A Resolution congratulating and commending Tyler Cott.
WHEREAS, Tyler Cott, a senior at Derby High School and the son
of Jeff and Rhonda Cott, was awarded a Gore Scholarship from Wichita
State University. The scholarship provides for an award of $10,000 per
year for four years; and
WHEREAS, Tyler Cott, who describes himself as completely ordi-
nary, plays football and basketball for Derby High School, is a member
of the National Honor Society and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes,
is heavily involved in the planning for the 1998 National Association of
Student Councils Conference, scheduled for the spring of 1998 in Derby,
and still finds time to act as a big brother for a Derby Middle School
student; and
WHEREAS, Tyler Cott's hard work at Derby High School, and the
scholarship he has been awarded, are the result of out-of-the-ordinary
efforts on his part and reflect great credit on him, his parents, his school
and community: Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas: That we congrat-
ulate and commend Tyler Cott upon being awarded a Gore Scholarship
from Wichita State University and wish him every success in his college
endeavors; and
Be it further resolved: That the Secretary of the Senate be directed
to send an enrolled copy of this resolution to Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cott, 1313
S. Briarwood Road, Wichita, KS 67037.
Senate Resolution No. 1819 was sponsored by Senator Nancey Harring-
I hereby certify that the above Resolution originated in the Senate,
and was adopted by that body