A Resolution congratulating and commending the Kansas State University livestock judging team.
WHEREAS, The Kansas State University livestock team won an unprecedented fourth
consecutive National Intercollegiate Livestock Contest on November 17, 1997, at Louis-
ville, Kentucky, in competition with more than 40 colleges and universities and 200 com-
petitors nationwide; and
WHEREAS, The Kansas State University coach, Scott Schaake, assistant professor of
animal sciences and industry, was selected as the national coach-of-the-year for the second
consecutive year; and
WHEREAS, Kansas State University has sponsored a varsity livestock judging team
since 1903 and has won 13 national titles, second only to Iowa State University's 20 national
titles. The team had won three consecutive titles in 1938; and
WHEREAS, The 10 member team, all seniors, was composed of Wade Franklin of
Tucumcari, New Mexico, Jered Shipman of Girard, Les Wankel of Tallula, Illinois, Randy
Mullinix of Woodbine, Maryland, Dustin Dean of Hadeville, Missouri, Chad Breiner of
Alma, Clay Breiner of Alma, Ryan Higbie of Williamsburg, Bill Disberger of Council Grove
and Lee Stremsterfer of Pleasant Plains, Illinois: Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas: That we congratulate and commend
the Kansas State University livestock judging team and its coach for winning its fourth
consecutive national championship; and
Be it further resolved: That the Secretary of the Senate be directed to send 15 enrolled
copies of this resolution to Senator Oleen for presentation to team members and university
Senate Resolution No. 1870 was sponsored by Senators Oleen, Barone, Brownlee, Karr
and Tyson
I hereby certify that the above Resolution originated in the Senate,
and was adopted by that body