HB 2299--
Session of 1997
By Representative Shore
[ol12](By request)
9 AN ACT concerning meat and poultry; relating to custom slaughtering;
10 amending K.S.A. 65-6a31 and repealing the existing section.
12 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
13 Section 1. K.S.A. 65-6a31 is hereby amended to read as follows: 65-
14 6a31. (a) The provisions of this act shall not apply:
15 (1) To the slaughtering by any person of animals of such person's own
16 raising or to the preparing by the slaughterer or to the transporting in
17 intrastate commerce of the carcasses, parts thereof, meat food products
18 or poultry products of such animals exclusively for use or consumption
19 by such person, members of such person's household, former members
20 of such household or such person's nonpaying guests and employees;
21 (2) to any person operating a retail store or similar retail type business
22 who prepares only inspected and passed carcasses, parts thereof, meat
23 food products or poultry products for sale to consumers at retail in normal
24 retail quantities; or prepares inspected carcasses, parts thereof, meat food
25 products or poultry products, owned by the consumer and prepared for
26 such consumer's consumption or the consumption of such consumer's
27 household members, nonpaying guests and employees; or
28 (3) to any person operating a restaurant who prepares only inspected
29 and passed carcasses, parts thereof, meat food products or poultry prod-
30 ucts for human consumption.
31 (b) (1) Only those provisions of this act relating to registration, san-
32 itation and adulteration shall apply:
33 (A) to a person slaughtering livestock, domestic rabbits or poultry
34 delivered by the owner thereof for such slaughter, including the prepa-
35 ration by such slaughterer and the transportation in intrastate commerce
36 of the carcasses, parts thereof, meat food products or poultry products of
37 such animals exclusively for use or consumption by the owner, the mem-
38 bers of the owner's household or the owner's nonpaying guests and em-
39 ployees; or
40 (B) to the custom preparation by any person, firm or corporation of
41 carcasses, parts thereof, meat or meat food products, derived from the
42 slaughter by any person of livestock of such person's own raising, or from
HB 2299
1 game animals which are delivered by the owner thereof for such custom
2 preparation and transportation in intrastate commerce of such custom
3 prepared articles, exclusively for use in the household of the owner by
4 the owner and the members of the owner's household and the owner's
5 nonpaying guests and employees.
6 (2) In cases where such person, firm or corporation engages in such
7 custom operations at an establishment at which inspection under the Kan-
8 sas meat and poultry inspection act is maintained, the secretary may ex-
9 empt from such inspection at such establishment any animals slaughtered
10 or any meat or meat food products otherwise prepared on such custom
11 basis, except that custom operations at any establishment shall be exempt
12 from inspection requirements as provided by this section only if the es-
13 tablishment complies with rules and regulations adopted by the state
14 board of agriculture to assure that any carcasses, parts thereof, meat or
15 meat food products wherever handled on a custom basis, or any contain-
16 ers or packages containing such articles, are separated at all times from
17 carcasses, parts thereof, meat or meat food products prepared for sale
18 and that all such articles prepared on a custom basis, or any containers
19 or packages containing such articles, are plainly marked ``not for sale''
20 immediately after being prepared and kept so identified until delivered
21 to the owner and that the establishment conducting the custom operation
22 is maintained and operated in a sanitary manner.
23 (3) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the custom slaugh-
24 tering of dying, diseased or disabled animals by any person required to
25 be registered pursuant to subsection (b)(1) and the custom processing of
26 the carcasses of dying, diseased or disabled animals by any person re-
27 quired to be registered pursuant to subsection (b)(1) shall be allowed if
28 each package of the custom product is plainly marked ``CUSTOM--NOT
29 FOR SALE'' in letters not less than 3/8 inch in height immediately after
30 being received or prepared.
31 (c) Only those provisions of this act relating to sanitation and adul-
32 teration shall apply to a person operating a food locker plant who (1)
33 prepares meat, meat food products, poultry or poultry products which
34 have been inspected and passed and which are being prepared and sold
35 in normal retail quantities, or (2) prepares such meat, meat products,
36 poultry or poultry products for the owner thereof.
37 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 65-6a31 is hereby repealed.
38 Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
39 publication in the statute book.