (g) One member shall be a person experienced in land use plan-
ning appointed by the governor.

      (f) (h) One member shall be the judicial administrator of the courts.

      (g) (i) The remaining members shall be appointed by the governor
and shall have such qualifications as the governor may deem appropriate.

      Members serving on the authority ex officio shall serve for terms con-
current with the office each holds. The appointive members shall serve
for terms of four years, except that the members of the capitol area plan-
ning commission immediately prior to the effective date of this act who
were appointed by the governor shall serve as members of the capitol
area plaza authority, and any unexpired portions of their respective terms
of office as members of the commission shall be included in their terms
of office as original members of the authority. Subsequent appointments
shall be made as provided for original appointments, and any vacancy in
the office of an appointed member shall be filled in the same manner as
for original appointments for the unexpired terms. Subject to the provi-
sions of K.S.A. 75-4315c and amendments thereto, the members of the
authority appointed by the governor shall be so selected that all congres-
sional districts of the state are represented on the authority.

      New Sec.  6. (a) Any research foundation is authorized to initiate and
complete capital improvement projects on state-owned property of the
state educational institution that the research foundation is organized and
operated to benefit if the capital improvement projects have received
prior approval by the state board of regents and the plans and specifica-
tions for such capital improvement projects have received prior approval
by the secretary of administration. Each such capital improvement project
shall be totally financed from nonstate moneys of the research foundation.
The buildings and facilities constructed and the repairs, remodeling and
renovations of state buildings and facilities conducted under such capital
improvement projects shall become the property of the state of Kansas
upon completion and acceptance by the secretary of administration. No
such capital improvement project shall be approved by the state board of
regents without having first advised and consulted with the joint com-
mittee on state building construction.

      (b) As used in this section:

      (1) "Capital improvement project" means a project to construct one
or more buildings or facilities for a state educational institution or to
repair, remodel or renovate one or more state buildings or facilities of a
state educational institution and, in any such case, which has a total cost
of $1,000,000 or less;

      (2) "research foundation" means any not-for-profit research foun-
dation organized and operated for the primary purpose of encouraging,
fostering and conducting scholarly investigation and other types of re-
search for the benefit of a state educational institution;

      (3) "nonstate moneys" means moneys received from any source ex-
cept the state of Kansas or any agency thereof; and

      (4) "state educational institution" has the meaning ascribed thereto
by K.S.A. 76-711 and amendments thereto.

      Sec.  7. K.S.A. 76-833 is hereby amended to read as follows: 76-833.
(a) As used in this act: section,

      (1) "Capital improvement project" means a project which has a total
cost of $500,000 $1,000,000 or less.;

      (2) "private moneys" means moneys from nongovernmental sources.;

      (3) "state educational institution" has the meaning ascribed thereto
by K.S.A. 76-711 and amendments thereto.

      (b) The university of Kansas medical center Each state educational
institution is authorized to construct buildings and facilities on state-
owned property of the university of Kansas medical center state educa-
tional institution from private moneys granted or given to such institution
if the capital improvement projects for such buildings and facilities have
received prior approval by the state board of regents and the plans and
specifications for such projects have received prior approval by the sec-
retary of administration. Such capital improvement projects shall be in-
spected by the division of architectural services. Such capital improve-
ment projects financed totally from private moneys shall be exempt from
the provisions of K.S.A. 75-3739, 75-3740, 75-3740a, 75-3741, 75-3741a,
75-3741b, 75-3742, 75-3743 and 75-3744, and amendments thereto. Such
capital improvement projects shall be totally financed from private mon-
eys and the buildings and facilities constructed shall become the property
of the state of Kansas upon completion and acceptance by the secretary
of administration. No such capital improvement project for a building or
facility shall be approved by the state board of regents without having
first advised and consulted with the joint committee on state building

      (c) The university of Kansas medical center Each state educational
institution is authorized to repair, remodel or renovate state buildings
and facilities of the university of Kansas medical center state educational
institution from private moneys granted or given to such institution if the
capital improvement projects for such repairs, remodeling or renovations
have received prior approval by the state board of regents and the plans
and specifications of such projects have received prior approval by the
secretary of administration. Such capital improvement projects shall be
inspected by the division of architectural services. Such capital improve-
ment projects financed totally from private moneys shall be exempt from
the provisions of K.S.A. 75-3739, 75-3740, 75-3740a, 75-3741, 75-3741a,
75-3741b, 75-3742, 75-3743 and 75-3744, and amendments thereto. Such
capital improvement projects shall be totally financed from private mon-
eys and the improvements shall become the property of the state of Kan-
sas upon completion and acceptance by the secretary of administration.
No such capital improvement project to repair, remodel or renovate any
such state building or facility shall be approved by the state board of
regents without having first advised and consulted with the joint com-
mittee on state building construction.

      (d) The provisions of this section shall expire on June 30, 2001.

       Sec.  8. K.S.A. 75-1264, 75-2237, 75-3351, 75-3352 and 76-833 are
hereby repealed.

       Sec.  9. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
publication in the Kansas register.