SB 181--
By Committee on Education

AN ACT concerning school district finance; relating to determination of transportation weighting; amending K.S.A. 72-6411 and repealing the existing section. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: Section 1. K.S.A. 72-6411 is hereby amended to read as follows: 72- 6411. (a) The transportation weighting of each district shall be deter- mined by the state board as follows: (1) Determine the total expenditures of the district during the pre- ceding school year from all funds for transporting pupils of public and nonpublic schools on regular school routes; (2) divide the amount determined under (1) by the total number of pupils who were included in the enrollment of the district in the preced- ing school year and for whom transportation was made available by the district; (3) multiply the quotient obtained under (2) by the total number of pupils who were included in the enrollment of the district in the preced- ing school year, were residing less than 21/2 miles the formula prescribed mileage by the usually traveled road from the school building they at- tended, and for whom transportation was made available by the district; (4) multiply the product obtained under (3) by 50%; (5) subtract the product obtained under (4) from the amount deter- mined under (1); (6) divide the remainder obtained under (5) by the total number of pupils who were included in the enrollment of the district in the preced- ing school year, were residing 21/2 miles or more not less than the formula prescribed mileage by the usually traveled road from the school building they attended, and for whom transportation was made available by the district. The quotient is the per-pupil cost of transportation; (7) on a density-cost graph plot the per-pupil cost of transportation for each district; (8) construct a curve of best fit for the points so plotted; (9) locate the index of density for the district on the base line of the density-cost graph and from the point on the curve of best fit directly above this point of index of density follow a line parallel to the base line to the point of intersection with the vertical line, which point is the for- mula per-pupil cost of transportation of the district; (10) divide the formula per-pupil cost of transportation of the district by base state aid per pupil; (11) multiply the quotient obtained under (10) by the number of pupils who are included in the enrollment of the district, are residing 21/2 miles or more not less than the formula prescribed mileage by the usually traveled road to the school building they attend, and for whom transpor- tation is being made available by, and at the expense of, the district. The product is the transportation weighting of the district. (b) For the purpose of providing accurate and reliable data on pupil transportation, the state board is authorized to adopt rules and regulations prescribing procedures which districts shall follow in reporting pertinent information relative thereto, including uniform reporting of expenditures for transportation. (c) ``Index of density'' means the number of pupils who are included in the enrollment of a district in the current school year, are residing 21/2 miles or more not less than the formula prescribed mileage by the usually traveled road from the school building they attend, and for whom trans- portation is being made available on regular school routes by the district, divided by the number of square miles of territory in the district. (d) ``Density-cost graph'' means a drawing having: (1) A horizontal or base line divided into equal intervals of density, beginning with zero on the left; and (2) a scale for per-pupil cost of transportation to be shown on a line perpendicular to the base line at the left end thereof, such scale to begin with zero dollars at the base line ascending by equal per-pupil cost intervals. (e) ``Curve of best fit'' means the curve on a density-cost graph drawn so the sum of the distances squared from such line to each of the points plotted on the graph is the least possible. (f) The provisions of this section shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 1992. (f) ``Formula prescribed mileage'' means two miles for the 1997-98 school year, 11/2 miles for the 1998-99 school year, and one mile for the 1999-2000 school year and each school year thereafter. Sec. 2. K.S.A. 72-6411 is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book.