A Resolution congratulating and commending E. Robert Sinnett, Ph.D.
WHEREAS, E. Robert Sinnett, Ph.D., of Manhattan, will be recog-
nized for his many years of exemplary service to the profession of psy-
chology and to the Kansas Psychological Association at the Association's
Spring Convention at Topeka on April 3, 1998; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Sinnett has served as President of the Kansas Psy-
chological Association and retired December 31, 1997, from his mem-
bership on the Ethics Committee. His service on the Ethics Committee
has been so long and distinguished that his name has become synonymous
with ethics among psychologists in Kansas; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Sinnett's career has touched all the major aspects of
psychology practice. He has taught at Kansas State University. He has
supervised new professionals, conducted research and published, done
psychotherapy, been involved in professional organizations and been po-
litically active. He was a major force in the efforts establishing the law for
the licensing of psychologists. He is seen as highly principled, extremely
competent in his profession, extraordinarily wise and eloquent in the ex-
pression of his views, and he enjoys an impeccable reputation among his
colleagues; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Sinnett is a native of Iowa. He came to Kansas be-
cause of his attraction to the work being done at the Menninger Clinic.
He was a member of the staff at the Veterans Administration Medical
Center in Topeka from 1955 to 1962. In 1962 he moved to Manhattan
to commence his private practice of psychology, and has been in practice
there since; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Sinnett and his wife, Kathleen, who is also a psy-
chologist, practice together in Manhattan. They are the parents of two
sons, Brian Sinnett and Don Sinnett, and two daughters, Katie Sinnett-
Beaver and Lucy Sinnett Schuler: Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas: That we congrat-
ulate and commend E. Robert Sinnett, Ph.D. for his many years of mer-
itorious service to the Kansas Psychological Association and the practice
of psychology in Kansas; and
Be it further resolved: That the Secretary of the Senate be directed
to provide an enrolled copy of this resolution to David R. Mouille, Ph.D.,
Chair, KPA Ethics Committee, 4786 Black Swan Drive, Shawnee, Kansas
66215-1235 and five copies to E. Robert Sinnett, Ph.D., 1625 Leaven-
worth, Manhattan, Kansas 66502.
Senate Resolution No. 1840 was sponsored by Senators Oleen and Har-
I hereby certify that the above Resolution originated in the Senate,
and was adopted by that body