HB 5003--
House Concurrent Resolution No. 5003
By Representative Lane
[ol12](By request) 1-15
A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION to memorialize congress to enact
legislation to implement the sovereignty proposal.
WHEREAS, The sovereignty proposal would make interest-free loans
available to states and local governments from federal funds. These loans
would be used for building and repairing capital projects and paying off
existing debt; and
WHEREAS, If federal legislation is properly written and imple-
mented, the sovereignty proposal has the potential of saving our citizens
an enormous amount of taxes, building more of the needed infrastructure,
increasing employment and reducing federal, state and local government
deficit and debt; and
WHEREAS, The state of Kansas has consistently supported legislation
that has been in harmony with the needs of the federal government as
well as the state and local governments; and
WHEREAS, The necessary and legitimate services provided by fed-
eral, state and local governments are not being met due to the lack of
money; and
WHEREAS, The American taxpayer is already heavily burdened with
various taxes; and
WHEREAS, The State of Kansas must from time to time issue bonds
to finance capital projects that are necessary to ensure the health and
welfare of its citizens; and
WHEREAS, The State of Kansas recognizes that the cost of interest
for bonds issued to fund capital projects is a great burden on its taxpayers:
Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas,
the Senate concurring therein: That we memorialize Congress to enact
legislation to implement the sovereignty proposal; and
Be it further resolved: That the secretary of state be directed to send
enrolled copies of this resolution to each member of the Kansas con-
gressional delegation.