HB 2492--
Session of 1997
By Committee on Appropriations
9 AN ACT relating to affiliation of community colleges and technical col-
10 leges with state educational institutions under the control and super-
11 vision of the state board of regents; prescribing certain procedures and
12 guidelines therefor.
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
15 Section 1. Sections 1 through 6, and amendments thereto, shall be
16 known and may be cited as the community and technical college affiliation
17 act.
18 Sec. 2. (a) The board of trustees or other governing body of any
19 community college or technical college organized and operating under
20 the laws of Kansas may proceed to affiliate the community college or
21 technical college with and make it a part of a state educational institution
22 under the control and supervision of the state board of regents, in accor-
23 dance with and subject to the provisions of the community and technical
24 college affiliation act and subject to the specific approval by act of the
25 legislature.
26 (b) The act of the legislature specifically approving a proposed affil-
27 iation shall include provisions:
28 (1) Specifying the community college or technical college and the
29 state educational institution that are affiliating and making any name
30 changes or other designations or redesignations that are required;
31 (2) prescribing the effective date of the affiliation and any necessary
32 transition periods that may be required for the conveyance of campus
33 property and any other property and records of the community college
34 or technical college to the state educational institution;
35 (3) authorizing or prescribing procedures for the conveyance of cam-
36 pus property and other property and records of the affiliated community
37 college or technical college to the state educational institution;
38 (4) prescribing guidelines for the academic and administrative poli-
39 cies and procedures for the activities and operations of the affiliated com-
40 munity college or technical college, including any exemptions and excep-
41 tions from otherwise applicable state accounting, architectural, auditing,
42 budgeting, building construction, legal, payroll, personnel, printing, pur-
43 chasing and other administrative statutes and the procedures, policies and
HB 2492
1 rules and regulations established or adopted thereunder for the regulation
2 of the activities and operations of, or the provision of services for, state
3 educational institutions in particular or state agencies in general;
4 (5) prescribing or authorizing personnel policies and procedures for
5 the personnel of the affiliated community college or technical college,
6 including the salaries and wages and fringe benefits, or providing for the
7 transfer of such personnel into the state personnel system and providing
8 any required guidelines, exceptions or limitations that may be required
9 with respect thereto;
10 (6) providing for the creation or continuance of any new or existing
11 local boards, committees or other entities that may be required with re-
12 spect to the activities or operations of the affiliated community college or
13 technical college or the support of the affiliated community college or
14 technical college;
15 (7) providing statutory authorization for the levy of any local property
16 taxes which may be required and to provide that any such levy shall com-
17 mence being levied no earlier than the first taxable year commencing
18 after the effective date of the affiliation or providing for the enactment
19 of other statutes that may be required to provide any other funding sup-
20 port that may be required for the affiliated community college or tech-
21 nical college and prescribing the authorized uses or other disposition of
22 the proceeds of any such tax or other funding support; and
23 (8) providing any other permanent or transitional provisions as may
24 be required for the purposes of the affiliation of the community college
25 or technical college with the state educational institution.
26 Sec. 3. (a) To request approval for affiliation with a specific state
27 educational institution under the control and supervision of the state
28 board of regents, the board of trustees or other governing body of a
29 community college or technical college shall prepare and submit to the
30 state board of regents a petition to affiliate the community college or
31 technical college with the state educational institution. The petition for a
32 proposed affiliation may be submitted to the state board of regents on or
33 before July 1 of any year. The petition shall include:
34 (1) The name of the state educational institution with which the com-
35 munity college or technical college is to affiliate and the official name of
36 the affiliated community college or technical college after affiliation;
37 (2) a proposal encompassing the mission and accreditation of the af-
38 filiated community college or technical college and the relationship of the
39 affiliated community college or technical college with the state educa-
40 tional institution;
41 (3) a plan for the disposition of the existing programs, services, activ-
42 ities, campus property and personnel of the community college or tech-
43 nical college by the transfer to the state educational institution or by other
HB 2492
1 transfer or disposition;
2 (4) a detailed description of the campus property of the community
3 college or technical college;
4 (5) a detailed description of the characteristics of any outstanding,
5 short-term or long-term debt of the community college or technical col-
6 lege that is expected to exist on the effective date of the affiliation and a
7 plan for the satisfaction of such debt; and
8 (6) such other plans and information as may be required to appro-
9 priately address the circumstances of the proposed affiliation, including
10 any special characteristics of the community college or technical college
11 or the state educational institution.
12 Sec. 4. Prior to adoption of a resolution to affiliate a community col-
13 lege or technical college with a state educational institution, the board of
14 trustees or other governing body of the community college or technical
15 college shall prepare a proposal therefor, which shall include a proposed
16 petition for affiliation. The board of trustees or other governing body shall
17 hold one or more public hearings to receive public comment on the pro-
18 posed affiliation and the proposed petition therefor. In advance of each
19 such public hearing, the board of trustees or other governing body shall
20 publish a notice of the proposed affiliation and the public hearing thereon
21 in a newspaper having general circulation in the county in which the
22 primary campus of the community college or technical college is located.
23 After a public hearing on the proposed affiliation and the proposed pe-
24 tition therefor, the petition shall be prepared in final form by the board
25 of trustees or other governing body. Upon adoption of a resolution ap-
26 proving the petition by the board of trustees or other governing body,
27 the petition may be submitted to the state board of regents.
28 Sec. 5. The state board of regents shall study and act to approve or
29 disapprove each petition submitted by a community college or technical
30 college for affiliation pursuant to section 4 and amendments thereto. The
31 state board of regents shall act on each such petition no later than October
32 1 of the year in which the petition was received on or before July 1. After
33 acting to approve or disapprove each such petition, the state board of
34 regents shall prepare and submit a report regarding the proposed affili-
35 ation of a community college or technical college with a state educational
36 institution, including a statement of the action taken by the board, the
37 rationale therefor and any recommendations relating thereto, to the leg-
38 islature at the next ensuing regular session thereof.
39 Sec. 6. Except as otherwise specifically provided by statute, each
40 community college or technical college that is specifically approved for
41 affiliation with a state educational institution by act of the legislature shall
42 be considered to be a part of the affiliated state educational institution
43 for all purposes under law and shall be subject to the control and super-
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1 vision of the state board of regents as provided by statute for state edu-
2 cational institutions.
3 Sec. 7. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
4 publication in the Kansas register.