Session of 1998
By Representative Franklin
A RESOLUTION requesting the state board of
education to develop or
10 select a standardized
assessment program for determination of student
11 proficiency in reading
and mathematics skills.
13 WHEREAS, The state of
Kansas, schools and educators have ex-
14 pended great effort in identifying
essential skills in reading and mathe-
15 matics that all students should know and be
able to apply; and
16 WHEREAS, Identification
of essential skills in reading and mathe-
17 matics is intended to communicate to
educators, students and parents
18 what is expected of students at each grade
level so that action, including
19 the provision of additional assistance in
reading and mathematics, may be
20 taken to achieve these expectations;
21 WHEREAS, In order to
ascertain how well students are progressing
22 toward attainment of the identified skills
in reading and mathematics, it
23 is necessary that students be assessed to
determine their proficiency:
24 Now, therefore,
25 Be it resolved by the
House of Representatives of the State of Kan-
26 sas: That, in recognition of
the facts contained in the preamble of this
27 resolution, the state board of education is
hereby requested to develop
28 or select a standardized assessment program
matched to the essential
29 skills in reading and mathematics that have
been identified for student
30 accomplishment in order to insure that
students, before advancing in
31 grade, have attained the proficiency in
such skills that is necessary to
32 succeed upon encountering more advanced
concepts and content areas
33 at future grade levels; and
34 Be it further
resolved: That the state board of education is urged
35 develop criteria for inclusion of pupils
with disabilities and limited English
36 proficient pupils in the assessment program
and to provide for the mod-
37 ifications to the administration process
and the assessment instruments
38 that will make it possible for such pupils
to participate in the program;
39 and
40 Be it further
resolved: That the Chief Clerk of the House of Repre-
41 sentatives be directed to send enrolled
copies of this resolution to the
42 State Board of Education and to the
Commissioner of Education, 120
43 S.E. 10th Avenue, Topeka, Kansas