SB 228--
Session of 1997
By Committee on Ways and Means

9 AN ACT making and concerning appropriations for the fiscal year ending 10 June 30, 1997, for the state board of healing arts, state board of vet- 11 erinary examiners, Kansas state board of cosmetology, board of nurs- 12 ing, Kansas dental board, state department of credit unions, state bank 13 commissioner, consumer credit commissioner, office of the securities 14 commissioner of Kansas, state board of technical professions, real es- 15 tate appraisal board, Kansas real estate commission, department of 16 administration, Kansas racing and gaming commission, state corpora- 17 tion commission, secretary of state, Kansas public employees retire- 18 ment system, department of revenue, insurance department, state 19 board of indigents' defense services, attorney general, department of 20 social and rehabilitation services, department of human resources, de- 21 partment of health and environment, department of education, Kansas 22 state school for the blind, state historical society, Kansas arts commis- 23 sion, Fort Hays state university, Emporia state university, Pittsburg 24 state university, Kansas state university, Kansas state university -- Sa- 25 lina, college of technology, university of Kansas, university of Kansas 26 medical center, Wichita state university, legislature, department of cor- 27 rections, Kansas parole board, Kansas sentencing commission, state 28 fire marshal, juvenile justice authority, Kansas department of agricul- 29 ture, state fair board, Kansas state grain inspection department, Kansas 30 animal health department, Kansas wheat commission, department of 31 wildlife and parks, Kansas water office and state conservation com- 32 mission; authorizing certain transfers, imposing certain restrictions and 33 limitations, and directing or authorizing certain receipts and disburse- 34 ments and acts incidental to the foregoing. 35 36 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: 37 Section 1. (a) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, appropria- 38 tions are hereby made, restrictions and limitations are hereby imposed, 39 and transfers, fees, receipts, disbursements and acts incidental to the fore- 40 going are hereby directed or authorized as provided in this act. 41 Sec. 2. 42 STATE BOARD OF HEALING ARTS 43 (a) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab- SB 228

 1  lished by section 82(a) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
 2  on the expenditures from the healing arts fee fund is hereby decreased
 3  from $1,756,937 to $1,577,418.
 4    Sec. 3.
 6    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
 7  lished for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, by section 85(a) of chapter
 8  191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas on the veterinary examiners fee
 9  fund is hereby increased from $167,517 to $187,269.
10    Sec. 4.
12    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the position limitation for the
13  fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, established by section 22 of chapter 224
14  of the 1995 Session Laws of the Kansas for the Kansas state board of
15  cosmetology is hereby increased from 9.0 to 10.0.
16    Sec. 5.
18    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
19  lished for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, by section 14(a) of chapter
20  224 of the 1995 Session Laws of Kansas on the board of nursing fee fund
21  is hereby increased from $887,646 to $891,763.
22    Sec. 6.
24    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
25  lished for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, by section 10(a) of chapter
26  224 of the 1995 Session Laws of Kansas on the dental board fee fund is
27  hereby decreased from $206,743 to $184,830.
28    Sec. 7.
30    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
31  lished by section 33(a) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
32  on the credit union fee fund is hereby increased from $705,859 to
33  $723,185.
34    Sec. 8.
36    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
37  lished by section 30(a) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
38  on the bank commissioner fee fund is hereby decreased from $3,643,395
39  to $3,510,542.
40    Sec. 9.
42    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
43  lished by section 31(a) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
SB 228

 1  on the consumer credit fee fund is hereby increased from $362,478 to
 2  $368,097.
 3    Sec. 10.
 5    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
 6  lished for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, by section 19(a) of chapter
 7  224 of the 1995 Session Laws of Kansas on the securities act fee fund is
 8  hereby increased from $1,594,886 to $1,619,178.
 9    (b)  Upon request of the securities commissioner, the director of ac-
10  counts and reports shall transfer one or more amounts of money from
11  the securities act fee fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, to the
12  appropriate account of the restricted fees fund of Wichita state university
13  pursuant to a contract which is hereby authorized to be entered into by
14  the securities commissioner and the Kansas council on economic edu-
15  cation of Wichita state university to conduct a securities and investment
16  education program: Provided, That any transfer of money from the se-
17  curities act fee fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, to the ap-
18  propriate account of the restricted fees fund of Wichita state university
19  pursuant to such contract shall be in addition to any expenditure limita-
20  tion imposed on the securities act fee fund for the fiscal year ending June
21  30, 1997: Provided, however, That the total amount of such transfers for
22  the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, shall not exceed $20,000.
23    Sec. 11.
25    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
26  lished for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, by section 20(a) of chapter
27  224 of the 1995 Session Laws of Kansas on the technical professions fee
28  fund is hereby decreased from $375,270 to $370,977.
29    Sec. 12.
31    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
32  lished for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, by section 17(a) of chapter
33  224 of the 1995 Session Laws of Kansas on the appraiser fee fund is
34  hereby increased from $129,756 to $144,294.
35    Sec. 13.
37    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
38  lished for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, by section 18(a) of chapter
39  224 of the 1995 Session Laws of Kansas on the real estate fee fund, is
40  hereby decreased from $620,402 to $579,810.
41    Sec. 14.
43    (a)  On the effective date of this act, there is appropriated for the
SB 228

 1  above agency from the state general fund the following:
Year 2000 computer repair for state agencies ....................... $6,416,673
State personnel and payroll system upgrade ......................... $3,800,000
 2    (b)  On the effective date of this act, of the amount appropriated for
 3  the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, by section 11(a)
 4  of chapter 259 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas from the state general
 5  fund in the rehabilitation and repair -- statehouse, judicial center and
 6  governor's residence account, the sum of $37,025 is hereby lapsed.
 7    Sec. 15.
 9    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
10  lished by section 54(g) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
11  on the state racing fund is hereby decreased from $2,257,186 to
12  $2,051,414.
13    (b)  On the effective date of this act, the director of accounts and
14  reports shall transfer $434,676 from the state general fund to the tribal
15  gaming fund of the Kansas racing and gaming commission.
16    (c)  During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, the director of ac-
17  counts and reports shall transfer one or more amounts certified by the
18  executive director of the state gaming agency from the tribal gaming fund
19  to the state general fund: Provided, That all such transfers shall be for
20  the purpose of reimbursing the state general fund for the amount equal
21  to the net amount obtained by subtracting (1) the aggregate of any costs
22  incurred by the state gaming agency for any arbitration or litigation in
23  connection with the administration and enforcement of tribal-state gam-
24  ing compacts or the provisions of the tribal gaming oversight act, from
25    (2) the aggregate of the amounts transferred to the tribal gaming fund of
26  the Kansas racing and gaming commission during fiscal year 1997, for the
27  operating expenditures for the state gaming agency and any other ex-
28  penses incurred in connection with the administration and enforcement
29  of tribal-state gaming compacts or the provisions of the tribal gaming
30  oversight act.
31    Sec. 16.
33    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
34  lished by section 59(b) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
35  on the aggregate expenditures from the public service regulation fund,
36  the motor carrier license fees fund and the conservation fee fund is
37  hereby decreased from $11,867,890 to $11,665,781.
38    Sec. 17.
40    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
41  fund the following:
SB 228

Operating expenditures ............................................... $550,000
 1    Sec. 18.
 3    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
 4  lished by section 75(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
 5  on the expenditures from the Kansas public employees retirement fund
 6  for investment related expenses is hereby increased from $19,231,252 to
 7  $19,339,400.
 8    Sec. 19.
10    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
11  fund the following:
Operating expenditures ................................................ $99,974
12    (b)  On the effective date of this act, the director of accounts and
13  reports shall transfer $500,000 from the state highway fund of the de-
14  partment of transportation to the division of vehicles operating fund of
15  the department of revenue for the purpose of financing the cost of op-
16  eration and general expense of the division of vehicles and related oper-
17  ations of the department of revenue.
18    (c)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
19  lished by section 2(b) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
20  on the division of vehicles operating fund is hereby increased from
21  $28,678,854 to $28,867,837.
22    Sec. 20.
24    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
25  lished by section 59(a) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
26  on the insurance department service regulation fund is hereby increased
27  from $5,851,003 to $5,884,149.
28    (b)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the following
29  special revenue fund or funds all moneys now or hereafter lawfully cred-
30  ited to and available in such fund or funds, except that expenditures other
31  than refunds authorized by law shall not exceed the following:
Senior health insurance counseling for Kansans fund .................. No limit
32    (c)  On and after December 15, 1996, in addition to the other pur-
33  poses for which expenditures may be made by the above agency from the
34  operating expenditures account of the state general fund for the fiscal
35  year ending June 30, 1997, expenditures shall be made by the above
36  agency from the operating expenditures account of the state general fund
37  for fiscal year 1997 for an additional amount of biweekly compensation
38  for the commissioner of insurance equal to $60.01 per biweekly pay pe-
39  riod: Provided, That expenditures for such purpose shall be made in the
40  same manner and at the same times that biweekly compensation is pay-
SB 228

 1  able to the commissioner of insurance for the biweekly pay periods which
 2  commence on or after December 15, 1996, and which are chargeable to
 3  fiscal year 1997: Provided, however, That all additional amounts of bi-
 4  weekly compensation for biweekly pay periods which commence on or
 5  after December 15, 1996, which are chargeable to fiscal year 1997 and
 6  which end prior to the effective date of this act, shall be paid in the same
 7  manner and at the same time that biweekly compensation is payable to
 8  the commissioner of insurance for the first biweekly pay period which
 9  commences on or after December 15, 1996, and which ends after the
10  effective date of this act.
11    Sec. 21.
13    (a)  There is hereby appropriated for the above agency from the state
14  general fund the following:
Operating expenditures ............................................... $988,199
15    Sec. 22.
17    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
18  fund the following:
Additional operating expenditures for investigation and litigation
   regard-ing interstate water rights ................................ $598,402
19    Sec. 23.
21    (a)  There is appropriate for the above agency from the state general
22  fund the following:
State operations ................................................... $3,848,608
Mental health and retardation services aid and assistance and state
   insti-tutions operations ....................................... $43,126,664
Alcohol and drug abuse services grants ................................... $487
Youth services aid and assistance ................................. $16,143,555
Purchase of atypical anti-psychotic drugs ............................ $680,000
23    (b)  On the effective date of this act, the amount appropriated for the
24  above agency by section 115(a) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws
25  of Kansas from the state general fund in the adult care homes account,
26  the sum of $8,697,005 is hereby lapsed.
27    (c)  On the effective date of this act, the amount appropriated for the
28  above agency by section 115(a) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws
29  of Kansas from the state general fund in the community based services
30  account, the sum of $33,938,160 is hereby lapsed.
31    (d)  On the effective date of this act, the amount appropriated for the
32  above agency by section 115(a) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws
33  of Kansas from the state general fund in the other medical assistance
34  account, the sum of $8,070,639 is hereby lapsed.
SB 228

 1    (e)  On the effective date of this act, the amount appropriated for the
 2  above agency by section 115(a) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws
 3  of Kansas from the state general fund in the vocational rehabilitation aid
 4  and assistance account, the sum of $198,419 is hereby lapsed.
 5    (f)  On the effective date of this act, the amount appropriated for the
 6  above agency by section 115(a) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws
 7  of Kansas from the state general fund in the cash assistance account, the
 8  sum of $10,244,433 is hereby lapsed.
 9    (g)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
10  lished by section 25(l) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
11  on the social welfare fund is hereby increased from $41,070,590 to
12  $44,300,370.
13    (h)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
14  lished by section 115(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kan-
15  sas on the juvenile detention facilities fund is hereby increased from
16  $2,480,515 to $2,727,830.
17    (i)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
18  lished by section 115(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kan-
19  sas on the child care development block grant federal fund is hereby
20  increased from $7,154,420 to $8,126,466.
21    (j)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
22  lished by section 115(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kan-
23  sas on the mental health block grant federal fund is hereby increased
24  from $1,872,734 to $1,947,358.
25    (k)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
26  lished by section 115(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kan-
27  sas on the rehabilitation services federal fund is hereby increased from
28  $20,380,402 to $21,201,388.
29    (l)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
30  lished by section 115(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kan-
31  sas on the Topeka state hospital fee fund is hereby decreased from
32  $6,573,235 to $3,807,490.
33    (m)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation es-
34  tablished by section 25(k) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of
35  Kansas on the title XIX fund is hereby increased from $69,145,199 to
36  $72,241,980.
37    (n)  On or before June 30, 1996, the director of accounts and reports
38  shall transfer any moneys credited to the Topeka state hospital fee fund
39  as certified by the secretary of social and rehabilitation services, in one
40  or more amounts and to one or more fee funds of mental health insti-
41  tutions of the department of social and rehabilitation services as specified
42  by the secretary of social and rehabilitation services. After the closure of
43  Topeka state hospital and before July 1, 1997, the secretary of social and
SB 228

 1  rehabilitation services shall transmit a certification to the director of ac-
 2  counts and reports specifying the transfer of any moneys credited to and
 3  the amounts of any outstanding obligations of the Topeka state hospital
 4  fee fund to one or more fee funds of mental health institutions of the
 5  department of social and rehabilitation services as appropriate with re-
 6  spect to each such institution or institutions and the closure of Topeka
 7  state hospital. After all such transfers of moneys, the amounts of any
 8  outstanding obligations of the Topeka state hospital fee fund are hereby
 9  transferred as specified by the certification of the secretary of social and
10  rehabilitation services and the Topeka state hospital fee fund is hereby
11  abolished.
12    (o)  On or before June 30, 1996, the director of accounts and reports
13  shall transfer any moneys credited to the Topeka state hospital -- ele-
14  mentary and secondary education fund -- federal as certified by the sec-
15  retary of social and rehabilitation services, in one or more amounts and
16  to one or more federal elementary and secondary education funds of
17  mental health institutions of the department of social and rehabilitation
18  services as specified by the secretary of social and rehabilitation services.
19  After the closure of Topeka state hospital and before July 1, 1997, the
20  secretary of social and rehabilitation services shall transmit a certification
21  to the director of accounts and reports specifying the transfer of any
22  moneys credited to and any outstanding obligations of the Topeka state
23  hospital -- elementary and secondary education fund -- federal to one
24  or more federal elementary and secondary education funds of mental
25  health institutions of the department of social and rehabilitation services
26  as appropriate with respect to such institution or institutions and the
27  closure of Topeka state hospital. After all such transfers of moneys, the
28  amounts of any outstanding obligations of the Topeka state hospital --
29  elementary and secondary education fund -- federal are hereby trans-
30  ferred as specified by the certification of the secretary of social and re-
31  habilitation services and the Topeka state hospital -- elementary and
32  secondary education fund -- federal is hereby abolished.
33    (p)  On or before June 30, 1996, the director of accounts and reports
34  shall transfer any moneys credited to the Topeka state hospital -- canteen
35  fund, Topeka state hospital -- patient benefit fund and the Topeka state
36  hospital -- work therapy patient benefit fund as certified by the secretary
37  of social and rehabilitation services, in one or more amounts to the re-
38  spective canteen fund, patient benefit fund or work therapy patient ben-
39  efit fund of one or more mental health institutions of the department of
40  social and rehabilitation services as specified by the secretary of social
41  and rehabilitation services. After the closure of Topeka state hospital and
42  before July 1, 1997, the secretary of social and rehabilitation services shall
43  transmit a certification to the director of accounts and reports specifying
SB 228

 1  the transfer of any moneys credited to and any outstanding obligations of
 2  the Topeka state hospital -- canteen fund, Topeka state hospital -- pa-
 3  tient benefit fund and Topeka state hospital -- work therapy patient ben-
 4  efit fund to the respective canteen fund, patient benefit fund or work
 5  therapy patient benefit fund of one or more mental health institutions of
 6  the department of social and rehabilitation services as appropriate with
 7  respect to each such institution or institutions and the closure of Topeka
 8  state hospital. After all such transfers of moneys, the amounts of any
 9  outstanding obligations of the Topeka state hospital -- canteen fund,
10  Topeka state hospital -- patient benefit fund and Topeka state hospital
11  -- work therapy patient benefit fund are hereby transferred as specified
12  by the certification of the secretary of social and rehabilitation services
13  and the Topeka state hospital -- canteen fund, Topeka state hospital --
14  patient benefit fund and Topeka state hospital -- work therapy patient
15  benefit fund are hereby abolished.
16    Sec. 24.
18    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
19  lished by section 48(f) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
20  on the workmen's compensation fee fund is hereby increased from
21  $6,962,411 to $7,189,187.
22    Sec. 25.
24    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
25  fund the following:
Salaries and wages ..................................................... $4,896
Other operating expenditures (including official hospitality) ......... $11,000
26    (b)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the following
27  special revenue fund or funds all moneys now or hereafter lawfully cred-
28  ited to and available in such fund or funds, except that expenditures other
29  than refunds authorized by law shall not exceed the following:
Wetlands protection--federal fund .................................... No limit
Voluntary cleanup program fee fund .................................... $73,171
Lead poisoning prevention--federal fund .............................. No limit
30    (c)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
31  lished by section 91(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
32  on the environmental permit fund is hereby decreased from $300,054 to
33  $232,000.
34    (d)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
35  lished by section 91(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
36  on the air quality fee fund is hereby decreased from $3,610,309 to
37  $3,590,784.
38    (e)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
SB 228

 1  lished by section 57(k) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
 2  on the title XIX fund is hereby decreased from $3,924,244 to $3,893,498.
 3    (f)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
 4  lished by section 91(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
 5  on the nuclear safety emergency preparedness special revenue fund is
 6  hereby increased from $227,833 to $230,066.
 7    (g)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
 8  lished by section 91(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
 9  on the solid waste management fund is hereby increased from $4,773,896
10  to $5,713,160.
11    (h)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
12  lished by section 57(e) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
13  on the waste tire management fund is hereby increased from $1,896,647
14  to $2,272,084.
15    (i)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
16  lished by section 57(g) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
17  on the environmental response fund is hereby increased from $1,401,928
18  to $1,431,928.
19    (j)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
20  lished by section 91(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
21  on the office of rural health -- federal fund is hereby increased from
22  $59,719 to $72,990.
23    (k)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
24  lished by section 91(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
25  on the disease prevention and health promotion federal grants fund is
26  hereby increased from $1,661,192 to $1,804,192.
27    (l)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
28  lished by section 91(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
29  on the federal women, infants, and children health program fund is
30  hereby increased from $40,910,102 to $40,927,869.
31    (m)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation es-
32  tablished by section 91(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of
33  Kansas on the federal occupational health and safety statistics program
34  fund is hereby increased from $112,868 to $152,765.
35    (n)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
36  lished by section 91(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
37  on the other federal grants fund is hereby increased from $1,008,414 to
38  $1,063,694.
39    (o)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
40  lished by section 91(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
41  on the maternal and child health services block grant fund is hereby in-
42  creased from $5,005,344 to $5,217,160.
43    (p)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
SB 228

 1  lished by section 91(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
 2  on the radiological environmental cooperative monitoring -- federal fund
 3  is hereby increased from $2,500 to $10,500.
 4    (q)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
 5  lished by section 91(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
 6  on the AIDS project -- education and risk reduction -- federal fund is
 7  hereby increased from $1,940,634 to $1,967,634.
 8    (r)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
 9  lished by section 91(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
10  on the commodity supplemental food program fund is hereby increased
11  from $297,147 to $444,049.
12    (s)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
13  lished by section 91(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
14  on the gifts, grants and donations fund is hereby increased from $930,102
15  to $1,141,715.
16    (t)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
17  lished by section 91(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
18  on expenditures for salaries and wages from the immunization grant funds
19  -- federal fund is hereby increased from $466,285 to $509,582.
20    (u)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
21  lished by section 91(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
22  on the federal cancer registry fund is hereby increased from $340,000 to
23  $436,000.
24    Sec. 26.
26    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
27  fund the following:
Operating expenditures ................................................ $47,967
28    Sec. 27.
30    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
31  fund the following:
Operating expenditures ................................................ $42,820
32    Sec. 28.
34    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
35  fund the following:
Operating expenditures ................................................ $53,684
36    Sec. 29.
38    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
39  fund the following:
Arts programming grants and challenge grants .......................... $26,604
SB 228

 1    (b)  On the effective date of this act, of the amount appropriated for
 2  the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, by section
 3  127(a) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas from the state
 4  general fund in the operating expenditures account, the sum of $26,604
 5  is hereby lapsed.
 6    Sec. 30.
 8    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the following
 9  special revenue fund or funds all moneys now or hereafter lawfully cred-
10  ited to and available in such fund or funds, except that expenditures other
11  than refunds authorized by law shall not exceed the following:
Literacy EDIF grant fund .............................................. $25,982
12    Sec. 31.
14    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
15  lished by section 18(c) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
16  on the general fees fund is hereby increased from $7,891,985 to
17  $7,957,638.
18    (b)  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 18(d) of chapter 272 of
19  the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, (1) All amounts of tuition from students
20  who began participating in the midwestern student exchange program
21  prior to July 1, 1996, which are received by Fort Hays state university
22  during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, shall not be deposited to the
23  credit of the midwestern student exchange account of the restricted fees
24  fund, but shall be deposited to the credit of the general fees fund, and
25    (2) all amounts of tuition received from students who began participating
26  in the midwestern student exchange program after July 1, 1996, which
27  are received by Fort Hays state university during the fiscal year ending
28  June 30, 1997, shall be deposited to the credit of the midwestern student
29  exchange account of the restricted fees fund.
30    Sec. 32.
32    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
33  fund the following:
Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) .............. $250,563
34    (b)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
35  lished by section 100(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kan-
36  sas on the general fees fund is hereby decreased from $8,147,554 to
37  $7,896,991.
38    (c)  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 17(c) of chapter 272 of
39  the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, (1) All amounts of tuition from students
40  who began participating in the midwestern student exchange program
41  prior to July 1, 1996, which are received by Emporia state university
SB 228

 1  during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, shall not be deposited to the
 2  credit of the midwestern student exchange account of the restricted fees
 3  fund, but shall be deposited to the credit of the general fees fund, and
 4    (2) all amounts of tuition received from students who began participating
 5  in the midwestern student exchange program after July 1, 1996, which
 6  are received by Emporia state university during the fiscal year ending
 7  June 30, 1997, shall be deposited to the credit of the midwestern student
 8  exchange account of the restricted fees fund.
 9    Sec. 33.
11    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
12  fund the following:
Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) .............. $553,089
Construct Kansas technology center ................................. $2,000,000
13    (b)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
14  lished by section 19(c) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
15  on the general fees fund is hereby decreased from $10,310,512 to
16  $9,998,736.
17    (c)  During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, the director of ac-
18  counts and reports shall transfer $50,000 from the equipment reserve
19  fund to the general fees fund.
20    (d)  Expenditures may be made by the above agency for fiscal year
21  1997 from the amount reappropriated in the operating expenditures (in-
22  cluding official hospitality) account by section 101(a) of chapter 191 of
23  the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas: Provided, however, That expenditures
24  from such reappropriated balance for fiscal year 1997 shall not exceed
25  $178,855 except upon approval of the state finance council.
26    (e)  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 19(d) of chapter 272 of
27  the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, (1) All amounts of tuition from students
28  who began participating in the midwestern student exchange program
29  prior to July 1, 1996, which are received by Pittsburg state university
30  during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, shall not be deposited to the
31  credit of the midwestern student exchange account of the restricted fees
32  fund, but shall be deposited to the credit of the general fees fund, and
33    (2) all amounts of tuition received from students who began participating
34  in the midwestern student exchange program after July 1, 1996, which
35  are received by Pittsburg state university during the fiscal year ending
36  June 30, 1997, shall be deposited to the credit of the midwestern student
37  exchange account of the restricted fees fund.
38    Sec. 34.
40    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
41  fund the following:
SB 228

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) .............. $841,652
 1    (b)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
 2  lished by section 12(e) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
 3  on the general fees fund is hereby decreased from $38,889,248 to
 4  $37,179,715.
 5    (c)  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 12(f) of chapter 272 of
 6  the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, (1) All amounts of tuition from students
 7  who began participating in the midwestern student exchange program
 8  prior to July 1, 1996, which are received by Kansas state university during
 9  the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, shall not be deposited to the credit
10  of the midwestern student exchange account of the restricted fees fund,
11  but shall be deposited to the credit of the general fees fund, and (2) all
12  amounts of tuition received from students who began participating in the
13  midwestern student exchange program after July 1, 1996, which are re-
14  ceived by Kansas state university during the fiscal year ending June 30,
15  1997, shall be deposited to the credit of the midwestern student exchange
16  account of the restricted fees fund.
17    Sec. 35.
19    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
20  fund the following:
Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) ............... $44,112
21    (b)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
22  lished by section 13(d) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
23  on the general fees fund is hereby decreased from $952,680 to $908,568.
24    Sec. 36.
26    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
27  fund the following:
Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) ............ $1,233,514
28    (b)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
29  lished by section 10(f) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
30  on the general fees fund is hereby decreased from $69,749,380 to
31  $68,515,865.
32    (c)  The director of accounts and reports shall not make any transfers
33  pursuant to the provisions of section 10(g) of chapter 272 of the 1996
34  Session Laws of Kansas and any amounts transferred prior to the effective
35  date of this act pursuant to such provisions shall be transferred from the
36  tuition accountability fund of the above agency to the general fees fund
37  of the above agency.
38    (d)  On or after the effective date of this act, upon a finding by the
39  director of the budget that the above agency realized an increase in re-
40  ceipts to the general fees fund in the summer 1996 session, fall 1996
SB 228

 1  semester or spring 1997 semester above the comparable periods in the
 2  preceding year, which increase in receipts resulted from increases in en-
 3  rollment, changes in resident and nonresident student mix, or the im-
 4  position of a more restrictive tuition waiver policy, the director of the
 5  budget shall certify such amount of increased receipts to the director of
 6  accounts and reports. Upon receipt of such certification, the director of
 7  accounts and reports shall transfer the amount certified from the general
 8  fees fund of the above agency to the tuition accountability fund of the
 9  above agency.
10    (e)  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 10(h) of chapter 272 of
11  the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, (1) All amounts of tuition from students
12  who began participating in the midwestern student exchange program
13  prior to July 1, 1996, which are received by the university of Kansas during
14  the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, shall not be deposited to the credit
15  of the midwestern student exchange account of the restricted fees fund,
16  but shall be deposited to the credit of the general fees fund, and (2) all
17  amounts of tuition received from students who began participating in the
18  midwestern student exchange program after July 1, 1996, which are re-
19  ceived by the university of Kansas during the fiscal year ending June 30,
20  1997, shall be deposited to the credit of the midwestern student exchange
21  account of the restricted fees fund.
22    Sec. 37.
24    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the following
25  special revenue fund or funds all moneys now or hereafter lawfully cred-
26  ited to and available in such fund or funds, except that expenditures other
27  than refunds authorized by law shall not exceed the following:
Biomedical research building principle and interest sinking fund ..... No limit
28    (b)  The director of accounts and reports shall transfer moneys during
29  the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, from the sponsored research over-
30  head fund to the biomedical research building principle and interest sink-
31  ing fund of the above agency upon recommendation of the chancellor of
32  the university of Kansas.
33    (c)  On June 30, 1997, the director of accounts and reports shall trans-
34  fer the unencumbered balance in the construction of clinical facility--
35  revenue bonds fund to the hospital depreciation reserve fund.
36    (d)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
37  lished by section 103(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kan-
38  sas on the medical scholarship and loan repayment fund is hereby in-
39  creased from $1,200,000 to $2,200,000.
40    (e)  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 11(c) of chapter 272 of
41  the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, (1) All amounts of tuition from students
42  who began participating in the midwestern student exchange program
SB 228

 1  prior to July 1, 1996, which are received by the university of Kansas
 2  medical center during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, shall not be
 3  deposited to the credit of the midwestern student exchange account of
 4  the restricted fees fund, but shall be deposited to the credit of the general
 5  fees fund, and (2) all amounts of tuition received from students who began
 6  participating in the midwestern student exchange program after July 1,
 7  1996, which are received by the university of Kansas medical center dur-
 8  ing the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, shall be deposited to the credit
 9  of the midwestern student exchange account of the restricted fees fund.
10    Sec. 38.
12    (a)  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 16(e) of chapter 272 of
13  the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, (1) All amounts of tuition from students
14  who began participating in the midwestern student exchange program
15  prior to July 1, 1996, which are received by Wichita state university during
16  the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, shall not be deposited to the credit
17  of the midwestern student exchange account of the restricted fees fund,
18  but shall be deposited to the credit of the general fees fund, and (2) all
19  amounts of tuition received from students who began participating in the
20  midwestern student exchange program after July 1, 1996, which are re-
21  ceived by Wichita state university during the fiscal year ending June 30,
22  1997, shall be deposited to the credit of the midwestern student exchange
23  account of the restricted fees fund.
24    Sec. 39.
26    (a)  On and after the effective date of this act, in addition to the other
27  purposes for which expenditures may be made by the above agency from
28  the operations (including official hospitality) account of the state general
29  fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, expenditures shall be made
30  by the above agency from the operations (including official hospitality)
31  account of the state general fund for fiscal year 1997 for an additional
32  amount of biweekly compensation for each biweekly pay period com-
33  mencing on or after December 15, 1996, for the following legislative
34  officers as follows: The minority leaders of the senate and house of rep-
35  resentatives equal to $8.97 per biweekly pay period for services per-
36  formed in connection with discharging the duties assigned to the respec-
37  tive positions: Provided, That expenditures for such purpose shall be
38  made in the same manner and at the same times that biweekly compen-
39  sation is payable to the legislators eligible for such additional compensa-
40  tion for the biweekly pay periods which commence on or after December
41  15, 1996, and which are chargeable to fiscal year 1997: Provided, however,
42  That all additional amounts of biweekly compensation for biweekly pay
43  periods which commence on or after December 15, 1996, which are
SB 228

 1  chargeable to fiscal year 1997 and which end prior to the effective date
 2  of this act, shall be paid in the same manner and at the same time that
 3  biweekly compensation is payable to the legislators eligible for such ad-
 4  ditional compensation for the first biweekly pay period which commences
 5  on or after December 15, 1996, and which ends after the effective date
 6  of this act.
 7    Sec. 40.
 9    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
10  fund the following:
Central administration operations and parole and postrelease
   supervision operations ............................................. $59,782
11    (b)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the following
12  special revenue fund or funds all moneys now or hereafter lawfully cred-
13  ited to and available in such fund or funds, except that expenditures other
14  than refunds authorized by law shall not exceed the following:
Juvenile justice assistance -- federal fund .......................... No limit
Capacity expansion planning fund ..................................... $757,466
15    Sec. 41.
17    (a)  On the effective date of this act, there is appropriated for the
18  above agency from the state general fund the following:
Parole from adult correctional institutions ........................... $15,684
19    Sec. 42.
21    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
22  fund the following:
Operating expenditures ............................................... $433,118
23    (b)  On the effective date of this act, of the amount reappropriated
24  for the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, by section
25  72(a) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas from the state
26  general fund in the operating expenditures account, the sum of $62,001
27  is hereby lapsed.
28    (c)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
29  lished by section 72(a) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
30  on expenditures from the reappropriated balance in the operating ex-
31  penditures account of the state general fund is hereby increased from
32  $5,987 to $214,002.
33    Sec. 43.
35    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
36  lished by section 63(a) of Chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas
37  on the fire marshal fee fund is hereby increased from $2,072,439 to
SB 228

 1  $2,104,592.
 2    Sec. 44.
 4    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
 5  fund the following:
Operating expenditures ............................................... $157,448
 6    (b)  The number of full-time and regular part-time positions equated
 7  to full-time, paid from appropriations for fiscal year 1997, made in this
 8  or other appropriation act of the 1997 regular session of the legislature
 9  for the juvenile justice authority shall not exceed 5.0.
10    Sec. 45.
12    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
13  fund the following:
Computer system ...................................................... $200,000
14    (b)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the following
15  special revenue fund or funds all moneys now or hereafter lawfully cred-
16  ited to and available in such fund or funds, except that expenditures other
17  than refunds authorized by law shall not exceed the following:
EPA pesticide performance partnership grant .......................... No limit
18    (c)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
19  lished by section 137(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kan-
20  sas on the agriculture seed fee fund is hereby decreased from $75,463 to
21  $73,279.
22    (d)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
23  lished by section 137(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kan-
24  sas on the feeding stuffs fee fund is hereby increased from $445,344 to
25  $495,344.
26    (e)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
27  lished by section 137(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kan-
28  sas on the fertilizer fee fund is hereby decreased from $611,322 to
29  $487,600.
30    (f)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
31  lished by section 137(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kan-
32  sas on the egg fee fund is hereby decreased from $133,840 to $105,857.
33    Sec. 46.
35    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
36  fund the following:
Encampment building renovation ........................................ $24,115
37    (b)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the following
38  special revenue fund or funds all moneys now or hereafter lawfully cred-
39  ited to and available in such fund or funds, except that expenditures other
SB 228

 1  than refunds authorized by law shall not exceed the following:
EDIF -- encampment renovation fund .................................... $95,000
 2    (c)  On the effective date of this act, the director of accounts and
 3  reports shall transfer $95,000 from the Kansas economic development
 4  endowment account of the state economic development initiatives fund
 5  of the department of commerce and housing to the EDIF -- encamp-
 6  ment renovation fund of the Kansas state fair.
 7    Sec. 47.
 9    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
10  lished by section 4(a) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Sessions Laws of Kansas
11  on the grain inspection fee fund is hereby decreased from $5,106,095 to
12  $5,097,874.
13    Sec. 48.
15    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
16  fund the following:
Operating expenditures ................................................ $60,150
17    Sec. 49.
19    (a)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
20  lished by the state finance council on the Kansas wheat commission fund
21  is hereby decreased from $2,441,607 to $2,141,607.
22    Sec. 50.
24    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
25  fund the following:
Operating expenditures ................................................ $37,437
Flood damage ......................................................... $385,000
26    (b)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
27  lished by section 144(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kan-
28  sas on the boating fee fund is hereby increased from $1,321,065 to
29  $1,326,124.
30    (c)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
31  lished by section 144(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kan-
32  sas on the wildlife fee fund is hereby increased from $20,946,171to
33  $20,947,764.
34    Sec. 51.
36    (a)  There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
37  fund the following:
Water resources operating expenditures ................................ $28,478
SB 228

 1    Sec. 52.
 3    (a)  Subject to the limitation on total expenditures from the water plan
 4  special revenue fund, and in addition to the other purposes for which
 5  expenditures may be made by the above agency from the water plan
 6  special revenue fund for fiscal year 1998, expenditures may be made by
 7  the above agency from the water plan special revenue fund during fiscal
 8  year 1998 for the following specified purposes, subject to the expenditure
 9  limitations prescribed therefor:
State water plan fund administrative operations ....................... $16,750
10    (b)  On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
11  lished by section 142(b) of chapter 191 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kan-
12  sas on the water plan special revenue fund is hereby decreased from
13  $10,375,642 to $10,214,168.
14    Sec. 53.  Appeals to exceed position limitations. The limitations im-
15  posed by this act on the number of full-time and regular part-time posi-
16  tions equated to full-time, excluding seasonal and temporary positions,
17  paid from appropriations for fiscal year 1997 made in this act or in any
18  appropriation act of the 1996 regular session of the legislature or in any
19  other appropriation act of the 1997 regular session of the legislature may
20  be exceeded upon approval of the state finance council.
21    Sec. 54.  Appeals to exceed limitations. Upon written application to
22  the governor and approval of the state finance council, expenditures from
23  special revenue funds may exceed the amounts specified in this act.
24    Sec. 55.  Effective date. This act shall take effect and be in force from
25  and after its publication in the Kansas register.