Session of 1998
By Representative Franklin
A RESOLUTION requesting the state board of
education to study and
10 suggest stricter
behavior expectations of children at school and to de-
11 sign a framework for
constructive correction and stricter discipline.
13 WHEREAS, Ensuring that
Kansas public schools are safe and con-
14 ducive to learning is a concern of
students, parents, educators and public
15 officials; and
16 WHEREAS, Controlling
disruptive and violent behavior within the
17 student population is key; giving teachers
and associated support person-
18 nel the authority to enforce discipline is
vital: Now, therefore,
19 Be it resolved by the
House of Representatives of the State of Kan-
20 sas: That, in recognition of
the facts contained in the preamble of this
21 resolution, the state board of education is
hereby requested to study and
22 suggest stricter behavior expectations of
children while in attendance at
23 school and to make recommendations for such
clearly measurable criteria;
24 and
25 Be it further
resolved: That the study of stricter student behavior
26 expectations should focus on unacceptable
behavior including but not
27 limited to disrespect, deviance, violence,
malice, illegal use of controlled
28 substances, use/possession of guns/weapons,
intimidation, and dishonesty,
29 while ensuring that the constitutional
rights of freedom of speech, relig-
30 ion, and creative expression shall be
protected for every student and shall
31 not be infringed by the behavior
expectations; and
32 Be it further
resolved: That at the conclusion of the study, the
33 board is requested to design a framework
for constructive correction and
34 stricter discipline; the framework shall
include clear and workable meth-
35 ods for determining corrective action with
checks and balances from
36 school administrators and teachers; and
37 Be it further
resolved: That the Chief Clerk of the House of Repre-
38 sentatives be directed to send enrolled
copies of this resolution to the
39 State Board of Education and to the
Commissioner of Education, 120
40 S.E. 10th Avenue, Topeka, Kansas