A Resolution honoring women in military service to our country.
WHEREAS, Nearly two million women, including more than 10,000 Kan-
sans, have served in the United States Armed Forces; and
WHEREAS, The contributions of women in military service should be rec-
ognized by all Kansans; and
WHEREAS, The United States Congress has authorized the construction
of the Women in Military Service for America Memorial, located at the cere-
monial entrance to Arlington National Cemetery, across the Potomac River
from the Lincoln Memorial in our nation's capitol city; and
WHEREAS, The purpose of the memorial is to recognize all women who
have served in the armed forces--past, present, and future; document the ex-
periences of women and tell their stories of service, sacrifice, and achievement;
make their contributions a visible part of American history and illustrate their
partnership with men in the defense of the nation. Whether on the ships of the
Navy and Coast Guard or in the amphibious forces of the Marine Corps, pro-
tecting our skies in the Air Force or our cities and farms in the Army, in every
conflict, on active duty or in the Reserves and the National Guard, they have
ensured the freedom that we now enjoy; and
WHEREAS, Women veterans, from World War II, the Korean War, the
Vietnam War and Operation Desert Storm, and female active duty personnel
will be visiting the Capitol on February 18, 1998: Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas: That we take this op-
portunity to honor the Kansas women veterans who have served our country
in the various branches of the military, and who are deserving of a public me-
morial honoring their service; and
Be it further resolved: That the Secretary of the Senate be directed to send
an enrolled copy of this resolution to the Women in Military Service for America
Memorial Foundation, Inc., Department 560, Washington, D.C. 20042-0560
and to provide 10 enrolled copies to Senator Oleen.