Session of 1998
House Concurrent Resolution No. 5033
By Committee on Taxation
A PROPOSITION to amend article 11 of the
constitution of the state of
10 Kansas by adding a new
section thereto, relating to the establishment
11 of a prohibition on
the levy of property tax by the state.
13 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas, two-thirds of the
14 members elected (or
appointed) and qualified to the House of Repre-
15 sentatives and
two-thirds of the members elected (or appointed) and
16 qualified to the
Senate concurring therein:
17 Section
1. The following proposition to amend the constitution of the
18 state of Kansas shall be submitted to the
qualified electors of the state
19 for their approval or rejection: Article 11
of the constitution of the state
20 of Kansas is hereby amended by adding a new
section thereto to read as
21 follows:
22 ``§ 14.
Prohibition against property tax levied by the
23 state. The levy
of general property tax by, or on behalf of, the state
24 for any and all
purposes in the year 2002, and any year thereafter,
25 shall be prohibited,
and the authority to levy a permanent tax pur-
26 suant to section 6 of
articles 6 and 7 of this constitution is hereby
27 declared null and void
after the year 2001.''
28 Sec. 2. The following
statement shall be printed on the ballot with
29 the amendment as a whole:
30 ``Explanatory
statement. This amendment would establish a pro-
31 hibition against
general property tax levies made by or on behalf of
32 the state.
33 ``A vote for this
proposition would establish a prohibition against
34 general property tax
which may be levied by or on behalf of the
35 state for any and all
purposes in the year 2002, and all years there-
36 after.
37 ``A vote against this
proposition would maintain the absence of
38 any aggregate general
property tax levy rate limitation in the con-
39 stitution.''
40 Sec. 3. This resolution, if
approved by two-thirds of the members
41 elected (or appointed) and qualified to the
House of Representatives and
42 two-thirds of the members elected (or
appointed) and qualified to the
43 Senate, shall be entered on the journals,
together with the yeas and nays.
HCR 5033
1 The secretary of state shall cause
this resolution to be published as pro-
2 vided by law and shall cause the
proposed amendment to be submitted
3 to the electors of the state at the
general election to be held on November
4 3, 1998.