SB 278--Am.
As Amended by Senate Committee
Session of 1997
By Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
10 AN ACT designating Prairie Spirit Rail Trail as part of state park system;
11 amending K.S.A. 32-837 and repealing the existing section.
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
14 Section 1. K.S.A. 32-837 is hereby amended to read as follows: 32-
15 837. (a) The following parks have been designated as a part of the state
16 park system: (1) Kanopolis-Mushroom Rock state park in Ellsworth
17 county; (2) Toronto state park in Woodson county; (3) Fall River state
18 park in Greenwood county; (4) Cedar Bluff state park in Trego county;
19 (5) Tuttle Creek state park in Pottawatomie and Riley counties; (6) Po-
20 mona state park in Osage county; (7) Cheney state park in Kingman and
21 Reno counties; (8) Lake Crawford state park in Crawford county; (9)
22 Lovewell state park in Jewell county; (10) Lake Meade state park in
23 Meade county; (11) Prairie Dog state park in Norton county; (12) Webster
24 state park in Rooks county; (13) Wilson state park in Russell county; (14)
25 Milford state park in Geary county; (15) Lake Scott state park in Scott
26 county; (16) Elk City state park in Montgomery county; (17) Perry state
27 park in Jefferson county; (18) Glen Elder state park in Mitchell county;
28 (19) El Dorado state park in Butler county; (20) Eisenhower state park
29 in Osage county; (21) Clinton state park in Douglas and Shawnee coun-
30 ties; (22) Sand Hills state park in Reno county; and (23) Hillsdale state
31 park in Miami county; and (24) Prairie Spirit Rail Trail in Allen, Anderson
32 and Franklin counties, the most southerly trailhead within the city
33 limits of the city of Welda, Kansas is to be the southern terminus of
34 such state park.
35 (b) No state park named in subsection (a) shall be removed from the
36 state park system without legislative approval.
37 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 32-837 is hereby repealed.
38 Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
39 publication in the statute book.