SB 307--
Session of 1997
By Senator Steineger
9 AN ACT concerning law enforcement; relating to university police offi-
10 cers of the university of Kansas medical center; jurisdiction; amending
11 K.S.A. 76-726 and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 22-2401a and repealing the ex-
12 isting sections.
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
15 Section 1. K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 22-2401a is hereby amended to read
16 as follows: 22-2401a. (1) Law enforcement officers employed by consol-
17 idated county law enforcement agencies or departments and sheriffs and
18 their deputies may exercise their powers as law enforcement officers:
19 (a) Anywhere within their county; and
20 (b) in any other place when a request for assistance has been made
21 by law enforcement officers from that place or when in fresh pursuit of
22 a person.
23 (2) Law enforcement officers employed by any city may exercise their
24 powers as law enforcement officers:
25 (a) Anywhere within the city limits of the city employing them and
26 outside of such city when on property owned or under the control of such
27 city; and
28 (b) in any other place when a request for assistance has been made
29 by law enforcement officers from that place or when in fresh pursuit of
30 a person.
31 (3) University police officers employed by the chief executive officer
32 of any state educational institution or municipal university may exercise
33 their powers as university police officers anywhere on:
34 (a) Property owned or operated by the state educational institution
35 or municipal university, by a board of trustees of the state educational
36 institution, an endowment association, an athletic association, a fraternity,
37 sorority or other student group associated with the state educational in-
38 stitution or municipal university; and
39 (b) the streets, property and highways immediately adjacent to the
40 campus of the state educational institution or municipal university.;
41 (c) the streets, property and highways in the counties where property
42 is owned or operated by the university of Kansas medical center; and
43 (d) when there is reason to believe that a violation of a state law, a
SB 307
1 county resolution, or a city ordinance has occurred on property described
2 in this subsection, such officers with appropriate notification of, and co-
3 ordination with, local law enforcement agencies or departments, may in-
4 vestigate and arrest persons for such a violation anywhere within the city
5 where such property, streets and highways are located. Such officers also
6 may exercise such powers in any other place when in fresh pursuit of a
7 person. University police officers at the university of Kansas medical cen-
8 ter shall also have authority to transport persons in custody to an appro-
9 priate facility, wherever it may be located, and to make emergency trans-
10 portation of medical supplies and transplant organs.
11 (4) In addition to the areas where law enforcement officers may ex-
12 ercise their powers pursuant to subsection (2), law enforcement officers
13 of any jurisdiction within Johnson or Sedgwick county may exercise their
14 powers as law enforcement officers in any area within the respective
15 county when executing a valid arrest warrant or search warrant, to the
16 extent necessary to execute such warrants.
17 (5) In addition to the areas where university police officers may ex-
18 ercise their powers pursuant to subsection (3), university police officers
19 may exercise the powers of law enforcement officers in any area outside
20 their normal jurisdiction when a request for assistance has been made by
21 law enforcement officers from the area for which assistance is requested.
22 (6) In addition to the areas where law enforcement officers may ex-
23 ercise their powers pursuant to subsection (2), law enforcement officers
24 of any jurisdiction within Johnson county may exercise their powers as
25 law enforcement officers in any adjoining city within Johnson county
26 when any crime, including a traffic infraction, has been or is being com-
27 mitted by a person in view of the law enforcement officer. A law enforce-
28 ment officer shall be considered to be exercising such officer's powers
29 pursuant to subsection (2), when such officer is responding to the scene
30 of a crime, even if such officer exits the city limits of the city employing
31 the officer and further reenters the city limits of the city employing the
32 officer to respond to such scene.
33 (7) As used in this section:
34 (a) ``Law enforcement officer'' has the meaning ascribed thereto in
35 K.S.A. 22-2202 and amendments thereto.
36 (b) ``University police officers'' means university police officers em-
37 ployed by the chief executive officer of: (1) any state educational insti-
38 tution under the control and supervision of the state board of regents; or
39 (2) a municipal university.
40 (c) ``Fresh pursuit'' means pursuit, without unnecessary delay, of a
41 person who has committed a crime, or who is reasonably suspected of
42 having committed a crime.
43 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 76-726 is hereby amended to read as follows: 76-726.
SB 307
1 (a) The chief executive officer of any state educational institution may
2 employ university police officers to aid and supplement state and local
3 law enforcement agencies. Such university police officers shall have the
4 power and authority of law enforcement officers on: (1) Property owned
5 or operated by the state educational institution, by a board of trustees of
6 the state educational institution, an endowment association, an athletic
7 association, a fraternity, sorority or other student group associated with
8 the state educational institution; and
9 (2) on the streets, property and highways immediately adjacent to the
10 campus of the state educational institution.;
11 (3) on the streets, property and highways in the counties where prop-
12 erty is owned or operated by the university of Kansas medical center; and
13 (4) when there is reason to believe that a violation of a state law, a
14 county resolution, or a city ordinance has occurred on property described
15 in provisions (1) or (2), such officers, with appropriate notification of, and
16 coordination with, local law enforcement agencies, may investigate and
17 arrest persons for such a violation anywhere within the city where such
18 property, streets and highways are located. University police officers at
19 the university of Kansas medical center shall also have authority to trans-
20 port persons in custody to an appropriate facility, wherever it may be
21 located, and to make emergency transportation of medical supplies and
22 transplant organs.
23 (b) In addition to enforcement of state law, county resolutions and
24 city ordinances, university police officers shall enforce rules and regula-
25 tions of the board of regents and rules and policies of the state educational
26 institution, whether or not violation thereof constitutes a criminal offense.
27 Every university police officer shall, while on duty, wear and publicly
28 display a badge of office, except that no such badge shall be required to
29 be worn by any plainclothes investigator or departmental administrator,
30 but any such person shall present proper credentials and identification
31 when required in the performance of such officer's duties. In perform-
32 ance of any of the powers, duties and functions authorized by this act or
33 any other law, university police officers shall have the same rights, pro-
34 tections and immunities afforded to other law enforcement officers.
35 Sec. 3. K.S.A. 76-726 and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 22-2401a are hereby
36 repealed.
37 Sec. 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
38 publication in the statute book.