Session of 1998
By Representatives Garner and Nichols
AN ACT relating to schools; imposing certain
duties thereon with respect
10 to children in joint
parental custody arrangements.
12 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
13 Section 1. (a) When
the court places custody of a child with both
14 parents on a joint-custody basis pursuant
to an action under article 16 of
15 chapter 60 of Kansas Statutes Annotated ,
and amendments thereto, ei-
16 ther or both parents may notify the child's
school of the custodial arrange-
17 ment ordered by the court. The notice shall
be in writing and shall: (1)
18 Be mailed or personally delivered to the
chief administrative officer of
19 the school; (2) identify the child by name
and date of birth; (3) identify
20 both parents by name, residence address,
and telephone number; and (4)
21 be accompanied by a certified copy of the
order for custody.
22 (b) When either or both
parents have notified a child's school of a
23 joint custodial arrangement as provided in
subsection (a), the school shall:
24 (1) Make a reasonable effort to notify both
parents of any medical emer-
25 gency involving the child; (2) invite and
permit participation by both par-
26 ents in school activities of the child
irrespective of the present domicile
27 of the child or the parents; and (3) mail
to either or both parents, as
28 requested, report or grade cards, progress
reports, notice of honors
29 awards, failure or downslips, school
newsletters, parent-teacher confer-
30 ence notices and schedules, notices of any
special needs of the child with
31 respect to education or discipline, and
such other information as may be
32 necessary to the making of decisions in the
best interests of the child.
33 (c) For purposes of this
section, the chief administrative officer of a
34 school is, in the case of a public school,
the superintendent of schools
35 and, in the case of a nonpublic school, the
person designated as chief
36 administrative officer by the governing
authority of the school.
37 (d) This section shall
apply only to parents who have unsupervised
38 visitation rights.
39 Sec. 2. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after its
40 publication in the statute book.