Session of 1998
By Committee on Education
AN ACT concerning the tuition grant program;
affecting eligibility
10 requirements for
participation; amending K.S.A. 1997 Supp. 72-6107
11 and 72-6111 and
repealing the existing sections.
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section 1. K.S.A. 1997 Supp.
72-6107 is hereby amended to read as
15 follows: 72-6107. As used in this act: (a)
``Tuition grant program'' means
16 a program under which the state, in
recognition of the desirability of fully
17 utilizing all of the available resources
for higher education in the state
18 and in response to the concern that many
residents of the state are unable
19 to sustain the financial burden of the cost
of attendance at certain qual-
20 ified institutions of higher education
operating within the state, provides
21 financial assistance to eligible students
through the award of tuition
22 grants.
23 (b) ``Tuition grant'' means
an award of financial assistance under the
24 tuition grant program to an eligible
25 (c) ``Financial need'' means
the difference between a student's avail-
26 able financial resources and the student's
total anticipated cost of atten-
27 dance at a certain qualified institution of
higher education. A student's
28 financial resources shall be based upon the
accepted criteria of a financial
29 need analysis agency selected by the board
of regents. Financial need
30 shall be determined at least annually.
31 (d) ``Full-time, in-state
student'' means a person who is or is consid-
32 ered a resident of Kansas
and who is enrolled at an institution of higher
33 education in a course of study of at least
12 hours each semester or the
34 equivalent thereof. The board of regents
shall determine the number of
35 hours for terms other than semesters to
constitute the equivalent of 12
36 hours.
37 (e) ``Eligible student''
means a full-time, in-state student who has es-
38 tablished financial need and who is
initially acceptable for entering a
39 qualified institution or who has so entered
and is in good standing and
40 making satisfactory progress toward
41 (f) ``Qualified institution''
means an institution of higher education
42 the main campus of which is located in
Kansas and which (1) maintains
43 open enrollment, (2) is accredited by the
north central association of
SB 458
1 colleges and secondary schools
accrediting agency based on its require-
2 ments as of April 1, 1985, and (3) is
either a municipal university or an
3 institution which is operated
independently and not controlled or admin-
4 istered by the state or any agency or
subdivision thereof.
5 (g) ``Open enrollment''
means the policy of an institution of higher
6 education which provides the
opportunity of enrollment for any student
7 who meets its academic and other
reasonable enrollment requirements,
8 without regard for race, gender,
religion, creed or national origin.
9 (h) ``Board of
regents'' means the state board of regents provided for
10 in the constitution of this state and
described in article 32 of chapter 74
11 of Kansas Statutes Annotated.
12 (i) ``Term'' means one of two
or more divisions of an academic year
13 of an institution of higher education in
which substantially all courses
14 begin and end at substantially the same
time, and during which instruc-
15 tion is regularly given to students.
16 (j) ``Semester'' means one of
two principal terms, when there are only
17 two principal terms in the academic year,
whether or not there are other
18 shorter terms during the same academic
19 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1997 Supp.
72-6111 is hereby amended to read as
20 follows: 72-6111. (a) The board of regents
shall administer the tuition
21 grant program and shall:
22 (1) Provide information
regarding application procedures;
23 (2) adopt rules and
regulations for determining financial need and
24 cost of attendance at qualified
institutions, selecting financial need anal-
25 ysis agencies, defining tuition and
required fees and determining the av-
26 erage amount thereof charged to full-time,
in-state students enrolled at
27 the state universities and to full-time,
in-state students enrolled at the
28 qualified institutions, determining
residence, determining priority or ap-
29 portionment of tuition grants and other
matters necessary for adminis-
30 tration of the program;
31 (3) approve eligible students
for the award of tuition grants;
32 (4) determine and identify
those institutions of higher education
33 which are qualified institutions; and
34 (5) evaluate the tuition
grant program annually, and make a report
35 thereon to the governor and legislature for
the period.
36 (b) Rules and regulations
adopted by the board of regents to deter-
37 mine residence for the purpose of the
tuition grant program shall be
38 consistent with rules and regulations
adopted pursuant to subsection (a)
39 of K.S.A. 76-729, and amendments
thereto, for determination of resi-
40 dence of persons enrolling at the state
universities. Persons meeting any
41 one or more of the qualifications
of persons whom the board of regents
42 may authorize to pay an amount
equal to resident fees for enrollment at
43 the state universities, as provided
in K.S.A. 76-729, and amendments
SB 458
1 thereto, shall be considered
residents of Kansas.
2 (c) The board of
regents may require any qualified institution to
3 promptly furnish any information
which the board of regents requests
4 relating to administration or effect
of the tuition grant program.
5 (d) The board of
regents may provide for apportionment of tuition
6 grants if appropriations therefor are
insufficient to pay all approved tui-
7 tion grants.
8 Sec. 3. K.S.A. 1997
Supp. 72-6107 and 72-6111 are hereby repealed.
9 Sec. 4. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
10 publication in the statute book.